§ 25A-10. Prohibited Conduct and Preservation of Property.
General Prohibited Conduct.
It shall be unlawful for any person to remain in or on any area, place or facility at the designated facilities of the Trust, unless such person has a bona fide purpose for being in such area, place or facility, directly related to the normal or regular usage of such area, place or facility, in such a manner as to hinder or impede the orderly passage in or through or the normal or customary use of such area, place or facility by persons or vehicles entitled to such passage or use.
Preservation of Property. No person shall:
Destroy, injure, deface, disturb, or tamper with any building, sign, equipment, fixture, marker, or any other structure or property at the designated facilities of the Trust;
Injure, deface, remove, destroy, or disturb the trees, flowers, shrubs, or vegetation at the designated facilities of the Trust;
Walk, drive or park on a posted lawn or seeded area of the designated facilities of the trust; or
Willfully abandon any personal property at the designated facilities of the trust.
Any person who causes damage to the designated facilities if the Trust shall be held liable for such damage.
No person shall deposit or drop or place any refuse including bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper, boxes, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage, tobacco products, or containers of foil upon the ground or on any other property belonging to the designated facilities of the Trust except in receptacles provided for trash disposal.
No person shall deposit into any recycle bin or container any material other than that for which it is intended.
No person shall dump or dispose of any fill, building material or any other material on any designated facilities of the Trust, or in any canal or drainage ditch serving the designated facilities of the Trust; except pursuant to a public works contract that the Trust may have with a vendor or otherwise in accordance with the policies of the Trust.
No person shall use a restroom, toilet or lavatory facility other than in a clean sanitary manner.
No person shall deposit, blow, or spread any bodily discharge on the ground or pavement anywhere on the designated facilities of the Trust or on any floor, wall, partition, furniture, or any other part of a restroom, or any other building or grounds at the designated facilities of the Trust, other than directly into a fixture provided for that purpose.
No person shall place any foreign object in any plumbing fixture of a restroom, or other building or grounds at the designated facilities of the Trust.
Sanitation Pollution of Waters (Fountains). Using the fountains, drinking fountains, ponds, lakes, streams, bays, or any other bodies of water within the designated facilities of the Trust, or the tributaries, storm sewers, or drains flowing into them, as dumping places for any substance or matter or thing which will or may result in the pollution of said waters is strictly prohibited.
No person shall drink any intoxicating liquors upon any portion of the designated facilities of the Trust, except in restaurants properly designated by the Trust, by lease for on-premises liquor consumption, or at events sanctioned and operated by the Trust.
No person shall drive under the influence, as defined in section 316.193, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time, on the designated facilities of the Trust.
No person, other than a duly qualified physician, a certified emergency technician (under the direction of a duly qualified physician or as provided by law), a registered nurse, a duly qualified pharmacist, or other duly qualified professional, shall, while on the designated facilities of the Trust, prescribe, or give away any controlled substance as defined from time to time by state or Federal law to another or have such a drug in his possession, with intent to prescribe, sell, or give it away to another. Such persons shall not be authorized to offer to sell or to sell such drugs except pursuant to a permit, license or agreement issued by the County.
No person shall consume, ingest, or use any illegal drugs or illegal substances upon any portion of the designated facilities of the Trust.
(Ord. No. 17-66, § 1, 10-3-17)