§ 25B-11. Legislative intent, findings and purposes.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Outdoor recreational and park lands, lands qualified as environmentally endangered, and land and water areas containing animals or vegetation native to Miami-Dade County, Florida, are valued natural and ecological resources. Such lands and water areas provide needed open spaces for clean-air sheds, as well as for scenic, aesthetic, and conservation purposes. Such lands are under urban pressure from expanding metropolitan areas. This urban pressure takes the form of scattered development in wide belts around urban areas, and brings conflicting land uses into juxtaposition, creates high costs for public services and stimulates land speculation. The intent of the Commission is to provide a means by which outdoor recreational land, environmentally endangered land, and land and water areas containing native animals or vegetation may be protected and enhanced as resources of major importance. The Legislature of the State of Florida has recognized and has granted the authority to communities within the State to adopt such a procedure. This article is declared to be a proper and necessary exercise of the aforesaid powers.


    The statements heretofore made are declared to be the Legislative intent, findings, and purposes of the Board of County Commissioners and are hereby adopted and made a part hereof.

(Ord. No. 75-33, § 1, 5-21-75; Ord. No. 79-105, § 1, 12-4-79)