§ 24-44. Clean-up Target Levels (CTLs) and Procedures for Site Rehabilitation Actions (SRAs).  

Latest version.
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    For contaminants subject to Chapter 62-770, F.A.C., the CTLs and SRA procedures set forth in Chapter 62-777 and 62-770, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) shall apply.


    For sites which have entered into a Brownfields Site Rehabilitation Agreement with the Department or the Florida Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to Chapter 62-785, F.A.C., the CTLs and SRA procedures set forth in Chapter 62-777 and 62-785, F.A.C. shall apply.


    For contaminants subject to Chapter 62-782, F.A.C., the CTLs and SRA procedures set forth in Chapter 62-777 and 62-782, F.A.C. shall apply.


    For lands owned by the state university system, the risk-based clean-up criteria as described in 376.3071, 376.3078, and 376.81, Florida Statutes, shall apply.




    Intent. To protect human health, public safety and environmental resources using risk-based corrective action strategies and to establish the point at which a site rehabilitation action is determined to be accomplished.


    The acceptable level of protection for the establishment of human health based CTLs shall be a lifetime excess cancer risk level of one in one million (1.0E-06) and a hazard quotient of one (1) or less. In addition, the CTLs shall be established to protect aquatic life and to prevent nuisance conditions as applicable.


    Applicability. The CTLs set forth in this section are not effluent standards and are not for the purpose of disposal or reuse.

    The CTLs and SRA procedures set forth in this section shall not apply to those contaminants that are subject to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the federal Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, or the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976.

    In addition, the soil CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)2. shall not apply to contaminants in soil that are present as a result of the application of registered pesticides that were applied in accordance with state and federal law and the EPA approved applicable registered labels. In making a determination of the applicability of CTLs pursuant to this provision, the party or parties responsible for SRAs shall provide records substantiating such pesticide applications to the Department upon request. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of Section 24-44(2)(b), if groundwater contains contaminants above the groundwater CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)1. as a result of the pesticide application, then the CTLs and SRA procedures set forth in Section 24-44(2) shall apply.


    Party or parties responsible for site rehabilitation actions shall be the discharger or, if the discharger is unknown or the contamination was the result of a previously unreported discharge, the property owner or operator who is subject to the provisions of Section 24-44(2).


    Retroactivity. The CTLs and the SRA procedures set forth herein shall not apply to those contaminants for which, on or before the effective date of this ordinance, a no further action plan, a source removal plan, a remedial action plan or a monitoring only plan has been approved in writing by the Director, or the Director's designee, unless the party or parties responsible for SRAs have failed to comply with the conditions of the plan approval. However, the party or parties responsible for SRAs may elect to complete site rehabilitation as provided in Section 24-44(2).


    The Clean-up Target Levels are as follows:


    The groundwater and surface water CTLs are set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)1. The groundwater CTLs are equivalent to the numerical standards set forth in Section 24-43.3(2)(h) of this chapter. For contaminants not listed in Section 24-43.3(2)(h), the groundwater CTLs are equivalent to the numerical standards set forth in Chapter 62-550, F.A.C., Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6, as same may be amended from time to time.

    For contaminants not listed in Section 24-43.3(2)(h) or Chapter 62-550, F.A.C., Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6, as same may be amended from time to time, groundwater CTLs are based upon the protection of human health and the prevention of nuisance conditions as set forth in Section 24-44(2)(b). The groundwater CTLs have been established using the procedures, equations and input parameters set forth in the DERM Technical Report: "Development of Clean-up Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida" (dated September, 2005).

    The surface water CTLs are equivalent to the water quality standards set forth in Section 24-42(4) of this chapter.

    For contaminants not listed in Section 24-42(4), the surface water CTLs are based upon the protection of human health and aquatic life and the prevention of nuisance conditions as set forth in Section 24-44(2)(b). The surface water CTLs have been established using the procedures, equations and input parameters set forth in the DERM Technical Report: "Development of Clean-up Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida" (dated September, 2005) and, as applicable, the numerical standards set forth in Chapter 62-302, F.A.C, as same may be amended from time to time.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of Section 24-44(2)(f)(i), no groundwater or surface water CTLs shall be more stringent than the practical quantitation limits or naturally occurring background concentrations determined in a natural background concentration study which has been approved by the Director or the Director's designee.


    The soil CTLs are set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)2.. The soil CTLs are based upon the protection of human health as set forth in Section 24-44(2)(b) and groundwater and surface water CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)1.. The soil CTLs have been established using the procedures, equations and input parameters set forth in the DERM Technical Report: "Development of Clean-up Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida" (dated September, 2005).

    However, the applicable leachability-based soil CTLs may be exceeded if it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director, or the Director's designee, that:


    Leachate concentrations do not exceed the applicable groundwater or surface water CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)1., using a laboratory leaching procedure which simulates soil leachability and which has been approved by the Director or the Director's designee; or


    For soil that is and has been exposed to the elements (i.e., open ground, not covered by impermeable or semi-permeable cover) and subject to infiltration throughout the entire unsaturated zone for a minimum of two years, it has been subsequently demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director, or the Director's designee, by a minimum of one year of groundwater monitoring data, that contaminants will not leach into the groundwater at concentrations that exceed the applicable groundwater or surface water CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)1.. This demonstration shall consider site-specific characteristics such as the thickness of the unsaturated zone, depth and mass of soil contaminants, soil lithology, actual precipitation, concentration gradients, and the chemical and physical characteristics of the contaminants.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of Section 24-44(2)(f)(ii), no soil CTLs shall be more stringent than the practical quantitation limits or naturally occurring background concentrations determined in a natural background concentration study which has been approved by the Director or the Director's designee.


    The Director, or the Director's designee, may approve alternative CTLs provided that: human health, public safety, and the environment are afforded equivalent protection to that provided in Section 24-44 (2)(f)(i) and Section 24-44(2)(f)(ii); and same are based upon one (1) of the following, or a combination of the following:


    The application of the procedures set forth in Section 24-44 (2)(k)(ii) or Section 24-44(2)(1)(ii).


    A demonstration, provided in a feasibility study approved by the Director, or the Director's designee, that achieving the CTLs is not feasible utilizing the best available technologies.


    Calculations of site-specific soil CTLs using appropriate site-specific soil properties and equations provided in the DERM Technical Report: "Development of Clean-up Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida" (dated September, 2005), and approved by the Director or the Director's designee.


    Calculations of site-specific soil CTLs for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) based upon the site-specific composition of TRPH, as determined by an analytical method approved by the Director or the Director's designee. Calculations utilized to comply with this provision shall be in accordance with the DERM Technical Report: "Development of Clean-up Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida" (dated September, 2005).


    The Director, or the Director's designee, shall maintain the DERM Technical Report: "Development of Clean-up Target Levels for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida" (dated September, 2005) which contains the risk equations, leachability equations and default input parameters used to calculate the CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v) herein. The aforesaid Technical Report dated September, 2005, a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby incorporated by reference, as same may be amended from time to time. Any changes, additions or deletions to the aforesaid Technical Report shall be approved by the Board of County Commissioners by ordinance.


    Clean-up Target Levels (CTLs).


    Groundwater and Surface Water CTLs.

