§ 33-173. Minimum area for common open space.  

Latest version.
  • A minimum of five hundred (500) net square feet shall be devoted to common open space for each mobile home space in the mobile home park. Such open space shall be comprised of playgrounds, recreation areas, landscaped parks or greenways as included in the site plan approval, but shall not include the required landscaped perimeter buffer areas, parking courts, streets, utility, service or commercial areas, or lake, lagoon and canal areas. Such common open space is to be so located that the different areas of the mobile home community will be logically and conveniently served and benefitted by such open space. The provisions of Sections 33-172 and 33-173 shall be adjusted, if desired by the applicant, in order to obtain up to seven and five tenths (7.5) mobile home spaces per gross acre.

(Ord. No. 71-54, § 1, 6-15-71)