Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 33. ZONING |
§ 33-284.35. Landscaped open space; trees; landscape maintenance.
[ Landscaped open space. ] Landscaped open space, unencumbered with any structure or off-street parking, ingress or egress drives or private drives, shall be provided in accordance with the requirements herein established. Areas to be credited toward the landscaped open space requirements are categorized as follows:
Not less than eighty (80) percent of the required landscaped open space shall be provided at ground level, outside of any structure and such area shall be well maintained with grass, trees and shrubbery, and may include water bodies which are completely enclosed within the office park development, provided, however, that such water areas shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the required landscaped open space. Entrance features, passive recreational uses, pedestrian walks, permanent outdoor art displays, sitting areas and putting greens may also be included in the required landscaped open space.
Specific areas within the enclosed or nonenclosed malls which are landscaped with grass, trees and/or shrubbery, water areas therein, and areas therein with permanent art displays.
Roof decks and other above-grade surfaces.
The minimum landscaped open space shall be in accordance with the following:
Net Acreage Minimum Percentage Up to 10.0 25% 10.1 to 20.0 30% 20.1 to 30.0 35% Above 30 40% The minimum landscaped open space shall be increased by three (3) percent for each additional story or part thereof above two (2) stories, based on the tallest structure on the property. Each parking level within the structure shall be calculated as one story.
Trees. Landscaping and trees shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18A of this Code.
Landscape maintenance. Sprinkler systems shall be provided that are adequately sized to provide water for landscaped areas. All plant material shall be maintained in a healthy condition.
(Ord. No. 77-64, § 1, 9-20-77; Ord. No. 95-223, § 1, 12-5-95; Ord. No. 03-130, § 1, 6-3-03)