    Table 1 Groundwater and Surface Water Clean-up Target levels

    Contaminants CAS# Groundwater Criteria Freshwater Surface Water Criteria Marine Surface Water Criteria Non-Cancer Target Organs/Systems or Effects#
    Acenaphthene 83-32-9 20 3 3 -Liver
    Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 210 * * -Liver
    Acephate 30560-19-1 4 190 190 Cancer - Neurological
    Acetone 67-64-1 6300 1700 1700 -Kidney -Liver -Neurological
    Acetonitrile 75-05-8 42 20000 20000 -Mortality
    Acetophenone 98-86-2 700 7800 7800 -None Specified
    Acifluorfen, sodium [or Blazer] 62476-59-9 1 190 190 -Kidney
    Acrolein 107-02-8 3.5 0.4 0.4 -Nasal
    Acrylamide 79-06-1 0.008 0.3 0.3 Cancer - Neurological
    Acrylic acid 79-10-7 3500 NA NA -Developmental
    Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 0.06 0.2 0.2 Cancer -Nasal -Reproductive
    Alachlor 15972-60-8 2 0.5 0.5 Cancer -Blood
    Aldicarb [or Temik] 116-06-3 7 0.9 0.9 -Neurological
    Aldicarb sulfone 1646-88-4 7 46 46 -Neurological
    Aldicarb sulfoxide 1646-87-3 7 4.2 4.2 -Neurological
    Aldrin 309-00-2 0.002 0.00014 0.00014 Cancer -Liver
    Ally [or Metsulfuron, methyl] 74223-64-6 1800 NA NA -Body Weight
    Allyl alcohol 107-18-6 35 5 5 -Kidney -Liver
    Allyl chloride 107-05-1 35** NA NA -Neurological
    Aluminum 7429-90-5 200 13 1500 -Body Weight
    Aluminum phosphide 20859-73-8 2.8 6.5 6.5 -Body Weight
    Ametryn 834-12-8 63 6.2 6.2 -Liver
    Ammonia 7664-41-7 NA 20 NA -Body Weight
    Ammonia (as Total) 2800 500 500 -Respiratory
    Ammonium sulfamate 7773-06-0 1400 10000 10000 -Body Weight
    Anilazine [or Dyrene] 101-05-3 2.8 NA NA -None Specified
    Aniline 62-53-3 6.1 4 4 Cancer - Blood -Spleen
    Anthracene 120-12-7 2100 0.3 0.3 -None Specified
    Antimony 7440-36-0 6 4300 4300 -Blood
    Aramite 140-57-8 1.4 3 3 -Cancer
    Aroclor mixture [see PCBs]
    Arsenic NOCAS 10 50 50 -Cancer -Cardiovascular -Skin
    Atrazine 1912-24-9 3 1.9 1.9 -Cancer -Cardiovascular
    Azinphos, methyl [see Guthion]
    Azobenzene 103-33-3 0.3 3.6 3.6 -Cancer
    Barium (soluble salts) 7440-39-3 2000 NA NA -Cardiovascular
    Baygon [or Propoxur] 114-26-1 28 0.4 0.4 -Blood -Neurological
    Bayleton 43121-43-3 210 500 500 -Blood
    Benomyl 17804-35-2 35** 0.3 0.3 -Developmental
    Bensulide 741-58-2 46 NA NA -None Specified
    Bentazon 25057-89-0 210 NA NA -Blood
    Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 700 54 54 -Gastrointestinal -Kidney
    Benzene 71-43-2 1 71.28 71.28 -Cancer -Blood
    Benzenethiol 108-98-5 0.07 NA NA -Liver
    Benzidine 92-87-5 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 -Cancer -Liver -Neurological
    Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 0.05 * * -Cancer
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.2 * * -Cancer
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 0.05 * * -Cancer
    Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 210 * * -Neurological
    Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 0.5 * * -Cancer
    Benzoic acid 65-85-0 28000 9000 9000 -None Specified
    Benzotrichloride 98-07-7 0.003 0.002 0.002 -Cancer
    Benzyl alcohol 100-51-6 2100 500 500 -Gastrointestinal
    Benzyl chloride 100-44-7 0.2 2 2 -Cancer
    Beryllium 7440-41-7 4 0.13 0.13 -Cancer -Gastrointestinal -Respiratory
    Beta radiation NOCAS 4 NA NA -Cancer
    BHC, alpha- [see Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha-] (b)
    BHC, beta- [see Hexachlorocyclohexane, beta-] (b)
    BHC, delta- [see Hexachlorocyclohexane, delta-]
    BHC, gamma- [see Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma-] (b)
    BHC, gamma- [see Hexachlorocyclohexane, Technical] (b)
    Bidrin [or Dicrotophos] 141-66-2 0.7 22 22 -Developmental
    Bioallethrin 28057-48-9 35 NA NA -Liver
    Biphenyl, 1,1- [or Diphenyl] 92-52-4 0.5 18 18 -Kidney
    Bis(2-chloro-1-metylethyl)ether [see Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether]
    Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 0.03 0.5 0.5 -Cancer
    Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether [or Bis(2-chloro-1-metylethyl)ether] 39638-32-9 0.5 23 23 -Cancer -Blood
    Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 103-23-1 400 33 33 -Cancer -Body Weight
    Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate [or DEHP] 117-81-7 6 2.2 2.2 -Cancer -Liver
    Bisphenol A 80-05-7 350 55 55 -Body Weight
    Blazer [see Acifluorfen, sodium]
    Boron 7440-42-8 1400 NA NA -Reproductive -Respiratory
    Bravo [see Chlorothalonil]
    Bromacil 314-40-9 70** 97 97 -Body Weight
    Bromate 15541-45-4 10 NA 100000 -Cancer -Kidney
    Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 91 NA NA -None Specified
    Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 0.6 22 22 -Cancer -Kidney
    Bromoform 75-25-2 4.4 360 360 -Cancer -Liver
    Bromomethane [or Methyl bromide] 74-83-9 9.8 35 35 -Gastrointestinal -Respiratory
    Bromoxynil 1689-84-5 140 NA NA -None Specified
    Bromoxynil octanoate 1689-99-2 140 NA NA -Neurological
    Butane 106-97-8 9100 NA NA -Neurological -Respiratory
    Butanol, n- 71-36-3 700 25000 25000 -Neurological
    Butanol, tert- [see Butyl alcohol, tert-]
    Butanone, 2- [see Methyl ethyl ketone]
    Butyl acetate, n- 123-86-4 43 1000 1000 -None Specified
    Butyl alcohol, tert- [or Butanol, tert-] 75-65-0 1400 NA NA -Kidney -Neurological
    Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 140** 26 26 -Liver
    Butylate 2008-41-5 350 11 11 -Liver
    Butylbenzene, n- 104-51-8 280 NA NA -Kidney -Liver -Neurological
    Butylbenzene, sec 135-98-8 280 240 240 -Kidney -Neurological
    Butylbenzene, tert 98-06-6 280 NA NA -Kidney -Neurological
    Butylphthalyl butylglycolate 85-70-1 7000 NA NA -None Specified
    Cadmium 7440-43-9 5 e (0.7852[InH]-3.49) 9.3 -Cancer -Kidney
    Calcium cyanide 592-01-8 280 NA NA -Neurological -Thyroid
    Captafol 2425-06-1 4.1 0.9 0.9 -Cancer -Kidney
    Captan 133-06-2 10 1.9 1.9 -Cancer -Body Weight
    Carbaryl [or Sevin] 63-25-2 700 0.06 0.06 -Kidney -Liver
    Carbazole 86-74-8 1.8 47 47 -Cancer
    Carbofuran 1563-66-2 40 0.1 0.1 -Neurological -Reproductive
    Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 700 110 110 -Developmental -Neurological
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 3 4.42 4.42 -Cancer -Liver
    Carbophenothion [or Trithion] 786-19-6 0.9 0.1 0.1 -Neurological
    Carboxin 5234-68-4 700 60 60 -Body Weight
    CFC 113 [see Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, 1,1,2-] NA NA -Adrenals
    Chloral hydrate 302-17-0 70** NA NA -Gastrointestinal -Neurological
    Chloramben 133-90-4 110 NA NA -Liver
    Chlordane (total) (i) 2 0.00059 0.00059 -Cancer -Liver
    Chloride 16887-00-6 250000 500000 e -None Specified
    Chlorine 7782-50-5 4000 10 10 -Respiratory
    Chlorine cyanide [or Cyanogen chloride] 506-77-4 350 1.4 1.4 -Neurological -Thyroid
    Chlorite (sodium salt) [or Sodium chlorite] 7758-19-2 1000 29 29 -Developmental -Neurological
    Chloro-1,3-butadiene [or Chloroprene] 126-99-8 140 NA NA -Hair Loss -Nasal
    Chloro-3-methylphenol, 4- [see Chloro-m-cresol, p-]
    Chloroacetic acid 79-11-8 14 2500 2500 -Cardiovascular
    Chloroaniline, p- 106-47-8 28 2.5 2.5 -Spleen
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 100 17 17 -Liver
    Chlorobenzilate 510-15-6 0.1 0.02 0.02 -Cancer -Body Weight
    Chloroethane [see Ethyl chloride]
    Chloroform 67-66-3 70 470.8 470.8 -Cancer -Liver
    Chloro-m-cresol, p- [or Chloro-3-methylphenol, 4-] 59-50-7 63 100 100 -Body Weight
    Chloromethane [see Methyl chloride]
    Chloronaphthalene, beta- 91-58-7 560 1600 1600 -Liver -Respiratory
    Chloronitrobenzene, p- 100-00-5 1.9 110 110 -Cancer
    Chlorophenol, 2- 95-57-8 35 130 130 -Reproductive
    Chlorophenol, 3- 108-43-0 0.1 170 170 -Reproductive
    Chlorophenol, 4- 106-48-9 0.1 180 180 -Reproductive
    Chloropicrin 76-06-2 7.3 NA NA -None Specified
    Chloroprene [see Chloro-1,3-butadiene]
    Chlorothalonil [or Bravo] 1897-45-6 3.2 0.8 0.8 -Cancer -Kidney
    Chlorotoluene, o- 95-49-8 140 390 390 -Body Weight
    Chlorotoluene, p- 106-43-4 140 NA NA -None Specified
    Chlorpropham 101-21-3 1400 190 190 -Bone Marrow -Kidney -Liver -Spleen
    Chlorpyrifos 2921-88-2 21 0.002 0.002 -Neurological
    Chlorpyrifos, methyl 5598-13-0 70 0.04 0.04 -Reproductive
    Chlorsulfuron 64902-72-3 350 16 16 -Body Weight
    Chromium (hexavalent) 18540-29-9 NA 11 50 -Cancer -Respiratory
    Chromium (total) NOCAS 100 11 50 -Cancer
    Chromium (trivalent) 16065-83-1 NA e (0.819[InH]+0.6848) 520 -None Specified
    Chrysene 218-01-9 4.8 * * -Cancer
    Cobalt 7440-48-4 140 NA NA -Cardiovascular -Immunological -Neurological -Reproductive
    Copper 7440-50-8 1000 e (0.8545[InH]-1.702) 2.9 -Gastrointestinal
    Copper cyanide 544-92-3 35 -Kidney
    Coumaphos 56-72-4 1.8 0.004 0.004 -Neurological
    Cresol, m- [see Methylphenol, 3-]
    Cresol, o- [see Methylphenol, 2-]
    Cresol, p- [see Methylphenol, 4-]
    Crotonaldehyde 123-73-9 0.02 NA NA -Cancer
    Cumene [or Isopropyl benzene] 98-82-8 0.8 260 260 -Adrenals -Kidney
    Cyanazine 21725-46-2 0.04 5.5 5.5 -Cancer
    Cyanide, free 57-12-5 140 5.2 1 -Neurological -Thyroid
    Cyanogen 460-19-5 280 NA NA -Neurological -Thyroid
    Cyanogen chloride [see Chlorine cyanide]
    Cycloate 1134-23-2 35 130 130 -Neurological
    Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 35000 26000 26000
    Cyclohexylamine 108-91-8 1400 4000 4000 -Reproductive
    Cyhalothrin [or Karate] 68085-85-8 35 18 18 -Developmental
    Cymene, p- (or 4-Isopropyltoluene) 99-87-6 700 NA NA -Gastrointestinal -Neurological -Skin
    Cypermethrin 52315-07-8 7** 0.0005 0.0005 -Gastrointestinal
    Dacthal [or DCPA] 1861-32-1 70 310 310 -Eye -Kidney -Liver -Respiratory -Thyroid
    Dalapon 75-99-0 200 5000 5000 -Kidney
    DB, 2,4- [see Dichlorophenoxybutyric acid, 2,4-]
    DBCP, 1,2- [see Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2-]
    DDD, 4,4'- [see Dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethane, p,p']
    DDE, 4,4'- [see Dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene, p,p'-]
    DDT, 4,4'- [see Dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane, p,p'-]
    Decabromodiphenyl ether 1163-19-5 7** NA NA -None Specified
    DEET 134-62-3 6300 NA NA -Body Weight
    DEHP [see Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate]
    Demeton 8065-48-3 0.3 0.1 0.1 -Eye -Neurological
    Diallate 2303-16-4 0.6 NA NA -Cancer -None Specified
    Diazinon 333-41-5 6.3 0.002 0.002 -Neurological
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 0.005 * * -Cancer
    Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 28 67 67 -None Specified
    Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- [or DBCP, 1,2-] 96-12-8 0.2 NA NA -Cancer -Reproductive
    Dibromobenzene, 1,4- 106-37-6 70 240 240 -Liver
    Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 0.4 34 34 -Cancer -Liver
    Dibromoethane, 1,2- [or EDB] 106-93-4 0.02 13 13 -Cancer -Reproductive
    Dibutyl phthalate 84-74-2 700 23 23 -Mortality
    Dicamba 1918-00-9 210 200 200 -Developmental
    Dichloroacetic acid 79-43-6 0.7 1200 1200 -Cancer -Liver -Neurological -Reproductive
    Dichloroacetonitrile 3018-12-0 5.6** NA NA -None Specified
    Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- 95-50-1 600 99 99 -Body Weight
    Dichlorobenzene, 1,3- 541-73-1 210 85 85 -None Specified
    Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- 106-46-7 75 3 3 -Cancer -Liver
    Dichlorobenzidine, 3,3'- 91-94-1 0.08 0.03 0.03 -Cancer
    Dichlorobenzophenone, 4,4'- 90-98-2 210 1600 1600 -None Specified
    Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 1400 NA NA -Liver
    Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane, p,p'- [or DDD, 4,4'-] 72-54-8 0.1 0.0003 0.0003 -Cancer
    Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene, p,p'- [or DDE, 4,4'-] 72-55-9 0.1 0.0002 0.0002 -Cancer
    Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, p,p'- [or DDT, 4,4'-] 50-29-3 0.1 0.00059 0.00059 -Cancer -Liver
    Dichloroethane, 1,1- 75-34-3 70** NA NA -Kidney
    Dichloroethane, 1,2- [or EDC] 107-06-2 3 37 37 -Cancer -None Specified
    Dichloroethene, 1,1- 75-35-4 7** 3.2 3.2 -Liver
    Dichloroethene, 1,2- (mixture) 540-59-0 NA 7000 7000 -Blood -Liver
    Dichloroethene, cis-1,2- 156-59-2 70 NA NA -Blood
    Dichloroethene, trans-1,2- 156-60-5 100 11000 11000 -Blood -Liver
    Dichlorophenol, 2,3- 576-24-9 0.04 56 56 -Immunological
    Dichlorophenol, 2,4- 120-83-2 0.3 13 13 -Immunological
    Dichlorophenol, 2,5- 583-78-8 0.5 90 90 -Immunological
    Dichlorophenol, 2,6- 87-65-0 0.2 73 73 -Immunological
    Dichlorophenol, 3,4- 95-77-2 0.3 61 61 -Immunological
    Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid, 2,4- 94-75-7 70 80 80 -Blood -Kidney -Liver
    Dichlorophenoxy butyric acid, 2,4- [or DB, 2,4-] 94-82-6 56 NA NA -Blood -Cardiovascular
    Dichloropropane, 1,2- 78-87-5 5 14 14 -Cancer -Nasal
    Dichloropropene, 1,3- 542-75-6 0.4 12 12 -Cancer -Gastrointestinal -Nasal
    Dichlorprop 120-36-5 35 42 42 -None Specified
    Dichlorvos 62-73-7 0.1 0.005 0.005 -Cancer -Neurological
    Dicofol [or Kelthane] 115-32-2 0.08 0.006 0.006 -Cancer -Adrenals
    Dicrotophos [see Bidrin]
    Dieldrin 60-57-1 0.002 0.00014 0.00014 -Cancer -Liver
    Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 5600 380 380 -Body Weight
    Diethylene glycol, monoethyl ether 111-90-0 14000 170000 170000 -Kidney
    Diethylstilbestrol 56-53-1 0.000007 -Cancer
    Diisopropyl methylphosphonate 1445-75-6 560 13000 13000 -None Specified
    Dimethoate 60-51-5 1.4 0.1 0.1 -Neurological
    Dimethoxybenzidine, 3,3'- 119-90-4 2.5 NA NA -Cancer
    Dimethrin 70-38-2 2100 1.1 1.1 -Liver
    Dimethylaniline, 2,4- 95-68-1 0.05 1700 1700 -Cancer -Blood -Spleen
    Dimethylaniline, N,N- 121-69-7 14 1700 1700 -Spleen
    Dimethylbenzidine, 3,3'- 119-93-7 0.004 NA NA -Cancer
    Dimethylformamide, N,N- 68-12-2 700 50000 50000 -Gastrointestinal -Liver
    Dimethylphenol, 2,4- 105-67-9 140 160 160 -Blood -Neurological
    Dimethylphenol, 2,6- 576-26-1 4.2 560 560 -Kidney -Liver -Spleen
    Dimethylphenol, 3,4- 95-65-8 7 380 380 -Kidney -Liver -Spleen
    Dimethylphthalate 131-11-3 70000 1400 1400 -Kidney
    Dinitrobenzene, 1,2- (o) 528-29-0 2.8 30 30 -Spleen
    Dinitrobenzene, 1,3- (m) 99-65-0 0.7 72 72 -Spleen
    Dinitrobenzene, 1,4- (p) 100-25-4 2.8 30 30 -Spleen
    Dinitro-o-cyclohexylphenol 131-89-5 14 NA NA -Eye
    Dinitrophenol, 2,4- 51-28-5 14 3 3 -Eye
    Dinitrotoluene, 2,4- 121-14-2 0.05 9.1 9.1 -Cancer -Liver -Neurological
    Dinitrotoluene, 2,6- 606-20-2 0.05 0.7 0.7 -Cancer -Blood -Kidney -Neurological
    Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 140 NA NA -Kidney -Liver
    Dinoseb 88-85-7 7 5.9 5.9 -Developmental
    Dioxane, 1,4- 123-91-1 3.2 120 120 -Cancer
    Dioxins, as total 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents (c) 1746-01-6 0.00003 0.000000005 0.000000005 -Cancer
    Diphenamid 957-51-7 210 1600 1600 -Liver
    Diphenyl [see Biphenyl, 1,1-]
    Diphenylamine, N,N- 122-39-4 180 NA NA -Kidney -Liver
    Diphenylhydrazine, 1,2- 122-66-7 0.04 0.2 0.2 -Cancer
    Diquat 85-00-7 20 1.5 1.5 -Eye
    Disulfoton 298-04-4 0.3 0.3 0.3 -Neurological
    Diuron 330-54-1 14 8 8 -Blood
    Dyrene [see Anilazine]
    EDB [see Dibromoethane, 1,2-]
    EDC [see Dichloroethane, 1,2-]
    Endosulfan (alpha+beta+sulfate) 115-29-7 42 0.056 0.0087 -Cardiovascular -Kidney
    Endothall 145-73-3 100 110 110 -Gastrointestinal
    Endrin 72-20-8 2 0.0023 0.0023 -Liver
    EPEG [see Ethylphthalyl ethylglycolate]
    Epichlorohydrin 106-89-8 3.5 130 130 -Cancer -Kidney -Nasal
    EPN [see Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphorothioate]
    EPTC [see Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate, S-]
    Ethanol 64-17-5 10000 NA NA -Developmental
    Ethion 563-12-2 3.5 0.007 0.007 -Neurological
    Ethoprop 13194-48-4 0.7 0.3 0.3 -Neurological
    Ethoxyethanol acetate, 2- 111-15-9 2100 2000 2000 -Developmental
    Ethoxyethanol, 2- 110-80-5 2800 NA NA -Reproductive
    Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 6300 6300 6300 -Body Weight
    Ethyl acrylate 140-88-5 0.4 130 130 -Cancer
    Ethyl chloride [or Chloroethane] 75-00-3 12 NA NA -Cancer -Developmental
    Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate, S- [or EPTC] 759-94-4 180 240 240 -Cardiovascular
    Ethyl ether 60-29-7 750 130000 130000 -Body Weight
    Ethyl methacrylate 97-63-2 630 NA NA -Kidney
    Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphorothioate [or EPN] 2104-64-5 0.07 0.02 0.02 -Neurological
    Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 30 610 610 -Developmental -Kidney -Liver
    Ethylene diamine 107-15-3 140 800 800 -Blood -Cardiovascular
    Ethylene glycol 107-21-1 14000 16000 16000 -Kidney
