Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2-2168. Membership.
There shall be thirty-one (31) voting members of the Council, composed of Institutional Members, as defined below, from local criminal justice agencies and other public entities; and Community Representative Members, as defined below, including interested citizens who will be appointed to the Council based upon their generally recognized expertise, involvement and interest in improving the total criminal justice system; as well as up to three (3) Ex-Officio, non-voting Members.
Institutional Members. Institutional Members of the Council shall be appointed in accordance, where applicable, with Section 2-11.38 and 2-11.38.1 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, as may be amended. The appointments shall consist of the following categories:
Representatives of Miami-Dade County:
The Mayor of Miami-Dade County or the Mayor's designee.
Director of the Miami-Dade Police Department, or the Director's designee, per Florida Statute 951.26(1)(a)(1)(f).
Director of the Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department, per Florida Statute 951.26(1)(a)(1)(e).
Director of the Medical Examiner's Office.
Director of the Miami-Dade Juvenile Services Department.
The Chairperson of the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners or another County Commissioner as the Chairperson's designee, per Florida Statute 951.26(1)(a)(1)(h).
Representatives of the City of Miami:
The Mayor of the City of Miami or the Mayor's designee.
City of Miami Police Chief.
The Chairperson of the City of Miami Board of Commissioners or the Chairperson's designee.
The following ten members shall serve on the Council by virtue of their official positions:
Chief Judge of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit (Miami-Dade County) or another Eleventh Judicial Circuit Judge as designated by the Chief Judge, per Florida Statute 951.26(1)(a)(1)(c).
A Chief County Court Judge, or another judge designated by the Chief County Court Judge for County Court in Miami-Dade County, per Florida Statute 951.26(1)(a)(1)(d).
The State Attorney, or an Assistant State Attorney designated by the State Attorney, per Florida Statute 951.26(1)(a)(1)(a).
The Public Defender, or an Assistant Public Defender designated by the Public Defender, per Florida Statute 951.26(1)(a)(1)(b).
The Clerk of the Court.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools Superintendent.
A Southern Region Administrator, Florida Department of Children and Families.
The Circuit XI Chief Probation Officer, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice.
A District Judge for the United States Southern District, currently sitting in Miami-Dade County, as designated by the Chief Judge of the United States Southern District Court of Florida.
The Circuit XI Probation Administrator, Florida Department of Corrections, or a member designated by the State Probation Circuit Administrator, to be appointed to a 4-year term, per Florida Statute 951.26(1)(a)(1)(g).
Community Representative Members. A Nominating Committee comprised of Institutional Council Members will be appointed by the Chairperson of the Council to make recommendations to the full Council to fill any Community Representative vacancies in the following categories. The full Council will appoint Community Representative Members. Community Representative Members shall include:
Three (3) representatives of the Miami-Dade County League of Cities, Inc.
An active member representing the Dade County Association of Chiefs of Police.
The director of a local substance abuse treatment program, or member designated by the director, to be appointed to a 4-year term, per Florida Statute 951.26(1)(a)(1)(j).
Three (3) representatives from county and state jobs programs and other community groups who work with offenders and victims, appointed by the Chairperson of the Board of County Commissioners, to 4-year terms, per Florida Statute 951.26(1)(a)(1)(k).
Four (4) community representative members, which should represent the County's diversity.
Ex-Officio Members. The Council may designate three (3) former chairpersons who have served in a distinguished fashion and who will continue to be Ex-Officio, non-voting, Council members. This action will require a majority vote of a quorum of members in attendance at a meeting of the Council.
Resignation and Vacancy. In cases of resignation, death, prolonged illness, or excessive absenteeism of Non-Institutional Members, the position shall be deemed vacant and the Chairperson shall appoint a new member meeting the criteria of the same category to serve for the remaining portion of the original member's term. Excessive absenteeism is defined as unexcused absences from three (3) or more meetings during the fiscal year.
Term of Office. Each member serving as a Community Representative or Ex-Officio Member shall be appointed for a four (4) year term and may be re-appointed at the end of their four-year term. Institutional Members shall serve as long as they are in their position under which they qualified for membership. Upon leaving their position, they shall relinquish their Council membership. This paragraph will apply prospectively, as well as to persons currently in office as of the effective date of this ordinance, upon the expiration of the term they are currently serving.
Participation in Meetings. A Council member, or his or her designee where permitted as authorized herein, must be present to be counted as part of the quorum to record his or her vote or to present a motion(s); provided, however, that Council members, when unable to attend, may present signed and dated, written communications which shall be distributed or read to Council members by Council staff at a duly called and properly noticed meeting. Council members shall not discuss or respond orally or in writing to such one-way written communications with each other outside of a meeting, complying with Sunshine Law requirements. A motion or motions may be made by other members concerning the contents of such communications at a Sunshine Meeting of the Council where a quorum is present.
Designees. An Institutional Council member may designate a designee with the right to vote at full Council meetings, Executive Committee and committee meetings, and Public Safety Coordinating Council meetings unless otherwise prohibited under Section 951.26, Florida Statutes.
A Community Representative Member may designate a designee to vote at full Council meetings and, Executive Committee and committee meetings. unless otherwise prohibited under Section 951.26, Florida Statutes. All designations shall be made in writing to Council staff.
Guests. Non-Council members serving as representatives of, or accompanying Council members at any regular, special, or committee meeting(s), may participate in the general discussion under announced agenda items if recognized by the Chairperson, but may not vote on Council business unless he or she is a designated designee participating in a meeting as described above. Presentations by public or private individuals or entities may be heard at Council meetings if approved by the Chairperson for placement on the agenda by Council staff. No presentations shall be approved without the written request of the presenter no less than ten (10) days in advance of any meeting, unless approved by the Chairperson.
Disruption. As may be permitted by applicable law, anyone disrupting the conduct of a meeting to the point where it may reasonably be determined that such person is impeding the orderly conduct of the meeting shall, at the discretion of the Chairperson, be removed from the place of the meeting.
Expenses. Council members shall not be entitled to reimbursement and shall serve without any compensation.
Attendance Requirement. Each Council member should attend all scheduled meetings. Upon three (3) consecutive absences of a Community Representative member from regularly scheduled Council meetings without good cause, the Chairperson shall remove the person from membership:
In the case of Institutional Members who serve statutorily required positions on the Public Safety Coordinating Council Committee, where section 951.26, Florida Statutes, expressly permits, another designee may be substituted to serve on the Public Safety Coordinating Council Committee and the Council. All members, or designees, as authorized, must attend at least two (2) Council meetings per year.
(Ord. No. 14-17, § 3, 2-4-14; Ord. No. 18-48, § 1, 5-1-18)