§ 2-267. Terms of office.
All appointments shall be made for a term of four (4) years. No member may serve more than eight (8) consecutive years in accordance with Section 2-11.38.2 of the Code of Miami-Dade County as may be amended. This section shall apply to all board members, except that current board members shall be allowed to complete their current terms. Appointments to fill any vacancy on the Commission shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of office. A member may be removed without cause only by three-fourths vote of the entire membership of the County Commission.
However, notwithstanding any other provision of the Code of Miami-Dade County, a member shall be automatically removed if, in a given County fiscal year: the member is absent from two (2) consecutive meetings without an acceptable excuse or the member is absent from three (3) of the board's meetings without an acceptable excuse. An 'acceptable excuse' is defined as an absence for medical reasons, business reasons, personal reasons, or any other reason which the Commission for Women, by a two-thirds ( 2/3 ) vote of its membership, deems appropriate. If a member is absent with an acceptable excuse from three (3) or more meetings, the Commission for Women at its discretion may vote to remove the member from the Commission, and the Commission's vote shall be final.
A member shall be considered absent from a meeting if the member is not physically present for at least seventy-five (75) percent of the meeting's duration. A member shall also be considered absent from a meeting if the member refrains from voting on any matter for which voting is conducted at the meeting, unless the member is prevented from voting by a conflict of interest. The provisions of the Miami-Dade County Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance, as may be amended, are applicable to this board.
(Ord. No. 71-11, § 4, 1-19-71; Ord. No. 73-20, § 1, 3-8-73; Ord. No. 14-111, § 3, 11-5-14)