    Ethylene oxide 75-21-8 0.03 4200 4200 -Cancer
    Ethylene thiourea [or ETU] 96-45-7 0.3 1300 1300 -Cancer -Thyroid
    Ethylphthalyl ethylglycolate [or EPEG] 84-72-0 21000 NA NA -Kidney
    Ethyltoluene, o- 622-96-8 210 NA NA -Body Weight -Liver
    Ethyltoluene, p- 611-14-3 210 NA NA -Body Weight -Liver
    ETU [see Ethylene thiourea]
    Famphur 52-85-7 3.5 NA NA -Blood
    Fenamiphos 22224-92-6 1.8 0.2 0.2 -Neurological
    Fensulfothion 115-90-2 1.8 0.5 0.5 -Neurological
    Fenvalerate [see Pydrin]
    Fluometuron 2164-17-2 91 190 190 -None Specified
    Fluoranthene 206-44-0 280 0.3 0.3 -Blood -Kidney -Liver
    Fluorene 86-73-7 280 30 30 -Blood
    Fluoride 7782-41-4 2000 10000 5000 -Teeth mottling
    Fluoridone 59756-60-4 560 110 110 -Kidney -Reproductive
    Fonofos 944-22-9 14 0.1 0.1 -Liver -Neurological
    Formaldehyde 50-00-0 600 110 110 -Cancer -Gastrointestinal
    Formic acid 64-18-6 14000 4500 4500 -Body Weight
    Furan 110-00-9 7 NA NA -Liver
    Furfural 98-01-1 21 650 650 -Liver -Nasal
    Glycidaldehyde 765-34-4 2.8 NA NA -Adrenals -Blood -Kidney
    Glyphosate [or Roundup] 1071-83-6 700 120 120 -Kidney
    Gross alpha radiation 14127-62-9 15 15 15 -Cancer
    Guthion [or Methyl azinphos] 86-50-0 11 0.01 0.01 -Neurological
    Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.4 0.00021 0.00021 -Cancer -Liver
    Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 0.2 0.00004 0.00004 -Cancer -Liver
    Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 0.4 49.7 49.7 -Cancer -Kidney
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 1 0.0003 0.0003 -Cancer -Liver
    Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha- [or BHC, alpha-] 319-84-6 0.006 0.005 0.005 -Cancer
    Hexachlorocyclohexane, beta- [BHC, beta-] 319-85-7 0.02 0.046 0.046 -Cancer
    Hexachlorocyclohexane, delta- [or BHC, delta-] 319-86-8 2.1 NA NA -Kidney -Liver
    Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma- [or Lindane or BHC, gamma-] 58-89-9 0.2 0.063 0.063 -Cancer -Kidney -Liver
    Hexachlorocyclohexane, technical [or BHC, technical] 608-73-1 0.02 0.02 0.02 -Cancer
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 50 3 3 -Gastrointestinal
    Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (mixture) 19408-74-3 0.000006 NA NA -Cancer
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 2.5 3.3 3.3 -Cancer -Kidney
    Hexachlorophene 70-30-4 2.1 1.1 1.1 -Neurological
    Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine [or RDX] 121-82-4 0.3 180 180 -Cancer -Reproductive
    Hexane, n- 110-54-3 6 3400 3400 -Neurological
    Hexanone, 2- [or Methyl butyl ketone] 591-78-6 280 NA NA -None Specified
    Hexazinone 51235-04-2 230 25000 25000 -Body Weight
    HMX [see Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-tetrazocine]
    Hydrogen cyanide (as Cyanide) 74-90-8 140 3.5 3.5 -Neurological -Thyroid
    Hydrogen sulfide 7783-06-4 21 0.1 0.1 -Gastrointestinal -Nasal
    Hydroquinone 123-31-9 280 4.5 4.5 -Blood
    Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 0.05 * * -Cancer
    Iprodione 36734-19-7 280 150 150 -Blood
    Iron 7439-89-6 300 1000 300 -Gastrointestinal
    Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 2100 47000 47000 -Neurological
    Isophorone 78-59-1 37 650 650 -Cancer -None Specified
    Isopropyl benzene [see Cumene]
    4-Isoproyl toluene [see Cymene]
    Kelthane [see Dicofol]
    Kepone 143-50-0 0.004 NA NA -Cancer
    Lead 7439-92-1 15 e (1.273[InH]-4.705) 8.5 -Neurological
    Limonene 138-86-3 700 -Kidney -Liver
    Lindane [see Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma-]
    Linuron 330-55-2 1.4** 45 45 -Blood
    Lithium 7439-93-2 140 NA NA -None Specified
    Malathion 121-75-5 140 0.1 0.1 -Neurological
    Maleic anhydride 108-31-6 700 NA NA -Kidney
    Maleic hydrazide 123-33-1 3500 750 750 -Kidney
    Mancozeb 8018-01-7 210 3.5 3.5 -Thyroid
    Maneb 12427-38-2 35 5.5 5.5 -Thyroid
    Manganese 7439-96-5 50 NA NA -Neurological
    MCPA [see Methyl-4- chlorophenoxy acetic acid, 2-]
    MCPP [see Propionic acid, 2-(2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy)]
    Mercuric chloride (as Mercury) 7487-94-7 0.2** 0.05 0.05 -Immunological -Kidney
    Mercury 7439-97-6 2 0.012 0.025 -Neurological
    Mercury, methyl- [see Methylmercury]
    Merphos 150-50-5 0.2 NA NA -Neurological
    Merphos oxide 78-48-8 0.2 0.2 0.2 -Neurological
    Metalaxyl 57837-19-1 420 37 37 -Blood -Liver -Neurological
    Methacrylonitrile 126-98-7 0.7 NA NA -Liver
    Methamidophos 10265-92-6 0.4 0.00001 0.00001 -Neurological
    Methanol 67-56-1 3500 45000 45000 -Developmental -Eye -Neurological
    Methidathion 950-37-8 0.7** 0.03 0.03 -Liver
    Methomyl 16752-77-5 180 1 1 -Kidney -Spleen
    Methoxy-5-nitroaniline, 2- 99-59-2 0.8 NA NA -Cancer
    Methoxychlor 72-43-5 40 0.03 0.03 -Developmental -Reproductive
    Methoxyethanol, 2- 109-86-4 7 NA NA -Reproductive
    Methyl acetate 79-20-9 3000 NA NA -Liver
    Methyl acrylate 96-33-3 210 NA NA -None Specified
    Methyl azinphos [see Guthion]
    Methyl bromide [see Bromomethane]
    Methyl butyl ketone [see Hexanone, 2-]
    Methyl chloride [or Chloromethane] 74-87-3 2.7 470.8 470.8 -Cancer -Neurological
    Methyl chloroform [see Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-]
    Methyl ethyl ketone [or Butanone, 2-] 78-93-3 4200 120000 120000 -Developmental
    Methyl isobutyl ketone [or MIBK] 108-10-1 560 23000 23000 -Kidney -Liver
    Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 25 6500 6500 -Nasal
    Methyl parathion [or Parathion, methyl] 298-00-0 1.8 0.01 0.01 -Blood -Neurological
    Methyl tert-butyl ether [or MTBE] 1634-04-4 20 34000 34000 -Eye -Kidney -Liver
    Methyl-4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid, 2- [or MCPA] 94-74-6 3.5 72 72 -Kidney -Liver
    Methyl-5-nitroaniline, 2- 99-55-8 1.1 NA NA -Cancer
    Methylaniline, 2- 95-53-4 0.1 26 26 -Cancer
    Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline), 4,4- 101-14-4 0.3 NA NA -Cancer -Liver -Bladder
    Methylene bromide 74-95-3 70 NA NA -Blood
    Methylene chloride 75-09-2 5 1580 1580 -Cancer -Liver
    Methylmercury [or Mercury, methyl] 22967-92-6 0.07** NA NA -Neurological
    Methylnaphthalene, 1- 90-12-0 28 95 95 -Nasal
    Methylnaphthalene, 2- 91-57-6 28 30 30 -Nasal
    Methylphenol, 2- [or Cresol, o-] 95-48-7 35** 250 250 -Neurological
    Methylphenol, 3- [or Cresol, m-] 108-39-4 35** 450 450 -Neurological
    Methylphenol, 4- [or Cresol, p-] 106-44-5 3.5** 70 70 -Neurological -Respiratory
    Metolachlor 51218-45-2 110** 1.1 1.1 -Body Weight
    Metribuzin 21087-64-9 180 64 64 -Kidney -Liver
    Metsulfuron, methyl [see Ally]
    Mevinphos 7786-34-7 1.8 0.05 0.05 -Neurological
    MIBK [see Methyl isobutyl ketone]
    Mirex 2385-85-5 1.4 0.001 0.001 -Liver -Thyroid
    Molinate 2212-67-1 14 17 17 -Reproductive
    Molybdenum 7439-98-7 35 NA NA -Gout
    MTBE [see Methyl tert-butyl ether]
    Naled 300-76-5 14 0.02 0.02 -Neurological
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 14** 26 26 -Nasal
    Naphthylamine, 2- 91-59-8 0.0003 NA NA -Cancer
    Napropamide 15299-99-7 700 210 210 -Body Weight
    Nickel 7440-02-0 100 e (0.846[InH]+0.0584) 8.3 -Body Weight
    Nickel subsulfide 12035-72-2 100 e (0.846[InH]+0.0584) 8.3 -Cancer
    Nitrate 14797-55-8 10000 NA NA -Blood
    Nitrate+Nitrite NOCAS 10000 NA NA -Blood
    Nitrite 14797-65-0 1000 NA NA -Blood
    Nitroaniline, m- 99-09-2 1.7 NA NA -Cancer -Blood
    Nitroaniline, o- 88-74-4 21 NA NA -Blood
    Nitroaniline, p- 100-01-6 1.7 1200 1200 -Cancer -Blood
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 3.5 90 90 -Adrenals -Blood -Kidney -Liver
    Nitrophenol, 4- 100-02-7 56 55 55 -None Specified
    Nitroso-di-ethylamine, N- 55-18-5 0.0002 0.008 0.008 -Cancer
    Nitroso-dimethylamine, N 62-75-9 0.0007 3 3 -Cancer
    Nitroso-di-n-butylamine, N- 924-16-3 0.006 0.04 0.04 -Cancer
    Nitroso-di-n-propylamine, N- 621-64-7 0.005 0.5 0.5 -Cancer
    Nitroso-diphenylamine, N- 86-30-6 7.1 6 6 -Cancer
    Nitroso-N-methylethylamine, N- 10595-95-6 0.002 0.06 0.06 -Cancer
    Nitrosopyrrolidine, N- 930-55-2 0.02 NA NA -Cancer
    Nitrotoluene, m- 99-08-1 140 380 380 -Spleen
    Nitrotoluene, o- 88-72-2 70 550 550 -Spleen
    Nitrotoluene, p- 99-99-0 70 550 550 -Spleen
    Nonylphenol 25154-52-3 8.4 5.9 1.4 -Kidney
    Norflurazon 27314-13-2 280 NA NA -Kidney -Liver -Thyroid
    Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-tetrazocine [or HMX] 2691-41-0 350 1300 1300 -Blood -Liver
    Octamethylpyrophosphoramide 152-16-9 14 NA NA -Neurological
    Oil and Grease NOCAS 5000 5000 5000 -None Specified
    Oryzalin 19044-88-3 35** NA NA -Adrenals -Blood -Kidney -Liver
    Oxadiazon 19666-30-9 35 44 44 -Liver
    Oxamyl 23135-22-0 200 8.5 8.5 -Body Weight
    Paraquat 1910-42-5 3.2** 47 47 -Respiratory
    Parathion 56-38-2 4.2** 0.04 0.04 -Neurological
    Parathion, methyl [see Methyl parathion]
    PCBs [or Aroclor mixture] 1336-36-3 0.5 0.000045 0.000045 -Cancer -Immunological
    PCE [see Tetrachloroethene]
    Pebulate 1114-71-2 350 310 310 -Blood
    Pendimethalin 40487-42-1 280 10 10 -Liver
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 5.6 1.7 1.7 -Kidney -Liver
    Pentachloronitrobenzene 82-68-8 0.1 0.02 0.02 -Cancer -Liver
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 1 8.2 7.9 -Cancer -Kidney -Liver
    Perchlorate 7601-90-3 4 NA NA -Thyroid
    Permethrin 52645-53-1 350 0.001 0.001 -Liver
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 210 * * -Kidney
    Phenmedipham [or Betanal] 13684-63-4 1800 200 200 -None Specified
    Phenol 108-95-2 10 6.5 6.5 -Developmental
    Phenylenediamine, m- 108-45-2 42 NA NA -Liver
    Phenylenediamine, p- 106-50-3 1300 NA NA -Whole Body
    Phenylphenol, 2- 90-43-7 18 36 36 -Cancer
    Phorate 298-02-2 1.4 0.005 0.005 -Neurological
    Phosmet 732-11-6 140 0.1 0.1 -Liver -Neurological
    Phosphine 7803-51-2 2.1 NA NA -Body Weight
    Phthalic anhydride 85-44-9 14000 NA NA -Kidney -Nasal -Respiratory
    Picloram 1918-02-1 500 70 70 -Liver
    Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins [see Dioxins]
    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) 0.031 0.031 -Various Endpoints
    Potassium cyanide 151-50-8 350 5.5 5.5 -Neurological -Thyroid
    Profluralin 26399-36-0 42 NA NA -None Specified
    Prometon 1610-18-0 110 600 600 -None Specified
    Prometryn 7287-19-6 28 21 21 -Bone Marrow -Kidney -Liver
    Pronamide 23950-58-5 53** NA NA -None Specified
    Propachlor 1918-16-7 91 12 12 -Liver
    Propanil 709-98-8 35 20 20 -Spleen
    Propargite 2312-35-8 140 1.6 1.6 -None Specified
    Propazine 139-40-2 14** 190 190 -Body Weight
    Propham 122-42-9 140 500 500 -Neurological
    Propiconazole 60207-90-1 91 26 26 -Gastrointestinal
    Propionic acid, 2-(2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy) [or MCPP] 93-65-2 7 NA NA -Kidney
    Propoxur [see Baygon]
    Propylbenzene, n- 103-65-1 280 NA NA -Kidney -Liver -Neurological
    Propylene glycol 57-55-6 140000 36000 36000 -Blood -Bone Marrow
    Propylene glycol monomethyl ether 107-98-2 4900 NA NA -Kidney -Liver -Neurological
    Propylene oxide 75-56-9 0.1 NA NA -Cancer -Nasal -Respiratory
    Pydrin [or Fenvalerate] 51630-58-1 180 0.0004 0.0004 -Neurological
    Pyrene 129-00-0 210 0.3 0.3 -Kidney
    Pyridine 110-86-1 7 1300 1300 -Liver
    Quinoline 91-22-5 0.01 NA NA -Cancer
    Radium, 226 and 228 (combined) 7440-14-4 5 5 5 -Cancer
    RDX [see Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine]
    Resmethrin 10453-86-8 210 0.003 0.003 -Reproductive
    Ronnel 299-84-3 350 0.06 0.06 -Liver
    Rotenone 83-79-4 28 0.1 0.1 -Developmental
    Roundup [see Glyphosate]
    Selenious acid (as Selenium) 7783-00-8 35 40 40 -Hair Loss -Neurological -Skin
    Selenium 7782-49-2 50 5 71 -Hair Loss -Neurological -Skin
    Sevin [see Carbaryl]
    Silver 7440-22-4 100 0.07 0.4 -Skin
    Silvex [see Trichlorophenoxy propionic acid]
    Simazine 122-34-9 4 7.3 7.3 -Cancer -Blood
    Sodium 7440-23-5 160000 NA NA -None Specified
    Sodium chlorite [see Chlorite (sodium salt)]
    Sodium cyanide (as Cyanide) 143-33-9 280 3.8 3.8 -Neurological
    Strontium 7440-24-6 4200 -Bone
    Strychnine 57-24-9 2.1 38 38 -Mortality
    Styrene 100-42-5 100 460 460 -Blood -Liver -Neurological
    Sulfate 14808-79-8 250000 NA NA -None Specified
    TCDD, 2,3,7,8- [see Dioxins, as total 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents]
    TCE [see Trichloroethene]
    TCMTB [see Thiocyanomethylthio-benzothiazole, 2-]
    TDS [see Total dissolved solids]
    Tebuthiuron 34014-18-1 490 310 310 -Body Weight
    Temephos 3383-96-8 140 0.002 0.002 -None Specified
    Temik [see Aldicarb]
    Terbacil 5902-51-2 91 2500 2500 -Liver -Thyroid
    Terbufos 13071-79-9 0.2 0.01 0.01 -Neurological
    Terbutryn 886-50-0 7 3.1 3.1 -Blood
    Tetrachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5- 95-94-3 2.1 1.6 1.6 -Kidney
    Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2- 630-20-6 1.3 NA NA -Cancer -Kidney -Liver
    Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2- 79-34-5 0.2 10.8 10.8 -Cancer -Liver
    Tetrachloroethene [or PCE] 127-18-4 3 8.85 8.85 -Cancer -Liver
    Tetrachlorophenol, 2,3,4,6- 58-90-2 210 4.5 4.5 -Liver
    Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate 3689-24-5 3.5 0.01 0.01 -Bone Marrow -Neurological
    Thallium 7440-28-0 2 6.3 6.3 -Hair Loss -Liver
    Thallium sulfate (as Thallium) 7446-18-6 0.6 26 26 -Blood -Hair Loss -Liver
    Thiobencarb 28249-77-6 70 NA NA -Kidney
    Thiocyanomethylthio-benzothiazole, 2- [or TCMTB] 21564-17-0 2.8** 0.4 0.4 -Gastrointestinal
    Thiram 137-26-8 35 0.2 0.2 -Neurological
    Tin 7440-31-5 4200 NA NA -Kidney -Liver
    Titanium Dioxide 13463-67-7 28000 NA NA
    Toluene 108-88-3 40 480 480 -Kidney -Liver -Neurological
    Toluene-2,4-diamine 95-80-7 0.01 NA NA -Cancer
    Toluidine, p- 106-49-0 0.2 NA NA -Cancer
    Total dissolved solids [or TDS] C-010 500000 NA NA -None Specified
    Toxaphene 8001-35-2 3 0.0002 0.0002 -Cancer -Developmental
    Triallate 2303-17-5 91 65 65 -Liver -Spleen
    Tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 2.1 0.05 0.05 -Immunological
    Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, 1,1,2- [or CFC 113] 76-13-1 210000 NA NA -Neurological
    Trichloroacetic acid 76-03-9 9.1 100000 100000 -None Specified
    Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3- 87-61-6 70 85 85 -Adrenals
    Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4- 120-82-1 70 23 23 -Adrenals
    Trichlorobenzene, 1,3,5- 108-70-3 40 NA NA -None Specified
    Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- [or Methyl chloroform] 71-55-6 200 270 270 -None Specified
    Trichloroethane, 1,1,2- 79-00-5 5 16 16 -Cancer -Liver
    Trichloroethene [or TCE] 79-01-6 3 80.7 80.7 -Cancer -None Specified
    Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2100 NA NA -Cardiovascular -Kidney -Respiratory
    Trichlorophenol, 2,4,5- 95-95-4 1 23 23 -Kidney -Liver
    Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6- 88-06-2 3.2 6.5 6.5 -Cancer
    Trichlorophenoxy acetic acid, 2,4,5- 93-76-5 70 140 140 -Kidney
    Trichlorophenoxy propionic acid, 2, (2, 4, 5-) [or Silvex] 93-72-1 50 NA NA -Liver
    Trichloropropane, 1,1,2- 598-77-6 35 NA NA -Cancer -Kidney -Liver -Thyroid
    Trichloropropane, 1,2,3- 96-18-4 0.02 0.2 0.2 -Cancer -Kidney -Liver
    Trichloropropene, 1,2,3- 96-19-5 35 NA NA -Eye
    Trifluralin 1582-09-8 4.5 0.2 0.2 -Cancer -Blood -Liver
    Trimethyl phosphate 512-56-1 0.9 NA NA -Cancer
    Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,3- 526-73-8 10 NA NA -None Specified
    Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4- 95-63-6 10 220 220 -None Specified
    Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5- 108-67-8 10 220 220 -None Specified
    Trinitrobenzene, 1,3,5- 99-35-4 210 19 19 -Blood -Spleen
    Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine 479-45-8 70 -Kidney -Liver -Spleen
    Trinitrotoluene, 2,4,6- 118-96-7 1.2 49 49 -Cancer -Liver
    Trithion [see Carbophenothion]
    TRPH NOCAS 5000 5000 5000 -Multiple Endpoints Mixed Contaminants
    Uranium, soluble salts 7440-61-1 21 NA NA -Kidney
    Vanadium 7440-62-2 49 NA NA -Hair Loss
    Vanadium pentoxide (as Vanadium) 1314-62-1 63 13 13 -Hair Loss
    Vernam 1929-77-7 7 12 12 -Body Weight
    Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 88 700 700 -Kidney -Nasal
    Vinyl chloride (d) 75-01-4 1 2.4 2.4 -Cancer -Liver
    White phosphorus 7723-14-0 0.1 NA 0.1 -Maternal Death - Reproductive
    Xylenes, total 1330-20-7 20 370 370 -Neurological
    Zinc 7440-66-6 5000 e (0.8473[InH]+0.884) 86 -Blood
    Zinc chloride 7646-85-7 2100 1.5 1.5 -Blood
    Zinc phosphide 1314-84-7 2.1 NA NA -Body Weight
    Zineb 12122-67-7 350 14 14 -Thyroid


