Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2-1701. Community Workforce Program.
Definitions. For purposes of this section the following definitions shall be effective:
Capital Construction Contract means the building and or improvement of a specific fixed asset as approved in the Capital Budget, or for the purpose of this Ordinance, open contract infrastructure work where the individual work orders are distributed throughout the County.
Construction Trade Work means skilled laborers.
Contract means a contract for Capital Construction.
Department means department or agency administering a Capital Construction Contract to which a local workforce goal has been applied.
Designated Target Area (DTA) means any geographic area of Miami-Dade County designated as an Empowerment/Enterprise Zone, any geographic area of Miami-Dade County designated by the Board of County Commissioners as a Targeted Urban Area (TUA), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Eligible Block Group or Focus Area.
Enterprise Zone means a geographic area of Miami-Dade County designated as an Enterprise Zone or a Satellite Enterprise Zone pursuant to the Florida Enterprise Zone Act of 1994, as amended.
Empowerment Zone means a geographical area of Miami-Dade County designated by the federal government as an empowerment zone.
CDBG Eligible Block Group means a geographical area whose residents are lower to moderate income.
Focus Area means a geographical area slated for economic revitalization.
Job means a specific trade such as painting, electrical, plumbing, etc., in which a person hired by the contractor or subcontractor as part of the workforce used towards a workforce goal compliance and which the length of the job may aggregate to less than 120 days due to the nature of the job. Jobs that will be less than 30 days for completion may not be considered towards compliance with a workforce goal.
Labor Force means individuals (the workforce) that may count towards compliance to a workforce goal.
Labor Work means unskilled construction work.
Local Workforce Goal means a requirement that a percentage of the workforce performing construction trades work and labor under a Capital Construction Contract/Work Orders be residents of a Designated Target Area.
New Hire means any individual meeting the requirements of resident as defined below, employed by the contractor or subcontractor and on the contractor's or subcontractor's payroll, pursuant to the County's approval of the Workforce Plan by the contractor (or subcontractor to perform any construction trades work or labor under a contract to which a local workforce goal has been applied, and who remains employed by the contractor/subcontractor and performs the job as listed and approved on the contractor's or subcontractor's workforce plan to include any approved revisions to the workforce plan, for a minimum duration of one hundred twenty (120) days or the length of the job whichever is less.
Resident. Resident means a person who has resided in Miami-Dade County in any designated target area for the past year (12 months).
Review Committee or RC means the committee established by the Mayor or the Mayor's Designee to review proposed contracts for the application of local workforce goals.
Scope of Services or Scope of Work means the work to be performed under a Contract.
Subcontractor means any person, firm, entity, or organization at any tier, other than the employees of the contractor, performing construction trade work and labor under a contract to which a local workforce goal has been applied pursuant to this ordinance. This term shall include employment agency furnishing personnel to a contractor or subcontractor.
Targeted Urban Area means a geographical area of Miami-Dade County that has been designated by the County Commission as a Targeted Urban Area under Section 30A-129 of the Code.
Work means the construction and services required by the contract including all labor, materials, equipment and services to be provided by the contractor to fulfill the contractor's obligations. The work may constitute the whole or a part of the contract.
Workforce Plan or Plan means a plan delineating the number and category of administrative, construction trades and labor personnel necessary to perform the work under a Capital Construction Contract to which a local workforce goal has been applied, and the proposed steps that will be taken to meet the goal. The Plan shall be organized by trade and indicate the number and category of positions already filled and the number and category of positions that require recruitment; the anticipated date that the hiring process will be initiated; the deadline for referrals; the anticipated position commencement date; and the duration of the position.
Workforce Development Organization or WDO means an organization providing construction trades skills training or providing skills training that are recognized and accepted by all federation members of the respective trade, who are instrumental in its design and provides certification after participation or apprenticeship training or any construction related training. The firm must be registered with the Department of Small Business Development (SBD).
Workforce Recruitment/Referral Organization or WRO means an organization providing qualified construction employment recruitment/referral services and employability skills training, including application process, interviewing, and appropriate attire. The organization must be registered with SBD.
Worker Training Program or WTP is a certified training program, technical school, apprenticeship program or other such construction industry related training program.
Work Order means issuance of specific work based on an open work contract with fixed unit prices.
Program Components:
Application: Except where state, or federal laws or regulations mandate to the contrary, the provisions of this ordinance shall require review of Capital Construction Contracts/Work Orders for public improvements located in Designated Target Areas to determine the appropriateness of applying a local workforce goal requiring that a minimum of 10% of the persons performing the construction trades and labor work under the contract be residents of Designated Target Areas as set forth in this ordinance. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all such Capital Construction Contracts/Work Orders entered into and issued by the County, its departments and agencies including the Public Health Trust or funded in whole or in part by County funds or with private funds on County property. The foregoing notwithstanding, the Board may by Implementing Order provide that Contracts and/or Work Orders below a certain dollar amount shall not be subject to the requirements of this ordinance.
Establishment of local workforce goal: A local workforce goal may be applied to a Capital Construction Contract/Work Orders subject to review under this section based on the Scope of Work the relative local unemployment rate, and an estimate of the trades and workforce necessary to perform construction trades work and labor under the contract. The RC is responsible for recommending to the Mayor or the Mayor's Designee whether a workforce goal should be applied to a Capital Construction Contract/Work Order. The contract language for a Capital Construction Contract/Work Order to which a local workforce goal is applied shall specify that a certain percentage of the workforce performing construction trades and labor work under such contract be residents of Designated Target Areas as provided herein.
