Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 33. ZONING |
§ 33-157. Physical standards. All charter school facilities shall meet the minimum requirements included herein.
Outdoor areas. Outdoor recreation/play areas are not required. Where same are provided the outdoor recreation/play area shall, wherever possible, be located so that the recreation/play area is not immediately adjacent to single-family residences or section line roads, nor create incompatible impacts on other immediately adjacent properties. Adequate screening in the form of a wall, fence and/or landscaping shall be provided wherever the outdoor/play area abuts a property under different ownership.
Signs. Signs shall comply with district regulations as contained in Chapter 33 of the Miami-Dade County Code; provided, however, that the total square footage of all freestanding signs in any residential district shall not exceed six (6) square feet in size.
Auto stacking. Stacking space, defined as that space in which pickup and delivery of children can take place, may be provided in the form of specified parking stalls and/or areas clear of vehicular drive aisles. Stacking space shall be provided for a minimum of two (2) automobiles for charter schools with twenty (20) to forty (40) children; schools with forty-one (41) to sixty (60) children shall provide four (4) spaces; thereafter there shall be provided a space sufficient to stack five (5) automobiles.
Parking requirements. Parking requirements shall be as provided in section 33-124(1) of this Code.
Height. The structure height shall not exceed the height permitted for that site by the existing underlying zoning district.
Trees. Landscaping and trees shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18A of this Code.
Charter school facilities as described herein shall be prohibited from operating on property abutting or containing a water body such as a pond, lake, canal, irrigation well, river, bay, or the ocean unless a safety barrier is provided which totally encloses or affords complete separation from such water hazards. Swimming pools and permanent wading pools in excess of eighteen (18) inches in depth shall be totally enclosed and separated from the balance of the property so as to prevent unrestricted admittance. All such barriers shall be a minimum of forty-eight (48) inches in height and shall comply with the following standards.
Gates shall be of the spring back type so that they shall automatically be in a closed and fastened position at all times. Gates shall also be equipped with a safe lock and shall be locked when the area is without adult supervision.
All safety barriers shall be constructed in accordance with the standards established in section 33-12, except that screen enclosures shall not constitute a safety barrier for these purposes.
Lot coverage and floor area ratio. The charter school facility shall not exceed the lot coverage and floor area ratio allowed by the underlying zoning district.
Building setbacks. The charter school facility shall comply with the setbacks established in sections 33-17 and 33-18 (a) and (b) of this Code for buildings of public assemblage.
(Ord. No. 04-108, § 1, 6-8-04)