Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2-182. Powers and duties; authority to enter into mutual fire protection agreements.
The Miami-Dade County Fire Department shall:
Provide fire and rescue protection in the unincorporated area of the County and other areas of the County as directed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Maintain County fire stations and firefighting equipment.
Provide central records, investigations and communications of fire protection and require each municipality to furnish the Department with all fire records prescribed by the Miami-Dade County Fire Chief.
Perform such additional duties as may be prescribed by ordinance of the County, resolution of the Board, administrative orders and regulations of the Fire Chief, or as to non-District functions, administrative orders and regulations of the Manager.
The County Manager shall have the power to enter into agreements with one (1) or more municipalities in Miami-Dade County to provide fire protection within such municipalities by the Miami-Dade County Fire Department, such agreement to have the prior approval of the Board of County Commissioners of Miami-Dade County.
(Ord. No. 66-37, § 2, 9-7-66; Ord. No. 96-28, § 1, 2-6-96; Ord. No. 98-115, § 1, 7-21-98; Ord. No. 03-069, § 1, 4-8-03)
Editor's note— Ord. No. 96-28, § 1, adopted Feb. 6, 1996, amended § 2-182 and § 3 of said ordinance provided sunset provisions which provided that the ordinance shall stand repealed five years from its effective date. Said ordinance became effective ten days after the date of enactment.
Annotations— AO's 4-45, 4-54.