    CTLs are expressed in units of ug/l (ppb).

    # = These default Target Organ(s)/Systems or Effects are those reported to occur at the doses used to derive the referenced dose. Non-default Target Organ(s)/Systems or Effects may be justified through a detailed toxicological analysis of the chemicals present at a specific site.

    * = There are no surface water standards for these individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Per Chapter 62-302, F.A.C., the surface water criterion for PolycyclicAromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) shall apply to the total concentration of Acenaphthylene, Benzo(a)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(fluoranthene, Benzo(g,i,h) perylene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene, Chrysene, Dibenzo(a,h,)anthracene, Indenol(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, and Phenanthrene.

    ** = Groundwater CTLs for Class C carcinogens with no cancer slope factor were developed using the referenced dose divided by a factor of 10, as described in the DERM Technical Report: Development of Cleanup Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24, of the Code of Miami-Dade County (September 2005).

    (a) = Freshwater surface water criterion for Ammonia based on un-ionized ammonia only. All other water criteria for ammonia are based on total ammonia.

    (b) = The common name BHC is a misnomer for Hexachlorocyclohexane.

    (c) = Criteria for Dioxins, as total 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents shall be compared to the total dioxin equivalents for chlorinated dioxin and dibenzofuran congeners using the approach set forth in the DERM Technical Report: Development of Cleanup Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County (September 2005).

    (d) = Surface water values protective of human health for Vinyl chloride calculated assuming continuous lifetime exposure from birth as described in the DERM Technical Report: Development of Cleanup Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County (September 2005).

    (e) = Not to exceed 10% above ambient, as set forth in Sec. 24-42(4).

    (f) = Hardness-dependent as set forth in Chapter 62-302, F.A.C.

    (g) = Criteria for these metals are measured as total recoverable metal. However, they may be applied as dissolved metals when, as part of a permit application, a dissolved metals translator has been established according to the procedures set forth in the document, "Guidance for Establishing a Metals Translator", Florida Department of Environmental Protection, December 17, 2001.

    (h) = In the absence of concentration data specific for the III and VI valence states of chromium, total chromium concentrations in surface water shall be compared to the criteria for Chromium (hexavalent).

    (i) = 12789-03-6 or 57-74-9

    NA = Not available.

    None Specified = Target organ(s) not available.

    Note: Freshwater and marine surface waters, and groundwater at the point of discharge into surface water shall pass acute and chronic toxicity bioassay tests: The user shall consult the standard definitions for acute and chronic toxicity set forth in F.A.C. 62-302.200(1) and F.A.C. 62-302.200(4), respectively.

