§ 2-1336. Function.
Submittal of Semi-annual Reports. The Board for Neat Streets Miami shall be responsible for providing two (2) reports per year for the duration of its existence, the first of which shall be submitted to the Board within three (3) months following the passage of this article or the first meeting of the Board for Neat Streets Miami, whichever is later. Each subsequent semi-annual report will be submitted within six (6) months following the submittal of the prior report, but provided that no more than two (2) reports need be presented to the Board of County Commissioners in one (1) year. For purposes of this article, a year shall be the 365 contiguous days following the submittal of the first Semi-annual report, regardless of whether those 365 days fall in a single calendar year.
Contents of the Semi-annual Reports. The first semi-annual report in a given year shall contain Neat Streets Miami's prioritization of the Community Image Goals, as set forth in Section 2 (A), above, with the highest priority given to the Community Image Goal most necessary for the enhancement of tourism. This report will include an analysis detailing which County departments, if any, have an existing responsibility and budget allotment to undertake the Community Image Goal. The second semi-annual report will provide an action plan for each of the Goals, including which County departments should be responsible to undertake the proposed action(s). The second semi-annual report will detail the approximate budget required for each of the proposed actions, shall constitute the final Community Image plan to be submitted to the Board for consideration, and will contain Neat Streets Miami's final action plan based on the priorities and budgets contained therein.
The Board for Neat Streets Miami may promulgate rules consistent with this article for the conduct of its meetings and the discharge of its responsibilities under this article. Any rules promulgated by the Board for Neat Streets Miami under this section shall be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners for ratification.
Implementation of the Community Image Plan. It shall be the responsibility of the County Mayor to implement the elements of the plans that she or he, in her or his discretion, determines are in the best interest of the County.
Tree Trust Fund Subaccount Dedicated to Planting Trees on Public Property. For the Subaccount to the Tree Trust Fund, as created by Section 24-39 of this Code, monies may be disbursed administratively for the planting of trees on public property along public rights-of-way within Miami-Dade County, with the goal of enhancing our roadways and transportation gateways. All such disbursements shall be made in conjunction with the Miami-Dade Street Trees Matching Grant program and shall require matching funds or resources, to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department, or successor department, with a preference given to areas with 20 percent or less of tree canopy and which are located in a Census Tract that is in the fourth or fifth quintile distribution of Median Household Income. A report detailing the disbursements from this Tree Trust Fund Subaccount shall be presented to the Neat Streets Miami Board and the Board of County Commissioners on an annual basis.
(Ord. No. 01-164, § 2, 10-23-01; Ord. No. 02-31, § 1, 2-26-02; Ord. No. 03-215, § 2, 10-7-03; Ord. No. 14-46, § 2, 5-6-14; Ord. No. 15-04, § 2, 2-3-15; Ord. No. 16-93, § 1, 9-7-16)