§ 2-25.2. Same—Duties and powers.
The duties and powers of the Consumer Advocate shall include, but not be restricted to, the following:
To represent and protect the public interest in proceedings or hearings of any nature, by appearance, intervention or institution of proceedings, before the legislature, courts, commissions, agencies, boards, authorities, or any other such bodies charged with the regulation or control of any business, industry or utility affecting the citizens of this County.
To represent the public interest in proceedings of any nature, by appearance, intervention, or institution of proceedings in court or any other manner in matters other than those set forth hereinbefore as the Consumer Advocate deems shall best serve the public interest.
In providing such legal representation for the people of Miami-Dade County before rate making bodies of this County or of the State of Florida, the Consumer Advocate shall have such powers as set forth in subsection (a) as are necessary to carry out the duties of his office, including but not limited to the following specific powers:
To recommend by petition the commencement of any proceeding or action, or appear in any proceeding or action before any such body in the name of the County or its citizens and to urge therein any position which he deems to be in the public interest, whether consistent or inconsistent with positions previously adopted by such body, and to utilize therein all forms of discovery available to attorneys in civil actions generally.
To have access to and use of all files, records, and data of any such body.
The Consumer Advocate may in any such proceeding in which he has participated seek review of any determination, finding or order, in the name of the County or its citizens.
To prepare and issue reports, recommendations and proposed orders to any such body, or to the County Commission on any matter or subject within the jurisdiction of such body, and to make such recommendations as he deems appropriate for legislation relative to procedures, rules, jurisdiction, personnel and functions.
To conduct public hearings in areas of widespread consumer interest at such time and places and upon such notice that he may deem necessary and adequate to fulfill his duties.
(Ord. No. 75-23, § 2, 4-2-75)