§ 33-149. Duty of owners of buildings.
It shall be the duty of the owner of any building facing, abutting, opening or having its main entrance from any right-of-way in the County to have affixed to such building suitable numbers composed of figures not less than three (3) inches in height, and/or panel upon glass or some metallic substance, in accordance with the plats referred to in Section 33-148(a) hereof.
All buildings constructed, erected or removed after January 31, 1941 shall upon completion of their construction, erection or removal be numbered by the owner thereof as per Section 33-148 hereof.
It shall be the duty of the owner to maintain numbers of his buildings as herein provided in good condition and in a conspicuous place where same can be seen and read from the street.
The word "owner" as used in this article shall include owners of the fee, lessee and "agent in charge."
(Ord. No. 57-19, § 32(L), 10-22-57)