§ 33-147. Numbering buildings.
The numbering of all buildings shall be in conformity with the following system:
All numbering of number units shall begin from base thoroughfare; the north and east sides of the streets having the odd number and the south and west sides having the even numbers.
The numbers of each number unit in a square shall increase in arithmetical progression of two (2) as the number units recede from the base thoroughfare.
The numbers of the number units in the first squares adjoining a base thoroughfare shall begin with one (1) on the north and east sides and two (2) on the south and west sides and progress arithmetically by two's for each successive number unit space from the base thoroughfare, to the next street or avenue.
The numbering of number units in each square shall begin with that one hundred (100) number indicating the number of squares it may be removed from the base thoroughfare, and numbers shall advance by one hundreds only by squares as herein defined.
(Ord. No. 57-19, § 32(J), 10-22-57)