Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2-893. Powers and duties.
The board shall have the following powers, duties, functions and responsibilities:
To serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of County Commissioners with respect to all issues affecting or relating to domestic violence;
To submit to the Board of County Commissioners a comprehensive plan, budget and specific recommendations for use of the portion of the food and beverage tax proceeds dedicated to the provision of domestic violence shelters (hereinafter referred to as "the plan") which shall address the following issues:
The construction and operation of domestic violence shelters, and the expansion of existing domestic violence shelters;
The maximization of funds by matching available Federal and State funds;
The relationship between domestic violence centers, the courts, police, other criminal justice agencies and social services; and
Other issues that the board finds relevant and necessary.
This plan shall be specific and shall, to the extent practical, detail intended programs, the nature of facilities to be assisted, identify potential complimentary or leveraged funding sources and the amount of funds which could be generated from such sources.
To review the plan annually to assure that the plan continues to serve the needs of the total community and victims of domestic violence and to recommend any needed amendments, deletions or modifications to the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners shall only have the power to amend the plan by an affirmative vote of a two-thirds ( 2/3 ) majority.
To submit annually to the Board of County Commissioners a report summarizing and evaluating all programs and activities undertaken by the board during the previous fiscal year. The report shall include a budget and an audit and accounting, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, of all funds received and expended.
(Ord. No. 94-156, § 3, 9-13-94)