§ 33-126. Surface of parking areas.
In the AU, RU-1, RU-2 and RU-3 Districts the area reserved for off-street parking shall be either graveled, mulched or hard-surfaced. In all other zones it shall be hard-surfaced. Where the parking area is hard-surfaced, the same shall consist of a good rolled rock base, well tamped and topped with oil and sand or with asphalt or surfaced with concrete. Occupancy of a given structure or premises shall be prohibited until the required parking area has been improved, inspected and approved.
In all other districts, all off-street parking areas shall be surfaced with a minimum of a rolled six-inch rock base and a one-inch durable weatherproof asphaltic pavement. The occupancy or use of a given structure or premises shall be prohibited until the required off-street parking area has been improved, inspected and approved.
All required off-street parking areas shall be properly drained so that no nuisance will be caused to adjacent or nearby properties. All construction shall comply with design standards as established by all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations.
All required off-street parking areas shall be maintained in good repair and shall be kept in a reasonably clean and sanitary condition free from rodents, insects and vermin.
(Ord. No. 57-19, § 5(BB)(4), 10-22-57; Ord. No. 94-161, § 1, 9-13-94; Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 2-25-97)