    Table 2 Soil Clean-up Target Levels

    Direct Exposure
    Leachability Based on
    Contaminants CAS# Residential Commercial/
    Groundwater Fresh Surface
    Marine Surface Water Target Organs/Systems
    or Effects#
    Acenaphthene 83-32-9 2400 20000 2.1 0.3 0.3 -Liver
    Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 1800 20000 27 NA NA -Liver
    Acephate 30560-19-1 120 720 0.02 0.8 0.8 -Cancer -Neurological
    Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 15 20 NA NA NA -Nasal
    Acetone 67-64-1 11000 68000 25 6.8 6.8 -Kidney -Liver -Neurological
    Acetophenone 98-86-2 3900 32000 3.9 44 44 -None Specified
    Acifluorfen, sodium [or Blazer] 62476-59-9 28 140 0.1 25 25 -Kidney
    Acrolein 107-02-8 0.05 0.3 0.01 0.002 0.002 -Nasal
    Acrylamide 79-06-1 0.1 0.4 0.00003 0.001 0.001 -Cancer -Neurological
    Acrylic acid 79-10-7 48 250 14 NA NA -Developmental
    Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 0.3 0.6 0.0003 0.001 0.001 Cancer -Nasal -Reproductive
    Alachlor 15972-60-8 11 44 0.02 0.005 0.005 -Cancer -Blood
    Aldicarb [or Temik] 116-06-3 68 920 0.03 0.004 0.004 -Neurological
    Aldrin 309-00-2 0.06 0.3 0.2 0.01 0.01 -Cancer -Liver
    Ally [or Metsulfuron, methyl] 74223-64-6 19000 300000 12 NA NA -Body Weight
    Allyl alcohol 107-18-6 140 970 0.1 0.02 0.02 -Kidney -Liver
    Allyl chloride 107-05-1 0.5 2.7 0.2 NA NA -Neurological
    Aluminum 7429-90-5 80000 * *** *** *** -Body Weight
    Aluminum phosphide 20859-73-8 35 880 *** *** *** -Body Weight
    Ametryn 834-12-8 670 11000 0.8 0.08 0.08 -Liver
    Ammonia (a) 7664-41-7 NA NA NA *** NA -Respiratory
    Ammonia (as Total) 7664-41-7 4400 26,400 *** *** *** -Respiratory
    Aniline 62-53-3 27 150 0.03 0.02 0.02 -Cancer -Blood -Spleen
    Anthracene 120-12-7 21000 300000 2500 0.4 0.4 -None Specified
    Antimony (b) 7440-36-0 27 370 5.4 3900 3900 -Blood
    Aroclor mixture [see PCBs]
    Arsenic NOCAS 2.1 12 *** *** *** -Cancer -Cardiovascular -Skin
    Atrazine 1912-24-9 4.3 19 0.06 0.04 0.04 Cancer -Cardiovascular
    Azinphos, methyl [see Guthion]
    Azobenzene 103-33-3 7.9 31 0.03 0.4 0.4 -Cancer
    Barium (soluble salts) (b) 7440-39-3 120** 130000 1600 NA NA -Cardiovascular
    Baygon [or Propoxur] 114-26-1 280 4100 0.2 0.002 0.002 -Blood -Neurological
    Bayleton 43121-43-3 2400 46000 4.8 11 11 -Blood
    Benomyl 17804-35-2 4000 77000 3.1 0.03 0.03 -Developmental
    Bentazon 25057-89-0 2100 32000 1.2 NA NA -Blood
    Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 3300 24000 4.8 0.4 0.4 -Gastrointestinal -Kidney
    Benzene 71-43-2 1.2 1.7 0.007 0.5 0.5 -Cancer -Blood
    Benzenethiol 108-98-5 0.2 1.3 0.001 NA NA -Liver
    Benzidine 92-87-5 0.004 0.02 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 -Cancer -Liver -Neurological
    Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 ## ## 0.8 NA NA -Cancer
    Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 0.1 0.7 8 NA NA -Cancer
    Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 ## ## 2.4 NA NA -Cancer
    Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 2500 52000 32000 NA NA -Neurological
    Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 ## ## 24 NA NA -Cancer
    Benzoic acid 65-85-0 180000 * 110 36 36 -None Specified
    Benzotrichloride 98-07-7 0.04 0.09 0.0001 0.00008 0.00008 -Cancer
    Benzyl alcohol 100-51-6 26000 670000 9.5 2.3 2.3 -Gastrointestinal
    Benzyl chloride 100-44-7 1 1.6 0.002 0.02 0.02 -Cancer
    Beryllium (b) 7440-41-7 120 1400 63 2.1 2.1 -Cancer -Gastrointestinal -Respiratory
    Betanal [see Phenmedipham]
    BHC, alpha- [see Hexachloro cyclohexane, alpha-] (f)
    BHC, beta- [see Hexachloro cyclohexane, beta-] (f)
    BHC, delta- [see Hexachloro cyclohexane, delta-] (f)
    BHC, gamma- [see Hexachloro cyclohexane, gamma-] (f)
    Bidrin [or Dicrotophos] 141-66-2 7.4 120 0.005 0.1 0.1 -Developmental
    Biphenyl, 1,1- [or Diphenyl] 92-52-4 3000 34000 0.2 5.8 5.8 -Kidney
    Bis(2-chloro-1-metylethyl)ether [see Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether]
    Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 250 5700 63 NA NA -Liver
    Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 0.3 0.5 0.0001 0.002 0.002 -Cancer
    Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether [or Bis(2-chloro-1-metylethyl)ether] 39638-32-9 6 12 0.009 0.4 0.4 -Cancer -Blood
    Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 103-23-1 620 1900 780 64 64 -Cancer -Body Weight
    Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate [or DEHP] 117-81-7 72 390 3600 1300 1300 -Cancer -Liver
    Bisphenol A 80-05-7 4000 79000 11 1.7 1.7 -Body Weight
    Blazer [see Acifluorfen, sodium]
    Boron 7440-42-8 17000 430000 *** NA NA -Reproductive -Respiratory
    Bravo [see Chlorothalonil]
    Bromacil 314-40-9 7500 120000 0.5 0.6 0.6 -Body Weight
    Bromate 15541-45-4 1 2.8 0.04 NA 460 -Cancer -Kidney
    Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 95 530 0.6 NA NA -None Specified
    Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 1.5 2.2 0.004 0.1 0.1 Cancer -Kidney
    Bromoform 75-25-2 48 93 0.03 2.7 2.7 -Cancer -Liver
    Bromomethane [or Methyl bromide] 74-83-9 3.1 16 0.05 0.2 0.2 -Gastrointestinal -Respiratory
    Bromoxynil 1689-84-5 1600 29000 3 NA NA -None Specified
    Butanol, n- 71-36-3 2900 21000 3 110 110 -Neurological
    Butanol, tert- [see Butyl alcohol, tert-]
    Butanone, 2- [see Methyl ethyl ketone]
    Butyl alcohol, tert- [or Butanol, tert-] 75-65-0 3200 19000 5.7 NA NA -Kidney -Neurological
    Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 17000 380000 310 56 56 -Liver
    Butylate 2008-41-5 3200 40000 5.2 0.2 0.2 -Liver
    Butylbenzene, n- 104-51-8 410 2400 21 NA NA -Kidney -Liver -Neurological
    Butylbenzene, sec 135-98-8 360 2000 19 NA NA -Kidney -Neurological
    Butylbenzene, tert 98-06-6 360 2100 15 NA NA -Kidney -Neurological
    Butylphthalyl butylglycolate 85-70-1 84000 * 4200 NA NA -None Specified
    Cadmium (b,c,h) 7440-43-9 82 1700 7.5 (k) 14 Cancer -Kidney
    Calcium cyanide 592-01-8 3500 88000 *** NA NA -Neurological -Thyroid
    Captafol 2425-06-1 110 570 0.5 0.1 0.1 -Cancer -Kidney
    Captan 133-06-2 230 750 0.1 0.03 0.03 -Cancer -Body Weight
    Carbaryl [or Sevin] 63-25-2 7700 130000 8.7 0.0007 0.0007 -Kidney -Liver
    Carbazole 86-74-8 49 240 0.2 6.5 6.5 -Cancer
    Carbofuran 1563-66-2 130 910 0.2 0.0006 0.0006 -Neurological -Reproductive
    Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 270 1500 5.6 0.8 0.8 -Developmental -Neurological
    Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.5 0.7 0.04 0.06 0.06 -Cancer -Liver
    Carbophenothion [or Trithion] 786-19-6 11 250 13 1.5 1.5 -Neurological
    Carboxin 5234-68-4 7400 120000 5 0.4 0.4 -Body Weight
    CFC 113 [see Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, 1,1,2-] -Adrenals
    Chloral hydrate 302-17-0 5700 62000 0.3 NA NA -Gastrointestinal -Neurological
    Chloramben 133-90-4 960 12000 0.5 NA NA -Liver
    Chlordane (total) (j) 2.8 14 9.6 0.003 0.003 -Cancer -Liver
    Chlorine cyanide [or Cyanogen chloride] 506-77-4 3100 37000 71 0.3 0.3 -Neurological -Thyroid
    Chloro-1, 1-difluoroethane, 1- 75-68-3 16000 84000 NA NA NA -None Specified
    Chloro-1,3-butadiene [or Chloroprene] 126-99-8 3.5 19 1.5 NA NA -Hair Loss -Nasal
    Chloro-3-methylphenol, 4- [see Chloro-m-cresol, p-]
    Chloroacetic acid 79-11-8 130 1700 0.07 13 13 -Cardiovascular
    Chloroaniline, p- 106-47-8 270 3700 0.2 0.02 0.02 -Spleen
    Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 120 650 1.3 0.2 0.2 -Liver
    Chlorobenzilate 510-15-6 3.6 18 0.1 0.01 0.01 -Cancer -Body Weight
    Chlorobenzoic acid, p- 74-11-3 16000 290000 28 NA NA -None Specified
    Chlorobenzotrifluoride, 4- 98-56-6 130 710 5.2 NA NA -Kidney
    Chlorobutane, 1- 109-69-3 780 4200 26 NA NA -Blood -Neurological
    Chlorodifluoromethane 75-45-6 16000 82000 NA NA NA -Adrenals -Kidney -Pituitary
    Chloroethane [see Ethyl chloride]
    Chloroform 67-66-3 0.4 0.6 0.4 2.8 2.8 Cancer -Liver
    Chloro-m-cresol, p- [or Chloro-3-methylphenol, 4-] 59-50-7 600 8000 0.4 0.6 0.6 -Body Weight
    Chloromethane [see Methyl chloride]
    Chloronaphthalene, beta- 91-58-7 5000 61000 260 740 740 -Liver -Respiratory
    Chloronitrobenzene, o- 88-73-3 22 51 0.02 NA NA Cancer
    Chloronitrobenzene, p- 100-00-5 31 73 0.03 1.6 1.6 Cancer
    Chlorophenol, 2- 95-57-8 130 860 0.7 2.5 2.5 -Reproductive
    Chlorophenol, 3- 108-43-0 370 5900 0.002 3.1 3.1 -Reproductive
    Chlorophenol, 4- 106-48-9 330 4400 0.0007 1.2 1.2 -Reproductive
    Chloroprene [see Chloro-1,3-butadiene]
    Chloropropane, 2- 75-29-6 47 250 NA NA NA -Liver
    Chlorothalonil [or Bravo] 1897-45-6 88 420 0.2 0.06 0.06 -Cancer -Kidney
    Chlorotoluene, o- 95-49-8 200 1200 2.8 7.7 7.7 -Body Weight
    Chlorotoluene, p- 106-43-4 170 990 2.5 NA NA -None Specified
    Chlorpropham 101-21-3 16000 310000 51 7 7 -Bone Marrow -Kidney -Liver -Spleen
    Chlorpyrifos 2921-88-2 250 5000 15 0.001 0.001 -Neurological
    Chromium (hexavalent) (b) 18540-29-9 310 470 NA 4.2 19 -Cancer -Respiratory
    Chromium (total) (b,g) NOCAS 310 470 38 4.2 19 -Cancer
    Chromium (trivalent) (b) 16065-83-1 110000 * NA NA * -None Specified
    Chrysene 218-01-9 ## ## 77 NA NA -Cancer
    Cobalt 7440-48-4 1700 42000 *** NA NA -Cardiovascular -Immunological -Neurological -Reproductive
    Copper 7440-50-8 150** 89000 *** (k) *** -Gastrointestinal
    Coumaphos 56-72-4 21 450 0.3 0.0007 0.0007 -Neurological
    Cresol, m- [see Methylphenol, 3-]
    Cresol, o- [see Methylphenol, 2-]
    Cresol, p- [see Methylphenol, 4-]
    Crotonaldehyde 123-73-9 0.6 3.3 0.00008 NA NA -Cancer
    Cumene [or Isopropyl benzene] 98-82-8 220 1200 0.2 56 56 -Adrenals -Kidney
    Cyanide, free (b) 57-12-5 34** 11000 0.56 0.02 0.004 -Neurological -Thyroid
    Cyanogen 460-19-5 560 3400 57 NA NA -Neurological -Thyroid
    Cyanogen chloride [see Chlorine cyanide]
    Cycloate 1134-23-2 340 4700 0.7 2.5 2.5 -Neurological
    Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 150000 * 150 110 110
    Cyclohexylamine 108-91-8 18000 440000 7.9 22 22 -Reproductive
    Cyhalothrin [or Karate] 68085-85-8 420 9600 290 150 150 -Developmental
    Cymene, p- (or Isopropyltoluene) 99-87-6 960 5600 NA NA NA -Gastrointestinal -Neurological -Skin
    Cypermethrin 52315-07-8 840 19000 30 0.002 0.002 -Gastrointestinal
    DBCP, 1,2- [see Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2-]
    DDD, 4,4'- [see Dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethane, p,p']
    DDE, 4,4'- [see Dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene, p,p'-]
    DDT, 4,4'- [see Dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethane, p,p'-]
    Decabromodiphenyl ether 1163-19-5 840 19000 9.3 NA NA -None Specified
    DEHP [see Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate]
    Diallate 2303-16-4 16 82 0.6 NA NA -Cancer -None Specified
    Diazinon 333-41-5 70 1200 0.2 0.00005 0.00005 -Neurological
    Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 ## ## 0.7 NA NA -Cancer
    Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 320 6300 15 36 36 -None Specified
    Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- [or DBCP, 1,2-] 96-12-8 0.7 3.8 0.001 NA NA -Cancer -Reproductive
    Dibromobenzene, 1,4- 106-37-6 430 3600 7.8 27 27 -Liver
    Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 1.5 2.3 0.003 0.2 0.2 -Cancer -Liver
    Dibromoethane, 1,2- [or EDB] 106-93-4 0.1 0.2 0.0001 0.07 0.07 -Cancer -Reproductive
    Dibutyl phthalate 84-74-2 8200 170000 47 1.5 1.5 -Mortality
    Dicamba 1918-00-9 2300 40000 2.6 2.4 2.4 -Developmental
    Dichloroacetic acid 79-43-6 21 120 0.005 8.1 8.1 -Cancer -Liver -Neurological -Reproductive
    Dichloroacetonitrile 3018-12-0 340 2900 0.03 NA NA -None Specified
    Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- 95-50-1 880 5000 17 2.8 2.8 -Body Weight
    Dichlorobenzene, 1,3- 541-73-1 380 2200 7 2.8 2.8 -None Specified
    Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- 106-46-7 6.4 9.9 2.2 0.09 0.09 -Cancer -Liver
    Dichlorobenzidine, 3,3'- 91-94-1 2.1 9.9 0.003 0.0009 0.0009 Cancer
    Dichlorobenzophenone, 4,4'- 90-98-2 2500 51000 25 190 190 -None Specified
    Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 77 410 44 NA NA -Liver
    dichloroethane, p,p'- [or DDD, 4,4'-]
    72-54-8 4.2 22 5.8 0.01 0.01 Cancer
    dichloroethylene, p,p-' [or DDE, 4,4'-]
    72-55-9 2.9 15 18 0.04 0.04 Cancer
    trichloroethane, p,p'- [or DDT, 4,4'-]
    50-29-3 2.9 15 11 0.06 0.06 -Cancer -Liver
    Dichloroethane, 1,1- 75-34-3 390 2100 0.4 NA NA -Kidney
    Dichloroethane, 1,2- [or EDC] 107-06-2 0.5 0.7 0.01 0.2 0.2 -Cancer -None Specified
    Dichloroethene, 1,1- 75-35-4 95 510 0.06 0.03 0.03 -Liver
    Dichloroethene, cis-1,2- 156-59-2 33 180 0.4 NA NA -Blood
    Dichloroethene, trans-1,2- 156-60-5 53 290 0.7 75 75 -Blood -Liver
    Dichlorophenol, 2,3- 576-24-9 230 4100 0.0008 1.2 1.2 -Immunological
    Dichlorophenol, 2,4- 120-83-2 190 2400 0.003 0.1 0.1 -Immunological
    Dichlorophenol, 2,5- 583-78-8 240 4600 0.02 4.3 4.3 -Immunological
    Dichlorophenol, 2,6- 87-65-0 220 3600 0.007 2.5 2.5 -Immunological
    Dichlorophenol, 3,4- 95-77-2 230 3700 0.01 2 2 -Immunological
    Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid, 2,4- 94-75-7 770 13000 0.7 0.9 0.9 -Blood -Kidney -Liver
    Dichloropropane, 1,2- 78-87-5 0.6 0.9 0.03 0.09 0.09 -Cancer -Nasal
    Dichloropropene, 1,3- 542-75-6 1.4 2.2 0.002 0.09 0.09 -Cancer -Gastrointestinal -Nasal
    Dichlorprop 120-36-5 370 5800 0.3 0.3 0.3 -None Specified
    Dichlorvos 62-73-7 0.3 0.4 0.0006 0.00002 0.00002 -Cancer -Neurological
    Dicofol [or Kelthane] 115-32-2 2.2 11 0.01 0.0008 0.0008 -Cancer -Adrenals
    Dicrotophos [see Bidrin]
    Dieldrin 60-57-1 0.06 0.3 0.002 0.0001 0.0001 -Cancer -Liver
    Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 61000 * 86 5.9 5.9 -Body Weight
    Diethylene glycol, monoethyl ether 111-90-0 130000 * 63 750 750 -Kidney
    Diisopropyl methylphosphonate 1445-75-6 4500 49000 3.6 85 85 -None Specified
    Dimethoate 60-51-5 13 170 0.006 0.0004 0.0004 -Neurological
    Dimethoxybenzidine, 3,3'- 119-90-4 69 330 0.2 NA NA -Cancer
    Dimethrin 70-38-2 24000 440000 2500 1.3 1.3 -Liver
    Dimethylaniline, 2,4- 95-68-1 0.5 1 0.0005 19 19 -Cancer -Blood -Spleen
    Dimethylaniline, N,N- 121-69-7 55 380 0.1 12 12 -Spleen
    Dimethylbenzidine, 3,3'- 119-93-7 0.1 0.6 0.001 NA NA -Cancer
    Dimethylformamide, N,N- 68-12-2 1400 8600 3 210 210 -Gastrointestinal -Liver
    Dimethylphenol, 2,4- 105-67-9 1300 18000 1.7 1.9 1.9 -Blood -Neurological
    Dimethylphenol, 2,6- 576-26-1 34 370 0.04 5.2 5.2 -Kidney -Liver -Spleen
    Dimethylphenol, 3,4- 95-65-8 71 1000 0.06 3.4 3.4 -Kidney -Liver -Spleen
    Dimethylphthalate 131-11-3 690000 * 380 7.8 7.8 -Kidney
    Dinitrobenzene, 1,2- (o) 528-29-0 23 240 0.01 0.2 0.2 -Spleen
    Dinitrobenzene, 1,3- (m) 99-65-0 5.8 64 0.004 0.4 0.4 -Spleen
    Dinitrobenzene, 1,4- (p) 100-25-4 35 890 0.04 0.4 0.4 -Spleen
    Dinitro-o-cresol, 4,6- 534-52-1 8.4 180 0.4 NA NA -Metabolic Disorders
    Dinitrophenol, 2,4- 51-28-5 110 1200 0.06 0.01 0.01 -Eye
    Dinitrotoluene, 2,4- 121-14-2 1.2 4.3 0.0004 0.07 0.07 -Cancer -Liver -Neurological
    Dinitrotoluene, 2,6- 606-20-2 1.2 3.8 0.0004 0.005 0.005 -Cancer -Blood -Kidney -Neurological
    Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 1700 39000 480000 NA NA -Kidney -Liver
    Dinoseb 88-85-7 65 840 0.03 0.03 0.03 -Developmental
    Dioxane, 1,4- 123-91-1 23 38 0.01 0.5 0.5 -Cancer
    Dioxins, as total 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents (e) 1746-01-6 7E-6 3E-5 0.003 6E-7 6E-7 -Cancer
    Diphenamid 957-51-7 2300 41000 2.6 20 20 -Liver
    Diphenyl [see Biphenyl, 1,1-]
    Diphenylamine, N,N- 122-39-4 2000 40000 14 NA NA -Kidney -Liver
    Diphenylhydrazine, 1,2- 122-66-7 1.1 4.8 0.002 0.007 0.007 -Cancer
    Diquat 85-00-7 190 4300 800 60 60 -Eye
    Disulfoton 298-04-4 3.3 66 0.09 0.1 0.1 -Neurological
    Diuron 330-54-1 150 2300 0.3 0.2 0.2 -Blood
    EDB [see Dibromoethane, 1,2-]
    EDC [see Dichloroethane, 1,2-]
    Endosulfan (alpha+beta+sulfate) 115-29-7 450 7600 3.8 0.005 0.0008 -Cardiovascular -Kidney
    Endothall 145-73-3 1800 44000 0.4 0.4 0.4 -Gastrointestinal
    Endrin 72-20-8 25 510 1 0.001 0.001 -Liver
    EPEG [see Ethylphthalyl ethylglycolate]
    Epichlorohydrin 106-89-8 14 80 0.03 1.1 1.1 -Cancer -Kidney -Nasal
    EPN [see Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphorothioate]
    EPTC [see Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate, S-]
    Ethanol 64-17-5 * * 40 NA NA -Developmental
    Ethion 563-12-2 42 920 1.7 0.003 0.003 -Neurological
    Ethoprop 13194-48-4 7.4 120 0.005 0.002 0.002 -Neurological
    Ethoxyethanol acetate, 2- 111-15-9 14000 130000 8.8 8.4 8.4 -Developmental
    Ethoxyethanol, 2- 110-80-5 10000 72000 13 NA NA -Reproductive
    Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 9100 53000 26 26 26 -Body Weight
    Ethyl acrylate 140-88-5 2 3 0.002 0.6 0.6 -Cancer
    Ethyl chloride [or Chloroethane] 75-00-3 3.9 5.4 0.06 NA NA -Cancer -Developmental
    Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate, S- [or EPTC] 759-94-4 1400 14000 11 15 15 -Cardiovascular
    Ethyl ether 60-29-7 260 1400 5 850 850 -Body Weight
    Ethyl methacrylate 97-63-2 630 3500 3.5 NA NA -Kidney
    Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphorothioate [or EPN] 2104-64-5 0.8 18 0.02 0.003 0.003 -Neurological
    Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1500 9200 0.6 12 12 -Developmental -Kidney -Liver
    Ethylene diamine 107-15-3 1100 11000 0.6 3.2 3.2 -Blood -Cardiovascular
    Ethylene glycol 107-21-1 110000 * 56 65 65 -Kidney
    Ethylene oxide 75-21-8 0.3 0.4 0.0002 20 20 -Cancer
    Ethylene thiourea [or ETU] 96-45-7 7 57 0.001 5.6 5.6 -Cancer -Thyroid
    Ethylphthalyl ethylglycolate [or EPEG] 84-72-0 260000 * 1200 NA NA -Kidney
    Ethyltoluene, o- 622-96-8 320 1900 8.1 NA NA -Body Weight -Liver
    Ethyltoluene, p- 611-14-3 330 1900 8.1 NA NA -Body Weight -Liver
    ETU [see Ethylene thiourea]
    Fenamiphos 22224-92-6 19 340 0.02 0.003 0.003 -Neurological
    Fensulfothion 115-90-2 19 310 0.01 0.004 0.004 -Neurological
    Fenvalerate [see Pydrin]
    Fluometuron 2164-17-2 980 16000 0.9 1.8 1.8 -None Specified
    Fluoranthene 206-44-0 3200 59000 1200 1.3 1.3 -Blood -Kidney -Liver
    Fluorene 86-73-7 2600 33000 160 17 17 -Blood
    Fluoride 7782-41-4 840** 130000 6000 30000 15000 -Teeth mottling
    Fluoridone 59756-60-4 7000 180000 2500 460 460 -Kidney -Reproductive
    Fonofos 944-22-9 140 2100 0.4 0.003 0.003 -Liver -Neurological
    Formaldehyde 50-00-0 23 31 2.4 0.4 0.4 -Cancer -Gastrointestinal
    Furan 110-00-9 4.8 26 0.09 NA NA -Liver
    Furfural 98-01-1 190 2400 0.09 2.7 2.7 -Liver -Nasal
    Glycidaldehyde 765-34-4 15 120 0.01 NA NA -Adrenals -Blood -Kidney
    Glyphosate [or Roundup] 1071-83-6 8800 220000 3.3 0.5 0.5 -Kidney
    Guthion [or Methyl azinphos] 86-50-0 120 2400 0.2 0.0002 0.0002 -Neurological
    Heptachlor 76-44-8 0.2 1 23 0.01 0.01 -Cancer -Liver
    Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 0.1 0.5 0.6 0.0001 0.0001 -Cancer -Liver
    Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 6.2 13 1 110 110 -Cancer -Kidney
    Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 0.4 1.2 2.2 0.0006 0.0006 -Cancer -Liver
    Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha- [or BHC, alpha-] 319-84-6 0.1 0.6 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 -Cancer
    Hexachlorocyclohexane, beta- [BHC, beta-] 319-85-7 0.5 2.4 0.001 0.003 0.003 -Cancer
    Hexachlorocyclohexane, delta- [or BHC, delta-] 319-86-8 24 490 0.2 NA NA -Kidney -Liver
    Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma- [or Lindane or BHC, gamma-] 58-89-9 0.7 2.5 0.009 0.003 0.003 -Cancer -Kidney -Liver
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 9.5 50 400 24 24 -Gastrointestinal
    Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 38 87 0.2 0.2 0.2 -Cancer -Kidney
    Hexachlorophene 70-30-4 26 670 53 26 26 -Neurological
    Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5- triazine [or RDX] 121-82-4 7.7 28 0.002 1.3 1.3 -Cancer -Reproductive
    Hexane, n- 110-54-3 680 3900 2.1 1200 1200 -Neurological
    Hexanone, 2- [or Methyl butyl ketone] 591-78-6 24 130 1.4 NA NA -None Specified
    Hexazinone 51235-04-2 2300 32000 1.1 120 120 -Body Weight
    Hydroquinone 123-31-9 2600 35000 1.4 0.02 0.02 -Blood
    Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 193-39-5 ## ## 6.6 NA NA -Cancer
    Iron 7439-89-6 53000 * *** *** *** -Gastrointestinal
    Isobutyl alcohol 78-83-1 6400 42000 8.9 200 200 -Neurological
    Isophorone 78-59-1 540 1200 0.2 3.8 3.8 -Cancer -None Specified
    Isopropyl benzene [see Cumene]
    Isopropyl toluene [see p-Cymene]
    Karate [see Cyhalothrin, lambda]
    Kelthane [see Dicofol]
    Lead (d) 7439-92-1 400 1400 *** (k) *** -Neurological
    Limonene 138-86-3 640 3600 42 NA NA -Kidney -Liver
    Lindane [see Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma-]
    Linuron 330-55-2 160 3100 0.04 1.4 1.4 -Blood
    Lithium 7439-93-2 1700 44000 *** NA NA -None Specified
    Malathion 121-75-5 1500 24000 4.2 0.003 0.003 -Neurological
    Maleic anhydride 108-31-6 3200 24000 2.8 NA NA -Kidney
    Maleic hydrazide 123-33-1 1000 5400 16 3.4 3.4 -Kidney
    Malonitrile 109-77-3 1.2 13 0.0006 NA NA -Liver -Spleen
    Maneb 12427-38-2 410 8400 2.9 0.5 0.5 -Thyroid
    Manganese 7439-96-5 3500 43000 *** NA NA -Neurological
    MCPA [see Methyl-4- chlorophenoxy acetic acid, 2-]
    MCPP [see Propionic acid, 2-(2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy)]
    Mercury (c) 7439-97-6 3 17 2.1 0.01 0.03 -Neurological
    Mercury, methyl- [see Methylmercury]
    Merphos 150-50-5 2.5 52 0.5 NA NA -Neurological
    Merphos oxide 78-48-8 2.5 56 0.3 0.3 0.3 -Neurological
    Methacrylonitrile 126-98-7 1 5.9 0.003 NA NA -Liver
    Methamidophos 10265-92-6 3.1 36 0.001 0 0 -Neurological
    Methanol 67-56-1 13000 90000 14 180 180 -Developmental -Eye -Neurological
    Methidathion 950-37-8 68 950 0.003 0.0001 0.0001 -Liver
    Methomyl 16752-77-5 38 200 1.2 0.007 0.007 -Kidney -Spleen
    Methoxy-5-nitroaniline, 2- 99-59-2 19 71 0.006 NA NA -Cancer
    Methoxychlor 72-43-5 420 8800 160 0.1 0.1 -Developmental -Reproductive
    Methyl acetate 79-20-9 6800 38000 16 NA NA -Liver
