Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2-199. Duties and functions.
The Public Library Advisory Board shall have the following duties, functions and responsibilities:
To serve in an advisory capacity to the County Commission in respect to all matters pertaining to Public Library and other cultural facilities, and to make periodic reports and recommendations in respect to such matters.
To make a continuing study of all existing Public Library facilities and services in this metropolitan area, and the future needs of this community in respect to Public Library facilities and services.
To formulate plans and programs for the coordination of the activities of all governmental entities, and nongovernmental agencies, relating to Library facilities and services.
To formulate comprehensive, feasible plans and programs for providing adequate Public Library facilities and services necessary to fulfill the present and future needs of this metropolitan area.
To devise means and methods by which existing and future Library facilities and services may be improved and more fully utilized to provide better service and availability to the general public.
To make a continuing study and periodic reports and recommendations for a sound, feasible program for financing the costs of improving existing Library facilities and services and providing additional Public Library facilities and services.
To review all laws, regulations and requirements governing Public Libraries and make recommendations concerning appropriate actions that may be taken to achieve the objective of providing adequate Public Library facilities and services for this metropolitan area, and to devise programs by which financial assistance from other governmental entities may be utilized to the fullest extent.
To perform and carry out such other duties and functions of an advisory nature as may be assigned to the Board by the County Commission.
(Ord. No. 63-27, § 8, 7-2-63)