Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 33. ZONING |
§ 33-278.6. Uses permitted.
No land, body of water, or structure shall be used or permitted to be used, and no structure shall be hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved, structurally altered, or maintained for any purpose in the Bird Road Design and Industrial (BRDI) Overlay District, except as provided in this article. The following uses herein shall be permitted only in compliance with the general requirements provided in this article.
All uses authorized by the underlying zoning district. For properties in which the underlying zoning district is BRDI, all uses authorized in the IU-1 district; and
The following additional uses:
Antique and secondhand goods shops.
Apparel stores.
Art galleries.
Artisanal use.
Artists' studios.
Banquet halls.
Bars and lounges.
Cabinet shops.
Card and stationery shops.
Confectionery, ice cream stores.
Custom woodworking.
Dance studios.
Decorative home items.
Designing, making and assembling of art and craft products including sale of finished products, art and craft type products and curios designed, made and assembled in the district.
Florist shops.
Furniture stores less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
Gift stores.
Interior design shops.
Jewelry stores.
Lamps and lighting fixtures.
Leather goods and luggage shops.
Live-work units defined as follows: Single-family unit containing a maximum of two bedrooms in connection with one of the uses delineated in this section.
Office uses.
Paint and wallpaper stores less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
Photograph studio and photo supply.
Plant sales (no nurseries or fertilizer).
Pottery shops.
Religious facilities.
Self-service mini-warehouse storage facility.
Shoe stores and shoe repair shops.
Stained glass art and windows.
Tobacco shops for hand rolling cigars and sale of tobacco products.
Training schools or studios for arts and crafts work, dance, or physical training.
Restaurants and coffeehouses.
Uses determined by the Director to be similar to those enumerated above. In determining similarity between a proposed use and the uses enumerated above the Director shall be guided by the intent of this section and shall consider common characteristics including the nature of products offered for sale, the generation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and incompatibility with the primary uses permitted in this district.
(Ord. No. 09-71, § 1, 9-1-09; Ord. No. 14-81, § 2, 9-3-14)