Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2-86. Functions, powers and duties.
The Department of Parks and Recreation shall administer, manage, operate and care for all real and personal property held or acquired by the County for park, parkway, recreational, sports or cultural purposes, and it shall plan, provide, develop, maintain and operate all parks, recreational, sports and cultural facilities and programs of the park system in a manner so as to provide maximum use and benefit consistent with public safety and welfare in accordance with and consistent to the policy adopted by the County Commission. It shall perform such administrative functions as are directed by the Manager. The Director shall be responsible for the collection, accounting and transfer to the Finance Department of all revenues received through the operation of facilities within the parks in accordance with administrative procedures prescribed by the Manager; supervise and inspect the operations and services of all revenue producing facilities or businesses operated on properties under the care or control of the Department, and enforce the terms of leases and licenses, and with the Manager's approval, make rules and regulations for the use and occupancy and operation of the properties and facilities under the care or control of the Department, and such rules and regulations, when approved by the County Commission, shall have the force and effect of law in the County. The Director, with the approval of the Manager, shall make a uniform schedule of fees for the use of the properties and facilities under the care or control of the Department.
(Ord. No. 58-27, § 2, 7-8-58)
Annotations— AO's 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-7, 4-28.
Charter reference
Authority of Manager to issue and place into effect administrative orders, rules and regulations and to prescribe the organization and operating procedure of departments of the County, § 4.02.