§ 28-14. Design standards.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    Conformity with master plan. If a master plan has been adopted for such area, the proposed subdivision shall conform in principle with such master plan.




    Conformance. The arrangement, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall conform to the master plan, if one (1) has been adopted for the area, and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, topographical conditions, to public conveniences, safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. Where not shown on the master plan, the arrangement and the other design standards of streets shall conform to the provisions found herein.


    Relation to adjoining street system. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provisions for the continuation of existing streets in adjoining areas.


    Projection of street. Where adjoining areas are not subdivided, the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provisions for the proper projection of streets.


    Streets to be carried to property lines. When a new subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land then the new streets shall be carried to the boundaries of the tract proposed to be subdivided where required to promote reasonable development of the adjacent lands or provide continuity of road systems.


    Street jogs prohibited. Street jobs with center line offsets of less than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet shall be prohibited unless because of unusual conditions the plat division determines that a lesser center line offset is justified.


    Dead-end streets or cul-de-sacs. Dead-end streets or cul-de-sacs designated to be so permanently, shall not be longer than six hundred (600) feet, and at the closed end, a turnaround having an outside roadway diameter of at least eighty-four (84) feet, and a street property line diameter of at least one hundred (100) feet, may be required. If a dead-end street is of a temporary nature a similar turnaround may be required, and provision made for future extension of street into adjoining property, as may be required by the plat division.


    Marginal access streets. Where a subdivision butts on or contains an existing limited access highway, freeway, parkway or arterial street, marginal access streets or other such treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential property and to afford separation of through and local traffic may be required.


    Minor streets. Minor streets shall be so laid out that their use by through traffic shall be discouraged.


    Railroad on or abutting subdivision. Where a subdivision borders on or contains a railroad right-of-way or limited access highway right-of-way, a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way may be required, at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land for park purposes in residential districts or for commercial or for industrial purposes in appropriate districts. Such distances shall be determined with due regard for the requirements of approach grade and future grade separation in accordance with uniform standards prescribed by the manual of public works construction.


    A tangent of at least one hundred (100) feet long shall be introduced between reversed curves on arterial and collector streets.


    When connecting street lines deflect from each other at any one (1) point by more than ten (10) degrees, they shall be connected by a curve with a radius adequate to insure a sight distance and safe turning movement in accordance with uniform standards prescribed by the County's manual of public works construction.


    Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles.


    Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with a radius of twenty-five (25) feet. A greater radius may be prescribed by the plat division in special cases in accordance with uniform standards prescribed by the County's manual of public works construction. The plat division may permit comparable cutoffs or chords in place of rounded corners.


    Street right-of-way widths shall be as shown on the master plan or in Chapter 33 of this Code and where not so shown shall be not less than as follows:


    Arterial—One hundred (100) feet right-of-way;


    Collector—Seventy (70) feet right-of-way;


    Minor, for apartments and residences—Fifty (50) to sixty (60) feet right-of-way as may be determined in uniform standards prescribed by the County's manual of public works construction;


    Marginal access—Forty-five (45) feet where required in residential areas—Fifty (50) feet where access is limited, by a limited access highway, a railroad or canal—Seventy (70) feet in industrial subdivision;


    Minor for industrial areas—Seventy (70) feet right-of-way;

    unless because of unusual conditions the plat division determines that a lesser right-of-way width is justified.


    Half streets shall be prohibited, except where essential to the reasonable development of the subdivision in conformity with other requirements of these regulations, and where the plat division of the appropriate authority finds it will be practical to require the dedication of the other half when adjoining property is subdivided. Whenever a half street is adjacent to a tract to be subdivided, the other half of the street shall be platted within such tracts.


    No street names or numbers shall be used which will be confused with or duplicate the names of existing streets. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the plat division of the appropriate authority.




    Alleys may be dedicated in commercial and industrial districts, except that the plat division of the appropriate authority may waive this requirement where other definite and assured provision is made for service access, such as off-street loading, unloading, and parking consistent and adequate for the uses proposed.


    The width of any alley shall not be less than twenty (20) feet.




    Easements across lots (not including drainage) and, where possible, centered on rear or side lot lines shall be provided for utilities where necessary.


    Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, or canal, there shall be provided a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of such watercourse, and such further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purpose. Parallel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith in accordance with uniform standards prescribed by the manual of public works construction.




    The length, width and shape of blocks shall be determined with due regard to:


    Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special need of the type of use contemplated.


    Zoning requirements as to lot size and dimensions.


    Need for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic.


    Limitations and opportunities of topography.


    Block length shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet, or be less than four hundred (400) feet, unless a lesser or greater length is requested by the subdivider and is deemed advisable because of unusual conditions by the plat division of the appropriate authority.


    In blocks nine hundred (900) feet in length or over, pedestrian crosswalks not less than ten (10) feet wide may be required to provide circulation or access to school, playground, shopping center, transportation, and other community facilities.




    The lot depth, shape and orientation, and the minimum building setback lines shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision and on the type of development and use contemplated.


    Lot dimensions shall conform to the requirements of the appropriate authority.


    Each lot shall be provided, by means of a public street, with satisfactory access to an existing public street or in the case of units within a townhouse site, or cluster development, each lot shall be provided perpetual right of access by private street or roadway to an existing public street in accordance with the provisions of Section 33-202.3, Metropolitan Code, or where applicable, municipal townhouse or cluster regulations.


    Double frontage or through lots shall be avoided except where essential to provide separation of residential development from traffic arteries or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography or orientation. A decorative masonry wall, or in the sole discretion of the plat division of the appropriate authority a combination of fence and landscaping that provides a satisfactory buffer may be required along the rear property line, across which there shall be no right of vehicular access. This portion of the block line shall be shown as a limited access line on the final plat.

    Visual screening for decorative walls. In an effort to prevent graffiti vandalism, the following options shall be utilized for walls abutting zoned or dedicated rights-of-way:


    Wall with landscaping. The wall shall be setback two and one-half (2½) feet from the right-of-way line and the resulting setback area shall contain a continuous extensively landscaped buffer which must be maintained in a good healthy condition by the property owner, or where applicable, by the condominium, homeowners or similar association. The landscape buffer shall contain one or more of the following planting materials:


    Shrubs. Shrubs shall be a minimum of three (3) feet in height when measured immediately after planting and shall be planted and maintained to form a continuous, unbroken, solid, visual screen within one (1) year after time of planting.


    Hedges. Hedges shall be a minimum of three (3) feet in height when measured immediately after planting and shall be planted and maintained to form a continuous, unbroken, solid, visual screen within one (1) year after time of planting.


    Vines. Climbing vines shall be a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches in height immediately after planting.


    Metal picket fence. Where a metal picket fence abutting a zoned or dedicated right-of-way is constructed in lieu of a decorative wall, landscaping shall not be required.


    Side lot lines shall, where possible, be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.


    Acceptance of dedication. The dedication of public spaces shall not constitute an acceptance of the dedication by the County. The acceptance of the dedication shall be indicated by a resolution of the governing body and by an indication on the plat.


    Waiver of standards. Those design standards enumerated within (B) "Streets", (C) "Alleys," and (F) "Lots" above may be waived by the plat division of the appropriate authority, except that the plat division of the appropriate authority may not waive (F)(1)(a) "Lot dimensions."

(Ord. No. 77-6, § 1, 2-1-77; Ord. No. 78-14, § 1, 3-21-78; Ord. No. 95-19, § 22, 2-7-95; Ord. No. 99-38, § 1, 4-27-99)