There shall be a visual passageway area for sites abutting the bay or ocean, said
area to extend from the bay or ocean to the street most nearly parallel to the mean
high water line. Twenty (20) percent of the total frontage dimension of said sites
shall be unencumbered with any structure or off-street parking, with the area(s) running
the full length of the property from the street most nearly parallel to the mean high
water line, to the bay or ocean. The maximum required view corridor for any one (1)
development shall be one hundred (100) feet in width.
Properties donated or dedicated to Miami-Dade County and accepted by the Board of
County Commissioners, or encumbered with a public or semipublic easement that lies
within the interior setback areas shall be credited toward this requirement. The purpose
of said dedications/easements is to encourage views of the bay or ocean and features
such as walkways, public parking areas, fishing piers, gazebos, art objects and other
similar amenities. A floor area ratio bonus shall be given for developments abutting
the bay or ocean where said dedications/easements are granted pursuant to the provisions
of Section 33-213.
(Ord. No. 82-5, § 1, 2-2-82)
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