    Methyl acrylate 96-33-3 260 1500 0.9 NA NA -None Specified
    Methyl azinphos [see Guthion]
    Methyl bromide [see Bromomethane]
    Methyl butyl ketone [see Hexanone, 2-]
    Methyl chloride [or Chloromethane] 74-87-3 4 5.7 0.01 2.3 2.3 -Cancer -Neurological
    Methyl chloroform [see Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-]
    Methyl ethyl ketone [or Butanone, 2-] 78-93-3 16000 110000 17 490 490 -Developmental
    Methyl isobutyl ketone [or MIBK] 108-10-1 4300 44000 2.6 110 110 -Kidney -Liver
    Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 1900 10000 0.1 32 32 -Nasal
    Methyl parathion [or Parathion, methyl] 298-00-0 20 370 0.06 0.0003 0.0003 -Blood -Neurological
    Methyl styrene (mixed) 25013-15-4 120 770 0.8 NA NA -Nasal
    Methyl styrene, alpha 98-83-9 1500 10000 11 NA NA -Kidney -Liver
    Methyl tert-butyl ether [or MTBE] 1634-04-4 4400 24000 0.09 150 150 -Eye -Kidney -Liver
    Methyl-4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid, 2- [or MCPA] 94-74-6 35 500 0.02 0.4 0.4 -Kidney -Liver
    Methylaniline, 2- 95-53-4 2.6 6.4 0.0009 0.2 0.2 -Cancer
    Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline), 4,4- 101-14-4 6.4 23 0.001 NA NA -Cancer -Liver -Bladder
    Methylene bromide 74-95-3 96 550 0.3 NA NA -Blood
    Methylene chloride 75-09-2 17 26 0.02 7.3 7.3 -Cancer -Liver
    Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate 101-68-8 400 2100 NA NA NA -Nasal
    Methylmercury [or Mercury, methyl] 22967-92-6 1.1 6.1 0.002 NA NA -Neurological
    Methylnaphthalene, 1- 90-12-0 200 1800 3.1 10 10 -Nasal
    Methylnaphthalene, 2- 91-57-6 210 2100 8.5 9.1 9.1 -Nasal
    Methylphenol, 2- [or Cresol, o-] 95-48-7 2900 31000 0.3 1.9 1.9 -Neurological
    Methylphenol, 3- [or Cresol, m-] 108-39-4 2900 33000 0.3 3.3 3.3 -Neurological
    Methylphenol, 4- [or Cresol, p-] 106-44-5 300 3400 0.03 0.5 0.5 -Neurological -Respiratory
    Metolachlor 51218-45-2 12000 200000 1.2 0.01 0.01 -Body Weight
    Metribuzin 21087-64-9 54 290 2.2 0.8 0.8 -Kidney -Liver
    Metsulfuron, methyl [see Ally]
    Mevinphos 7786-34-7 18 270 0.01 0.0003 0.0003 -Neurological
    MIBK [see Methyl isobutyl ketone]
    Molinate 2212-67-1 120 1300 0.1 0.1 0.1 -Reproductive
    Molybdenum 7439-98-7 440 11000 *** NA NA -Gout
    MTBE [see Methyl tert-butyl ether]
    Naled 300-76-5 150 2400 0.1 0.0002 0.0002 -Neurological
    Naphthalene 91-20-3 55 300 1.2 2.2 2.2 -Nasal
    Nickel (b,c) 7440-02-0 340** 35000 130 (k) 11 -Body Weight
    Nitrate 14797-55-8 140000 * *** NA NA -Blood
    Nitrite 14797-65-0 8700 220000 *** NA NA -Blood
    Nitroaniline, m- 99-09-2 21 130 0.01 NA NA -Cancer -Blood
    Nitroaniline, o- 88-74-4 24 130 0.1 NA NA -Blood
    Nitroaniline, p- 100-01-6 17 96 0.008 5.9 5.9 -Cancer -Blood
    Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 18 140 0.02 0.6 0.6 -Adrenals -Blood -Kidney -Liver
    Nitroglycerin 55-63-0 27 54 0.03 NA NA Cancer -Cardiovascular
    Nitrophenol, 4- 100-02-7 560 7900 0.3 0.3 0.3 -None Specified
    Nitroso-di-ethylamine, N- 55-18-5 0.003 0.005 0.000001 0.00003 0.00003 -Cancer
    Nitroso-dimethylamine, N- 62-75-9 0.009 0.02 0.000003 0.01 0.01 -Cancer
    Nitroso-di-n-butylamine, N- 924-16-3 0.05 0.08 0.00009 0.0005 0.0005 -Cancer
    Nitroso-di-n-propylamine, N- 621-64-7 0.08 0.2 0.00005 0.005 0.005 -Cancer
    Nitroso-diphenylamine, N- 86-30-6 180 730 0.4 0.3 0.3 -Cancer
    Nitroso-N-methylethylamine, N- 10595-95-6 0.02 0.04 0.000006 0.0002 0.0002 -Cancer
    Nitrotoluene, m- 99-08-1 640 4700 1.4 3.6 3.6 -Spleen
    Nitrotoluene, o- 88-72-2 400 3300 0.9 7.3 7.3 -Spleen
    Nitrotoluene, p- 99-99-0 750 12000 0.9 7.3 7.3 -Spleen
    Nonylphenol 25154-52-3 100 2200 20 14 3.4 -Kidney
    152-16-9 130 1600 0.06 NA NA -Neurological
    Oxamyl 23135-22-0 1700 22000 0.9 0.04 0.04 -Body Weight
    Paraquat 1910-42-5 340 5500 16 230 230 -Respiratory
    Parathion 56-38-2 500 11000 1 0.01 0.01 -Neurological
    Parathion, methyl [see Methyl parathion]
    PCBs [or Aroclor mixture] 1336-36-3 0.5 2.6 17 0.002 0.002 -Cancer -Immunological
    PCE [see Tetrachloroethene]
    Pebulate 1114-71-2 2000 17000 8.5 7.4 7.4 -Blood
    Pendimethalin 40487-42-1 3200 58000 28 1 1 -Liver
    Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 45 480 3.9 1.2 1.2 -Kidney -Liver
    Pentachloronitrobenzene 82-68-8 3.3 12 0.2 0.03 0.03 -Cancer -Liver
    Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 7.2 28 0.03 0.2 0.2 -Cancer -Kidney -Liver
    Permethrin 52645-53-1 4200 96000 2500 0.007 0.007 -Liver
    Phenanthrene 85-01-8 2200 36000 250 NA NA -Kidney
    Phenmedipham [or Betanal] 13684-63-4 21000 450000 150 18 18 -None Specified
    Phenol 108-95-2 500** 220000 0.05 0.03 0.03 -Developmental
    Phenylenediamine, m- 108-45-2 360 4000 0.2 NA NA -Liver
    Phenylenediamine, o- 95-54-5 17 54 0.004 NA NA -Cancer
    Phenylenediamine, p- 106-50-3 12000 160000 6.2 NA NA -Whole Body
    Phenylphenol, 2- 90-43-7 490 2100 0.4 0.8 0.8 -Cancer
    Phorate 298-02-2 16 320 0.3 0.001 0.001 -Neurological
    Phosmet 732-11-6 1600 33000 5 0.004 0.004 -Liver -Neurological
    Phthalic acid, p- 100-21-0 8000 45000 110 NA NA -Bladder
    Phthalic anhydride 85-44-9 11000 63000 76 NA NA -Kidney -Nasal -Respiratory
    Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins [see Dioxins]
    Prometon 1610-18-0 1200 23000 2.4 14 14 -None Specified
    Prometryn 7287-19-6 320 6100 0.7 0.5 0.5 -Bone Marrow -Kidney -Liver
    Propachlor 1918-16-7 990 17000 1.1 0.1 0.1 -Liver
    Propanil 709-98-8 390 6700 0.4 0.2 0.2 -Spleen
    Propazine 139-40-2 1600 28000 0.2 2.7 2.7 -Body Weight
    Propionic acid, 2-(2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy) [or MCPP] 93-65-2 64 800 0.03 NA NA -Kidney
    Propoxur [see Baygon]
    Propylbenzene, n- 103-65-1 340 1900 12 NA NA
    Propylene glycol 57-55-6 * * 560 140 140 -Blood -Bone Marrow
    Propylene glycol monomethyl ether 107-98-2 38000 390000 20 NA NA -Kidney -Liver -Neurological
    Propylene oxide 75-56-9 3.1 9.3 0.0006 NA NA -Cancer -Nasal -Respiratory
    Pydrin [or Fenvalerate] 51630-58-1 2100 46000 70 0.0001 0.0001 -Neurological
    Pyrene 129-00-0 2400 45000 880 1.3 1.3 -Kidney
    Pyridine 110-86-1 20 130 0.03 5.4 5.4 -Liver
    Quinoline 91-22-5 0.3 1.3 0.0009 NA NA -Cancer
    RDX [see Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine]
    Resmethrin 10453-86-8 2500 56000 1200 0.01 0.01 -Reproductive
    Ronnel 299-84-3 4200 88000 1300 0.2 0.2 -Liver
    Roundup [see Glyphosate]
    Selenium (b,c) 7782-49-2 440 11000 5.2 0.5 7.4 -Hair Loss -Neurological -Skin
    Sevin [see Carbaryl]
    Silver (b) 7440-22-4 410 8200 17 0.01 0.06 -Skin
    Silvex [see Trichlorophenoxy propionic acid]
    Simazine 122-34-9 7.8 35 0.08 0.1 0.1 -Cancer -Blood
    Strontium 7440-24-6 52000 * *** NA NA -Bone
    Strychnine 57-24-9 23 380 0.02 0.3 0.3 -Mortality
    Styrene 100-42-5 3600 23000 3.6 16 16 -Blood -Liver -Neurological
    TCDD, 2,3,7,8- [see Dioxins, as total 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents]
    TCE [see Trichloroethene]
    Temik [see Aldicarb]
    Terbacil 5902-51-2 920 14000 0.5 14 14 -Liver -Thyroid
    Terbufos 13071-79-9 1.9 29 0.02 0.001 0.001 -Neurological
    Terbutryn 886-50-0 88 2200 0.2 0.09 0.09 -Blood
    Tetrachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5- 95-94-3 12 100 0.5 0.4 0.4 -Kidney
    Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2- 630-20-6 2.9 4.3 0.01 NA NA -Cancer -Kidney -Liver
    Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2- 79-34-5 0.7 1.2 0.001 0.08 0.08 -Cancer -Liver
    Tetrachloroethene [or PCE] 127-18-4 8.8 18 0.03 0.1 0.1 -Cancer -Liver
    Tetrachlorophenol, 2,3,4,6- 58-90-2 2100 30000 3.2 0.07 0.07 Liver
    Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate 3689-24-5 35 510 0.1 0.0004 0.0004 -Bone Marrow -Neurological
    Thallium 7440-28-0 6.1 150 2.8 9 9 -Hair Loss -Liver
    Thiobencarb 28249-77-6 810 16000 2.9 NA NA -Kidney
    Thiram 137-26-8 400 7700 1.1 0.005 0.005 -Neurological
    Tin 7440-31-5 47000 880000 *** NA NA -Kidney -Liver
    Toluene 108-88-3 7500 60000 0.5 5.6 5.6 -Kidney -Liver -Neurological
    Toluene diisocyanate, 2,4/2,6-mixture 26471-62-5 1.3 15 NA NA NA -Respiratory
    Toluidine, p- 106-49-0 2.2 4.5 0.0009 NA NA -Cancer
    Toxaphene 8001-35-2 0.9 4.5 31 0.002 0.002 -Cancer -Developmental
    Triallate 2303-17-5 980 16000 8.4 6 6 -Liver -Spleen
    Tributyltin oxide 56-35-9 25 570 7.6 0.2 0.2 -Immunological
    Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, 1,1,2- [or CFC 113] 76-13-1 18000 96000 11000 NA NA -Neurological
    Trichloroacetic acid 76-03-9 770 8800 0.04 400 400 -None Specified
    Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3- 87-61-6 650 8200 4.6 5.6 5.6 -Adrenals
    Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4- 120-82-1 660 8500 5.3 1.7 1.7 -Adrenals
    Trichlorobenzene, 1,3,5- 108-70-3 260 2300 16 NA NA -None Specified
    Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- [or Methyl chloroform] 71-55-6 730 3900 1.9 2.6 2.6 -None Specified
    Trichloroethane, 1,1,2- 79-00-5 1.4 2 0.03 0.09 0.09 -Cancer -Liver
    Trichloroethene [or TCE] 79-01-6 6.4 9.3 0.03 0.9 0.9 -Cancer -None Specified
    Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 270 1500 33 NA NA -Cardiovascular -Kidney -Respiratory
    Trichlorophenol, 2,4,5- 95-95-4 7700 130000 0.07 1.5 1.5 -Kidney -Liver
    Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6- 88-06-2 70 230 0.06 0.1 0.1 -Cancer
    Trichlorophenoxy acetic acid, 2,4,5- 93-76-5 690 9500 0.4 0.8 0.8 -Kidney
    Trichlorophenoxy propionic acid, 2, (2,4,5-) [or Silvex] 93-72-1 660 14000 5.4 NA NA -Liver
    Trichloropropane, 1,1,2- 598-77-6 76 460 0.3 NA NA -Kidney -Liver -Thyroid
    Trichloropropane, 1,2,3- 96-18-4 0.06 0.1 0.0001 0.001 0.001 -Cancer -Kidney -Liver
    Trichloropropene, 1,2,3- 96-19-5 18 98 0.4 NA NA -Eye
    Triethylamine 121-44-8 41 270 NA NA NA -Nasal
    Trifluralin 1582-09-8 92 280 3.6 0.2 0.2 -Cancer -Blood -Liver
    Trimethyl phosphate 512-56-1 19 57 0.004 NA NA -Cancer
    Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,3- 526-73-8 18 96 0.3 NA NA -None Specified
    Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4- 95-63-6 18 95 0.3 7.2 7.2 -None Specified
    Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5- 108-67-8 15 80 0.3 6.7 6.7 -None Specified
    Trinitrobenzene, 1,3,5- 99-35-4 2000 26000 1 0.09 0.09 -Blood -Spleen
    479-45-8 790 15000 1.4 NA NA -Kidney -Liver -Spleen
    Trinitrotoluene, 2,4,6- 118-96-7 28 97 0.006 0.3 0.3 -Cancer -Liver
    Trithion [see Carbophenothion]
    TRPH NOCAS 460 2700 340 340 340 -Multiple Endpoints Mixed Contaminants
    Uranium, soluble salts 7440-61-1 110 820 *** NA NA -Kidney
    Vanadium (b) 7440-62-2 67** 10000 980 NA NA -Hair Loss
    Vernam 1929-77-7 51 510 0.1 0.2 0.2 -Body Weight
    Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 320 1700 0.4 3 3 -Kidney -Nasal
    Vinyl chloride (i) 75-01-4 0.2 0.8 0.007 0.02 0.02 -Cancer -Liver
    Xylenes, total 1330-20-7 130 700 0.2 3.9 3.9 -Neurological
    Zinc (b,c) 7440-66-6 26000 630000 *** (k) *** -Blood
    Zinc phosphide 1314-84-7 26 660 *** NA NA -Body Weight
    Zineb 12122-67-7 4100 82000 19 0.7 0.7 -Thyroid


