§ 2-116.4. Area planning reports—Scope and contents.
An area planning report may address demographic, land use, environmental, facilities and services, aesthetics, design, economic or social considerations that are determined by the Department of Planning and Zoning to be related to the physical maintenance or improvement of the study area or to the preservation or enhancement of the natural or man-made environment of the area consistent with the intent or objectives of the study set forth in the authorizing resolution. An area planning report may include the following:
Historic information on the development patterns of the area;
Existing and, to the extent feasible, future conditions in the area including:
Agricultural land considerations,
Environmental considerations,
Population characteristics,
Socioeconomic factors,
Land uses and densities,
Housing characteristics,
Thoroughfares and traffic circulation,
Public facilities and services,
Land ownership and parcelization patterns,
Urban design parameters,
Appearance and amenities, and
Zoning and other developmental approval patterns and any judicial determinations affecting these patterns;
Analysis and recommendations regarding land use and physical development of the area including:
Future development pattern including land use,
Urban design and appearance considerations,
Comprehensive development master plan provisions,
Zoning changes,
Public facilities and services, and
Other development regulation changes.
Proposed implementation actions for the area to be initiated by the Department of Planning and Zoning including the following:
Applications to amend the Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan,
Applications for zoning changes,
Requests for capital improvements,
Requests for special tax districts,
Revisions or additions to development regulations, and
Other appropriate growth management initiatives.
Nothing contained herein shall be deemed exclusive, and any characteristics and issues germane to a specific area may be discussed and evaluated in the area planning report.
(Ord. No. 92-46, § 1, 6-2-92; Ord. No. 95-215, § 1, 12-5-95; Ord. No. 98-125, § 1, 9-3-98)