Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 33. ZONING |
Article VI. SIGNS |
§ 33-121.23. Exceptions to sign prohibition.
Erection of the following signs shall be permitted in protected areas, subject to the conditions and limitations listed herein and further, subject to other applicable regulations where such regulations are more restrictive or more definitive than the provisions of this division and are not inconsistent therewith:
Temporary signs which are located and oriented to serve streets other than a Rapid Transit System, and are located at least one hundred (100) feet from the Rapid Transit System right-of-way, except that such signs may serve and be oriented to a Rapid Transit System if the property concerned abuts the Rapid Transit System right-of-way and is not served by a parallel Rapid Transit System service road or is abutting the Rapid Transit System right-of-way and has direct, permanent legal access to the Rapid Transit System. In no event shall any temporary sign be larger than one hundred twenty (120) square feet.
Point of sale signs which are located on and oriented to the frontage on the street which provides actual and direct access to the front of principal entrance of the place of business; however, on corner lots a second detached point-of-sale sign will be permitted provided that the same is not larger than forty (40) square feet, is located on and oriented to the street frontage of the street other than the one (1) serving the principal entrance of the place of business. "Oriented," in connection with point-of-sale signs, shall mean, in the case of detached signs, placed at a ninety-degree angle to the street being served; in the case of roof signs, parallel to and fronting such street and within the front twenty-five (25) percent of the building concerned; and in the case of pylon signs, within the front twenty (20) percent of the building concerned. Wall signs within two hundred (200) feet of a Rapid Transit System shall be confined to the wall of the building containing the principal entrance, except that a wall sign may be placed on one (1) other wall of such building and shall be limited to ten (10) percent of such other wall area. In no event shall any detached point of sale sign be erected within the protected area which is greater in height than twenty-five (25) feet above the average grade of the premises concerned, and no point of sale roof sign shall be erected which is greater in height above the roof than ten (10) feet.
Outdoor advertising signs shall not be erected for the purpose of serving any Rapid Transit System, and outdoor advertising signs in protected areas shall be erected and oriented to serve only streets other than Rapid Transit Systems, subject to the following conditions:
That in no event shall any outdoor advertising sign be erected or placed closer than three hundred (300) feet to the right-of-way lines of any Rapid Transit System.
That outdoor advertising signs shall be erected and placed only in business and commercial (not including industrial) zoning districts which permit outdoor advertising under the applicable zoning regulations of the County or municipality having jurisdiction.
That no outdoor advertising sign shall be erected that is larger than fifteen (15) feet in width and fifty (50) feet in length, whether single or multiple boards.
That no detached outdoor advertising sign shall be erected which is more than twenty-five (25) feet above the average existing grade of the site on which such sign is erected or the flood criteria elevation (if property is filled to such elevation), whichever is the greater; nor shall an outdoor advertising roof sign be erected which is more than twenty (20) feet above the roof.
That no advertising signs shall be erected or placed within three hundred (300) feet of another outdoor advertising sign, such distance to be measured in all directions from the outermost edges of such sign.
That no outdoor advertising sign shall be erected or placed within one hundred (100) feet of any church, school, cemetery, public park, public reservation, public playground, State or national forest.
That outdoor advertising signs shall be erected and placed at right angles to the street which they are serving and shall be located within the front seventy (70) feet of the lot or tract on which erected.
That no outdoor advertising signs shall be erected or placed on a street dead-ended by the Rapid Transit System, between the Rapid Transit System and the first street running parallel to the Rapid Transit System and on the same side of the dead-end street, even though such distance may be greater than three hundred (300) feet.
That outdoor advertising signs shall be erected and placed only on property conforming in size and frontage to the requirements of the zoning district in which located, and detached outdoor advertising signs shall not be erected on property already containing a use or structure.
That detached outdoor advertising sign structures shall be of the so-called cantilever-type construction (double-faced sign, both faces of the same size, secured back to back on vertical supports with no supporting bracing).
Any sign which fails to conform with the provisions of this division but is not visible from any Rapid Transit System due to an intervening obstruction.
(Ord. No. 78-74, § 3, 10-17-78)