Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2-2383. Duties; powers; responsibilities.
The board shall have the following duties, powers and responsibilities:
The board shall advise the Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners on issues related to the County's programming, public services, and facilities for elderly persons, including but not limited to, transportation/mobility services, health care services, parks programming, including silver services programming, and affordable housing.
The board shall serve as a liaison with the elderly community. This relationship will enable outreach with the elderly community and receipt of input on the needs of the elderly community that may be addressed by the County.
The Board shall recommend activities or programming that promote a healthy lifestyle and enhance the quality of life for elderly persons.
The Board shall act as an advisor to the Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners on all other policy matters pertaining to the elderly community in Miami-Dade County, as may be requested by the Mayor, the Chairperson of the Board of County Commissioners, or the Board of County Commissioners.
The board shall report at least annually to the Board of County Commissioners as to its activities and recommendations.
(Ord. No. 18-49, § 1, 5-1-18)