§ 8B-2. Definitions.
When used in Chapter 8B the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
The Board of County Commissioners is the elected legislative body representing all residents of Miami-Dade County and shall herein be referred to as the "Board".
The County Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer of Miami-Dade County and shall herein be referred to as the "Manager".
The Director of the Office of Emergency Management is the Miami-Dade County official who will execute the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan in Miami-Dade County and shall herein be referred to as the "Director".
Disaster shall be defined as any natural or man-made incident that disrupts or damages the social or economic systems or infrastructure of the community and which is so severe that a Local State of Emergency is declared.
Emergency shall be defined as any incident, natural or manmade, that disrupts or threatens to disrupt, the social or economic systems or infrastructure of the community in such a manner as to warrant a response action but does not warrant the declaration of Local State of Emergency.
The Executive Mayor is the elected Chief Executive Officer of Miami-Dade County and shall herein be referred to as the "Mayor".
The Plan refers to the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan written by the Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management pursuant to Florida Statutes § 252.38. The Plan establishes the framework through which Miami-Dade County prepares for, responds to, recovers from, and mitigates the impacts of a wide variety of disasters that could adversely affect the health, safety and/or general welfare of the residents of Miami-Dade County. The Plan provides guidance to Miami-Dade County and local officials on procedures, organization, and responsibilities, as well as provides for an integrated and coordinated local, State and federal response. The Plan establishes a method of operation that spans the direction and control of an emergency from initial monitoring through post-disaster response, recovery, and mitigation.
Residential Health Care Facilities (RHCFs) are defined as hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, and long-term care facilities pursuant to Florida Statutes § 395.002 and § 400.0060.
The State of Florida shall herein be referred to as the "State".
The Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management shall herein be referred to as the "Office of Emergency Management".
The "Miami-Dade Emergency Operations Center (EOC)" shall be defined as the pre-established, secured, and protected facility from which Miami-Dade County coordinates, monitors, and directs countywide emergency response and recovery activities during a threat of, or an actual disaster.
"Activation of the EOC" shall be defined as the alert, notification, or mobilization of appropriate department, agency or organizational representatives to the EOC in order to initiate the Plan so as to functionally prepare, mitigate, respond and recover from an incident or disaster.
"Lead Agency" shall be defined as the department, agency or organization assigned primary responsibility by the Director to manage and coordinate a specific function pursuant to the Plan. Lead agencies are designated on the basis of their having the most authorities, resources, capabilities, or expertise relative to the accomplishment of the specific function. Lead Agencies will be responsible for maintenance of sections of the Plan related to their assigned function.
"Essential employee" shall be defined as a Miami-Dade County employee whose job function(s) is critical to the performance of the employee's department or agency's mission during disaster situations within Miami-Dade County. As such, the absence or non-performance of the employee's job function negatively impacts the department or agency from providing its mission(s) prescribed in the Plan.
"Non-essential employee" shall be defined as a Miami-Dade County employee whose job function(s) is not critical to the performance of the employee's department or agency's mission during disaster situations within Miami-Dade County. As such, the absence or non-performance of the employee's job function does not negatively impact the department or agency from providing its mission(s) prescribed in the Plan.
(Ord. No. 99-51, § 3, 5-25-99; Ord. No. 03-178, § 1, 7-22-03)