§ 28-15. Required improvements.
Prior to the granting of the final approval, the subdivider shall have installed or shall have furnished adequate bond of one hundred ten (110) percent of the cost of improvements for the ultimate installation of the following:
Permanent reference monuments. Monuments shall be constructed and placed in accordance with Chapter 177 of Florida Statutes.
Construction; inspection; approval. All streets shall be constructed and surfaced in accordance with applicable standards specifications of the County entitled "Specifications for Second Road Construction and Residential Streets," or in accordance with requirements indicated in the County's manual of public works construction of the Department of Public Works. Such construction shall be subject to the inspection by the governing body or their designated representatives, and subjected to issuance of permits. Where street construction complies in specifications such installation shall be approved. No other permits of any kind for construction of streets shall be required.
Curbs, gutters and drainage. Curbs, gutters, drainage and drainage structures which are required by ordinance shall be provided in accordance with standard specifications or in accordance with the manual of public works construction of the Department of Public Works. Such construction shall be subject to the inspection of the governing body or their designated representatives, and subjected to issuance of permits therefor.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be required in all residential, multiple-family and business areas and along all arterial highways, except, that in areas zoned in the agricultural zone classification, or other zone classifications requiring lots of similar frontage and area, no sidewalks shall be required; and except in those areas zoned in the EU-1, EU-M or EU-S classifications or other zone classification requiring lots of similar frontage and areas, sidewalks shall be required only along section and quarter section lines or roads that may be substituted therefor. On plats within municipalities, sidewalk requirements may be waived by the municipalities, on roads that are not County maintained.
Street signs. Street name signs shall be placed at all street intersections within or abutting the subdivision. Such signs shall be of a type approved by the County and shall be placed in accordance with the standards of the County and the manual of public works construction. The type of street signs and their locations shall meet with the approval and inspection of the County's Director of Traffic and Transportation.
Waiver of improvements. Those required street improvements enumerated within (1) "Construction; inspection; approval" through (4) "Street signs" above may be waived by the County's Plat Division.
Guardrails. On any street adjacent to or abutting a canal, a lake or other body of water a guardrail or other form of traffic barrier must be installed to protect any vehicle from entering the canal, lake or other body of water.
Water supply system.
Water supply system. Where a water supply system is required by the Public Health Director, each lot within the subdivision area shall be provided with a connection thereto. All systems and extensions shall be subject to the approval of the Directors of the Department of Public Health and the Public Works Department and the Department of Environmental Resources Management and shall be in accordance with all State and County regulations and standards governing their installation.
Individual wells. Where a water supply system is not required, individual wells may be permitted by the Public Health Director and/or the Director of Environmental Resources Management if all County and State regulations and standards governing their installations and uses are adequately met.
Fire hydrants. Where required by the Fire Department Chief, fire hydrants or fire wells shall be installed in all subdivisions in accordance with the uniform standards established by the public works manual.
Sewage disposal system.
Sewer systems. Where a sewer system is required by the Director of Environmental Resources, each lot in the subdivision shall be provided with a connection thereto. All systems, extensions, and connections shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Environmental Resources Management and shall be in accordance with all County and State regulations and standards governing their installation.
Septic tanks. Septic tanks may be permitted upon approval by the Director of Environmental Resources Management in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 24 of the Metropolitan Miami-Dade County Code. Septic tanks shall be installed in compliance with all of the requirements, specifications and standards of the County and State governing their use.
Underground electric and communication lines. Except as expressly provided hereinafter, all utility lines including but not limited to those required for electrical power distribution, telephone and telegraph communication, street lighting and television signal service shall be installed underground. This section shall apply to all cables, conduits or wires forming part of an electrical distribution system including service lines to individual properties and main distribution feeder electric lines delivering power to local distribution systems; provided that it shall not apply to wires, conductors or associated apparatus and supporting structures whose exclusive function is in transmission of electrical energy between generating stations, substations and transmission lines of other utility systems. Appurtenances such as transformer boxes, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes, and meter cabinets may be placed aboveground but shall be located in conformance with the requirements of the manual of public works construction. In areas zoned for industrial use, all electrical and communication distribution systems may be installed overhead, but the service conductors from the utility pole to the building (structure) shall be an underground service lateral.
Easements shall be provided for the installation of utilities or relocating existing facilities in conformance with the respective utility company's rules and regulations. In subdivisions of less than twenty-one (21) lots, the plat division of the appropriate authority may waive the requirements for underground installations if the service to the adjacent area is overhead and it does not appear that further development will occur.
Any new service which is allowed by the provisions herein to be supplied by overhead utilities shall be connected to a service panel that is convertible for underground utility service at a future date.
The subdivider or developer shall make the necessary costs and other arrangements for such underground installation with each of the persons, firms or corporations furnishing utility services involved.
Decorative masonry walls. Decorative masonry walls, not to exceed seven (7) feet in height, or an acceptable combination of fence and landscaping shall be installed adjacent to the rear lot line of double frontage lots as required by the plat division of the appropriate authority. For purposes of this section only, an "acceptable combination of fence and landscaping" shall be based upon the following factors:
Conformity with existing architecture and landscaping of the subdivision; and
Conformity with the objectives of maintaining privacy for the residents of the subdivision.
Street and alley lighting. On plats within the unincorporated areas of the County street and alley lighting will be provided for through the establishment of a special taxing district. In subdivisions of less than twenty-one (21) lots, the Directors of the Public Works, and the Planning and Zoning Departments may waive the requirements for street lights if the benefits derived are not consistent with the costs thereof.
(Ord. No. 77-6, § 1, 2-1-77; Ord. No. 78-14, § 2, 3-21-78; Ord. No. 78-32, § 1, 5-2-78; Ord. No. 81-78, § 1, 7-7-81; Ord. No. 95-215, § 1, 12-5-95; Ord. No. 96-171, § 3, 11-19-96; Ord. No. 98-125, § 18, 9-3-98; Ord. No. 99-143, § 1, 10-5-99; Ord. No. 08-17, § 1, 2-7-08)