Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 33. ZONING |
§ 33-278.7. General requirements.
Building placement and design parameters. Each use shall comply with the building content, setback, area, height, and landscape requirements for the IU-1 zoning district set forth in Section 33-49 (Table of minimum widths, area of lots; maximum lot coverage, and minimum building sizes), Section 33-51 (Setbacks in business and industrial districts), Section 33-58 (Height of building limited to width of street in certain districts), and Section 33-261 (Minimum landscaped open space, greenbelts, trees, and maintenance).
Outdoor display areas. Products sold on the premises may be displayed against the front facade of the bay or building.
Parking. Except as provided herein, all parking shall be provided in conformance with Section 33-124 of this chapter.
For all uses in Section 33-278.6(b), except for office uses, banquet halls, bars, lounges, breweries, restaurants, coffeehouses, and training schools or studios for arts and crafts work, dance, or physical training, parking shall be provided at a minimum of 1.25 parking spaces for each one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet of gross floor area in the building, or fractional part thereof. Live-work units shall provide an additional 1.75 parking spaces per unit.
Parking for banquet halls, bars, lounges, breweries, restaurants, coffeehouses, and training schools or studios for arts and crafts work, dance, or physical training shall be provided in accordance with Section 33-124 of this chapter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the amount of parking required for one of the uses enumerated in this subsection is not available on the same lot, parcel, or premises as the use to be served, then parking may be provided on a lot or parcel of land that is in a BRDI, IU, or BU District and is within three hundred (300) feet from the site of the use to be served by submitting a covenant in accordance with Section 33-128(a) of this chapter. It is further provided that, if the availability of parking on the other lot or parcel is dependent on the hours of operation of the uses, then parking may be provided through such a covenant where the covenant specifies that the uses on the lot or parcel providing the parking are not in operation at the same time that the use to be served is in operation.
For the first six thousand four hundred (6,400) square feet of an office use, parking shall be provided at a minimum of 1.25 parking spaces for each one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet of gross floor area in the building, or fractional part thereof. Beyond the first six thousand four hundred (6,400) square feet, parking for an office use shall be provided in accordance with Section 33-124 of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 09-71, § 1, 9-1-09; Ord. No. 14-81, § 3, 9-3-14)