Workforce Plan: Bid and proposal documents for Capital Construction Contracts/Work Order to which a local workforce goal has been applied shall require the contractor, to develop and submit to the County, within fifteen (15) days of notification of award of the contract, a Workforce Plan outlining how the goal will be met and containing all of the information and elements required by this Section. The Plan shall specify the total number of persons that will be used by the contractor (as well as by all subcontractors) to perform all of the construction trades and labor work of the contract, broken down by trade and labor category, minimum qualifications for each category, and the number of persons to be utilized in each category. The Plan shall identify by name, address and trade category of all persons proposed to perform work under the contract currently on the contractor's (or on any proposed subcontractor's) payroll who reside in any Designated Target Area. The Plan shall also indicate the number of positions shown on the work, trade categories and minimum qualifications therefore of the positions to be hired by the contractor (or by any proposed subcontractors) to perform the construction trades and labor work under the contract. The County will not enter into the contract until it receives the contractor's Workforce Plan and deems the Plan acceptable. The contract language of a contract subject to a local workforce goal shall provide that in the event that at contract completion, the contractor fails to comply with the established local workforce goal, liquidated damages equal to a minimum of $3,000.00 per position or the salary that would be payable for such position had the person(s) been hired for the position as listed on the approved workforce plan to include all approved revisions to the workforce plan, whichever is greater shall be withheld from the contractor's final payment as liquidated damages and be applied to pay part of the costs of the Community Workforce Program under this ordinance. In calculating the salary, a minimum of eight (8) hours per day times (i) the position's wage rate or (ii) the applicable Responsible Wages and Benefits Schedule wage rate will be used. An updated Plan shall be submitted to SBD on a monthly basis. In the event that during the contract time a new hire or a person identified in the Plan as already on the contractor's (or any proposed subcontractor's) payroll to meet the local workforce goal is replaced, Miami-Dade County will require the contractor to immediately contact SBD identifying the replacement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary above, the contractor may be relieved from the requirements of this ordinance, in part or in whole, if such contractor can demonstrate to SBD that it has utilized its best efforts to achieve the goal in accordance with the prescribed Implementing Order.
Goal compliance: The following shall count towards compliance with a local workforce goal. Within 15 days of approval of the Workforce Plan, the contractor shall complete and submit a Job Order Request Form (in the form attached to Resolution No. R-1145-99, the Clearinghouse for posting of job opportunities) to the Employee Relations Department for each position designated in the approved Workforce Plan for recruitment. The employer/contractor Information portion of the Job Order Request Form shall provide the relevant information for the contractor or subcontractor who will employ the new hire. Persons designated in the approved Workforce Plan as already on the contractor's (or on any proposed subcontractor's) payroll at the time of bid submittal who reside in the DTA in which the public improvement is located and who perform any construction trades work or labor of the contract shall count towards meeting the local workforce goal. Each New Hire residing in the DTA where the public improvement project is located who is hired to any position designated in the approved Workforce Plan who performs construction trades or labor work of the contract for a minimum duration of one hundred twenty (120) days or the length of the job whichever is less, shall also count towards meeting the goal. Persons that reside in a DTA other than the DTA in which the public improvement is located, may be counted towards meeting the goal provided the first priority in hiring for such position was given to persons residing in the Designated Target Area in which the public improvement is located, and when the hiring party as well as the WDOs and WROs have demonstrated to SBD that they have been unable to identify a qualified resident of the Designated Target Area in which the public improvement is located. In the event that at contract completion, goal compliance cannot be determined due to the contractor's failure to submit and obtain SBD approval for a revised Workforce Plan, $10,000.00 shall be withheld from the contractor's final payment as liquidated damages, and applied to pay costs of the Community Workforce Program.
Exceptions: Due to the regional significance of Airport and Seaport public improvement projects as sources of employment, contractors performing work at the Airport and Seaport may hire residents of DTAs other than the DTA where the project is located and are not required to give first priority to persons residing in the DTA where the project is located. Persons designated in the approved Workforce Plan as already on the Airport or Seaport contractor's (or on any proposed subcontractor's) payroll at the time of bid submittal who reside in any DTA and who perform any construction trades work or labor of the contract shall count towards meeting the local workforce goal. Each New Hire residing in any DTA who is hired to any position designated in the approved Workforce Plan who performs construction trades or labor work on the Airport or Seaport Capital Construction Contract for a minimum duration of one hundred twenty (120) days or the length of the job whichever is less, shall also count towards meeting the goal.
WDO and WRO Registration. SBD shall register WDOs and WROs, and shall maintain and publish an updated list of WDOs and WROs, identifying areas of expertise and services. SBD shall collect, assemble, and verify information needed to establish eligibility for such registration.
Training. The County Manager or designee may initiate the development of a training program for construction related trades.
Monitoring. The County shall maintain staff for the purpose of monitoring compliance with this ordinance. Assigned individuals will be on site quarterly to review the progress towards meeting the local workforce goal. The contractor, WDO, WRO, and all subcontractors performing work on a contract to which a local workforce goal has been applied shall maintain, and make readily available, all records pertaining to employment by the contractor and subcontractors on the contract. The contractor shall submit monthly reports itemizing, by trade, all new hires performing work under the contract including, but not limited to the trade, the time period the work was performed and the permanent residence.
Incentives. It is the County's plan to encourage contractors to access incentives available in Designated Target Areas. Included are incentives established for Enterprise/Empowerment Zones, and Targeted Urban Areas such as the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, Business Registry Incentives, and Qualified Targeted Industries Incentives (QTI), and any other applicable incentives. A contractor, WDO or WRO, is responsible for applying for any incentive for which they may be eligible.
(Ord. No. 03-01, § 1, 1-23-03; Ord. No. 03-237, § 1, 11-4-03; Ord. No. 10-39, § 1, 6-3-10; Ord. No. 13-66, § 1, 7-2-13; Ord. No. 18-86, § 1, 9-7-16)