Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 25B-20. Findings.
The Board finds that:
The purposes described in the Whereas clauses are incorporated in the body of this article by reference. This article shall hereafter be known as the "Safe Neighborhood Parks Ordinance" and referred to herein as the "article".
It is critical that neighborhood and regional parks are restored and improved throughout the County to improve the overall quality of life of our communities, provide safe places for children to play and alternatives to gangs and gang activities, increase recreation opportunities for senior citizens, and provide pleasant places for all residents to enjoy relief from congestion and urban stress.
The improvement, restoration, expansion, and enhanced safety of park, open space and recreation lands and facilities will help reduce crime, increase the attractiveness of the County as a place in which to live and locate businesses, maintain sound economic conditions and a high standard of livability in the County by increasing property values, economic activity, employment opportunities and tourism throughout the County.
The protection of beach, park, recreation and natural areas is vital to the quality of life in the County, providing important recreation opportunities to all residents of the County, especially children and senior citizens, and helping to protect air and water quality.
The Board finds that the distribution of the funds for qualified projects must be done in a fair and organized manner.
(Ord. No. 96-115, § 1, 7-16-96)