Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 33D-34. Responsibilities of the Shoreline Development Review Committee.
The Shoreline Development Review Committee responsibilities shall include the following:
Provide a timely review whereby a determination of need for compliance can be made regarding applications for development actions within the shoreline development review boundary, unless said review rights are waived by the applicant and the application proceeds directly to the Shoreline Development Review Committee for full review, based on the standards and procedures in implementing resolutions adopted pursuant to the article.
Provide a timely review of plans and applications for development action within the shoreline development review boundary in accordance with procedures described in implementing resolutions and/or memoranda of agreement adopted pursuant to this article. This review shall apply to proposed development actions which fall within the following thresholds:
Residential developments except single-family detached or duplex, and all business, commercial, industrial, recreational, entertainment, cultural and governmental uses that directly abut the shoreline within the shoreline development review boundary.
Residential developments except single-family detached or duplex, and all business, commercial, industrial, recreational, cultural, entertainment and governmental uses that occur on a minimum of one (1) acre or which have thirty (30) units or more, and are located within the shoreline development review boundary but not abutting the shoreline.
Standard form coastal construction activities as described in Chapter 24 of the Miami-Dade County Code, which meet or exceed one of the following thresholds:
Boat docking facilities containing at least fifty (50) new or additional slips, or
Boat docking facilities, other than single-family residential, which do not meet the side setback or exceed the waterward projection criteria as set forth in Section D-5 of the Miami-Dade County Public Works Manual as may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or any comparable section of a municipal code of public works manual, or
The installation or construction of floating structure(s) other than floating than floating docks, or
The installation or construction of a fixed structure(s) above proposed or existing docks or piles requiring a Class 1 coastal permit public hearing.
Plans for any site or area which lies wholly or partially within the shoreline development review boundary.
Determine whether and the extent to which:
Any plan or development action as proposed, conforms to the Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan as amended from time to time, any applicable municipal master plan as may be amended from time to time, and Biscayne Bay Management Plan as may be amended from time to time, and is otherwise compatible with the existing area, and surrounding in-water and upland natural features.
Any plan, or development action, as proposed, is consistent with the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve Act (Florida Statutes, Section 258.165) as may be amended from time to time, and rules, plans and criteria adopted pursuant to that act.
Any plan, or development action, as proposed, is consistent with applicable County or municipal codes and the extent to which departure from said codes would be required to meet the intent of this article.
Any plan, or development action as proposed, is consistent with all applicable criteria contained in Section 33D-38 hereinbelow and guidelines and minimum standards set forth in implementing resolutions adopted pursuant to the article.
Review and consider County or municipal staff's evaluation in formulating its recommendation(s) on any proposed plan or development action application at an advertised public meeting and may consider germane presentations by interested parties.
Instruct the County Staff Coordinator to send a report of its recommendations including a written statement, signed by the Chairman, or administrative staff member at the order of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman, detailing the reasons for those recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners or other applicable board of Miami-Dade County, or to the applicable board of the municipal governing body, or to the County or municipal official vested with the administrative authority to grant the development action or plan approval being sought. This report of the Committee's recommendations shall become part of all hearing or permit records on the proposed development action.
From time to time shall recommend to the Board of County Commissioners revisions of the Shoreline Development Review Manual approved by implementing resolutions adopted pursuant to this article and develop additional guidelines and minimum standards as may be required for the expeditious review of applications for development actions or plans within the shoreline development review boundary.
(Ord. No. 85-14, § 4, 3-5-85; Ord. No. 00-77, § 1, 6-6-00)