§ 2-116. Evaluation and appraisal of the Comprehensive Development Master Plan.
The evaluation and appraisal process shall be the principal process for updating the Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP) to reflect changes in state policy on planning and growth management. The evaluation and appraisal of the CDMP shall be prepared and presented in a report. Such report shall contain an assessment and evaluation of the success or failure of the comprehensive plan or element or portion thereof, and shall also recommend changes needed to update the comprehensive plan, or elements or portions thereof, including reformulated objectives, policies, and standards and shall contain a schedule for reviewing and taking final action on the proposed amendments.
The Director, or the Director's designee, shall prepare the evaluation and appraisal report pursuant to Section 2-105.1 for finalization by the Planning Advisory Board acting in its capacity as the Miami-Dade County local planning agency (LPA) pursuant to Section 2-108.1 and for adoption by the Board of County Commissioners as provided in this section. Not less than 3 months prior to the deadline established by the State Land Planning Agency to comply with Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, for evaluating the comprehensive plan, the Director of the Department shall deliver the proposed report to the Planning Advisory Board acting in its capacity as the LPA.
Upon receipt of the proposed plan evaluation and appraisal report, the Planning Advisory Board acting as the LPA shall conduct one or more public hearings preceded by a notice of the time, place, and purpose of such hearing published in a newspaper of general circulation in Miami-Dade County not less than 10 days prior to the date of the hearing.
Following the public hearing(s), the Planning Advisory Board acting as the LPA, shall complete preparation of the report, including their recommendations, and submit it to the Board of County Commissioners not less than 2 months prior to the deadline established by the State Land Planning Agency to comply with Section 163.3191, F.S. The Department may issue recommendations regarding the report as finalized by the LPA.
The Board of County Commissioners shall by resolution adopt, or adopt with changes, the report or portions thereof on or before the date established by the State Land Planning Agency to comply with Section 163.3191, F.S.
At any time prior to or during preparation or review of the proposed or recommended evaluation and appraisal report, the Board of County Commissioners, Planning Advisory Board or the Department may conduct public meetings or public workshops in addition to the public hearing specified herein to address the matters set forth in Section 163.3191, F.S. Any such public workshop shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in Miami-Dade County, at least 10 days prior to the date of said workshop.
(Ord. No. 75-22, § 7, 3-31-75; Ord. No. 76-4, § 1, 1-20-76; Ord. No. 76-95, § 1, 10-19-76; Ord. No. 78-48, § 1, 7-18-78; Ord. No. 79-80, § 1, 10-2-79; Ord. No. 88-18, § 1, 4-5-88; Ord. No. 90-2, § 1, 1-16-90; Ord. No. 92-17, § 3, 3-17-92; Ord. No. 92-120, § 1, 10-13-92; Ord. No. 93-23, § 1, 3-30-93; Ord. No. 93-131, § 1, 11-16-93; Ord. No. 95-215, § 1, 12-5-95; Ord. No. 98-125, § 1, 9-3-98; Ord. No. 13-25, § 1, 3-5-13; Ord. No. 17-23, § 2, 4-4-17; Ord. No. 17-72, § 1, 10-3-17)
Annotations— AO's 4-49, 4-81.