    CTLs are expressed in units of mg/kg (ppm) on a dry weight basis and rounded to two significant figures if >1 and to one significant figure if <1.

    # = These default Target Organ(s)/Systems or Effects are those reported to occur at the doses used to derive the referenced dose. Non-default Target Organ(s)/Systems or Effects may be justified through a detailed toxicological analysis of the chemicals present at a specific site.

    * Contaminant is not a health concern for this exposure scenario.

    ** Direct exposure value based on acute toxicity considerations. This criterion is applicable in scenarios where children might be exposed to soils (e.g. residences, schools, playgrounds).

    *** Leachability values may be derived using the SPLP Test to calculate site-specific SCTLs or may be determined using TCLP in the event oily wastes are present.

    ## = Site concentrations for carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons shall be converted to Benzo(a)pyrene equivalents before comparison with the appropriate direct exposure SCTL for Benzo(a)pyrene using the approach described in the DERM Technical Report: Development of Cleanup Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24, of the Code of Miami-Dade County (September 2005).

    (a) = See discussion on the development of SCTLs for Ammonia in the DERM Technical Report: Development of Cleanup Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County (September 2005).

    (b) = Leachability values derived from USEPA Soil Screening Guidance (1996). These values were derived assuming soil pH 6.8. These leachability values are dependent upon both the metal concentration in soil and soil characteristics. Thus, if site-specific soil characteristics are different than the defaults, these leachability values may not apply. If this is the case, site-specific leachability values may be derived using methods such as TCLP or SPLP.

    (c) = Phytotoxicity must be considered.

    (d) = Residential direct exposure value from USEPA Revised Interim Soil Guidance for CERCLA Sites and RCRA Corrective Action Facilities. OSWER Directive 9355.4-12 (1994). The industrial direct exposure value was derived using methodologies set forth in USEPA "Recommendations of the Technical Review Workgroup for Lead for an Interim Approach to Assessing Risks Associated with Adult Exposures to Lead in Soil', December 1996; and in 'Blood Lead Concentrations of U.S. Adult Females: Summary Statistics from Phases 1 and 2 of the NHANES III', March 2002.

    (e) = The SCTL for Dioxins, as total 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents should be compared to the total dioxin equivalents for chlorinated dioxin and dibenzofuran congeners using the approach described in the DERM Technical Report: Development of Cleanup Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County (September 2005).

    (f) = The common name BHC is a misnomer for hexachlorocyclohexane.

    (g) = Unless concentratons for both chromium III and VI are known, total chromium concentrations may be compared with direct exposures SCTLs for chromium VI.

    (h) = Residential chronic SCTL for cadmium shall be used as a not-to-exceed value because the residential chronic SCTL for cadmium is indistinguishable from the SCTL based on acute toxicity.

    (i) = Residential chronic SCTL for vinyl chloride calculated by adding prorated and non-prorated risks, as discussed in the DERM Technical Report: Development of Cleanup Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County (September 2005).

    (j) = 12789-03-6 or 57-74-9

    (k) = Hardness-dependent fresh surface water CTLs shall be calculated using the site-specific hardness prior to calculating the leachcability based upon fresh surface water CTLs or comparing the SPLP leachate concentrations.

    None Specified = Target organ(s) not determined.

    NA = Not available.


    For contaminants not listed in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v), CTLs shall be established as set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(i) and Section 24-44(2)(f)(ii). The CTLs calculated pursuant to Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)3. shall be provided in a technical report approved by the Director or the Director's designee.


    All technical plans, reports, proposals, or studies shall be submitted by the party or parties responsible for SRAs in accordance with the written orders of the Director, or the Director's designee, or as set forth herein. The Director, or the Director's designee, shall review each technical plan, report, proposal, or study and approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the aforesaid in writing within sixty (60) calendar days from receipt of the submittal.

    To facilitate a phased risk-based assessment process that is iterative and that tailors site rehabilitation actions to site-specific conditions, the party or parties responsible for SRAs may submit to the Department for approval a proposal to establish applicable exposure factors and a risk management approach based upon land use at the site pursuant to the requirements set forth in Section 24-44(2)(k)(ii) and Section 24-44(2)(l)(ii).


    Site rehabilitation actions shall neither be, nor reasonably be expected to be, a source of pollution, as herein defined, or cause, or reasonably be expected to cause, a nuisance as defined in Section 24-5, Section 24-27 or Section 24-28.


    Emergency response actions may be performed without prior approval from the Director, or the Director's designee, provided that these actions do not cause any adverse effects upon human health, public safety or the environment. The party or parties responsible for SRAs and performing the emergency response actions shall notify the Director, or the Director's designee, within 24 hours of the commencement of any such emergency response actions.


    Point of compliance, notification, source removal, and assessment procedures shall be as follows:


    The sampling points to determine compliance with Section 24-44(2) shall be as set forth in Section 24-44.1 herein. However, contamination may exist beyond the property boundary while clean-up, including natural attenuation in conjunction with appropriate monitoring, is proceeding.


    When contamination exists beyond the property boundary of the site from which SRAs have been initiated the party or parties responsible for SRAs shall commence notification in accordance with the following:


    Laboratory analytical results, which comply with appropriate quality assurance protocols pursuant to Chapter 62-160, F.A.C., that document the off-site contamination, shall be submitted to the Department no later than ten (10) calendar days from the date that the laboratory analyses are completed. A site sketch shall be submitted along with the laboratory analytical data which indicates the locations where the samples were obtained that resulted in the confirmation of the contamination.


    The property owners, residents, and tenants of any property onto or into which the contamination extends shall be notified within sixty (60) calendar days of the approval of the site assessment report. Notification shall include, but not be limited to, the following type of information: the type of contaminant and site remedy selected, a description of the location of the subject site, the name and address of the party or parties responsible for SRAs, and the name of a Department contact. Persons receiving notice shall have thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of the notice to comment on the assessment and the site remedy selected. Nothing herein shall preclude any persons from initiating a civil action as a result of said contamination.


    Prior to site closure as set forth in Section 24-44(2)(k), source removal of free product and soil saturated with contaminants or free product is required, unless demonstrated through a feasibility study approved by the Director, or the Director's designee, that the source removal is neither cost effective nor technically feasible. Source removal of free product from a new discharge shall be initiated as soon as possible but, in any event, no later than seven (7) calendar days after the discovery of free product. Source removal of free product from a previous discharge shall be initiated in accordance with the written orders of the Director, or the Director's designee, or the timeframes set forth in a source removal plan approved by the Director or the Director's designee.

    Source removal of contaminated soils and saturated soils by excavation may be implemented at any time upon prior written notification by the party or parties responsible for SRAs to the Director or the Director's designee. Such notification shall be submitted to the Department at least three (3) calendar days prior to performing the source removal by excavation. Excavated soils shall be disposed of in accordance with 40 CFR 261, 40 CFR 761, Chapter 62-701, F.A.C., Chapter 62-713, F.A.C., and any other applicable federal, state and local regulations. A source removal report shall be submitted to the Department within sixty (60) calendar days of completion of the source removal. The source removal report shall describe all activities performed during the source removal including all analytical results as well as all disposal manifests.

    When excavated soil is temporarily stored or stockpiled on site, the soil shall be secured in a manner which prevents human exposure to contaminated soil and prevents soil exposure to conditions which may facilitate the spread of contamination. Any excavation shall be secured to prevent accidental or intentional entry by the public and shall comply with applicable federal, state and local regulations. Contaminated soils may be stored on site for ninety (90) calendar days, unless otherwise ordered by the Director or the Director's designee. Prior to the expiration of the ninety (90) calendar day period, the soils shall be disposed of in accordance with this section.


    The site assessment report shall include, but not be limited to: an investigation of the source(s) of contamination; an identification of the types of contaminants present; a determination of the extent and degree of contamination in all media which are impacted; a determination of the physical and environmental conditions and characteristics of the site and the underlying aquifer(s), if applicable; an identification of potential human and environmental receptors; and an evaluation of the current exposure and potential risk of exposure to those identified receptors. Groundwater sampling shall be performed less than two hundred seventy (270) calendar days before the submittal of the site assessment report.

    The summary and conclusions of the approved site assessment report shall propose one of the following: no further action, no further action with conditions, monitoring only, risk assessment, or a remedial action plan.


    Site closure, in the form of a no further action or a no further action with conditions, shall be approved by the Director, or the Director's designee, when the CTLs or alternative CTLs established pursuant to Section 24-44(2)(f)(iii) and the requirements set forth in this section have been achieved.


    A no further action proposal shall be approved by the Director, or the Director's designee, if such proposal demonstrates that human health, public safety and the environment are protected and the following criteria are met:


    Concentrations of contaminants detected in soil shall not exceed the lower of the direct exposure residential soil CTLs or the applicable leachability-based soil CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)(ii).

    The applicable leachability-based soil CTLs shall be the groundwater leachability-based CTLs. If surface waters are, or are reasonably expected to be, affected by contaminated groundwater, as demonstrated using monitoring well data, groundwater flow rate and direction, or fate and transport modeling, then the applicable leachability-based soil CTLs shall be the lower of the groundwater or the applicable freshwater or marine surface water leachability-based CTLs.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of Section 24-44(2)(k)(i)1, alternative residential direct exposure and leachability-based CTLs may be proposed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(iii)3. and Section 24-44(2)(f)(iii)4.


    Concentrations of contaminants detected in groundwater shall not exceed the groundwater CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)1.

    If surface waters are, or are reasonably expected to be, affected by contaminated groundwater, as demonstrated using monitoring well data, groundwater flow rate and direction, or fate and transport modeling, then the groundwater CTLs shall be the lower of the groundwater CTLs or the applicable freshwater or marine surface water CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)1.


    Concentrations of contaminants detected in surface water shall not exceed the applicable freshwater or marine surface water CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)1.

    Nothing herein shall supersede the rules governing Outstanding Florida Waters, aquatic preserves, areas of critical state concern and any other rules adopted pursuant to Section 403.061(34), Florida Statutes.


    It is demonstrated that contaminants in sediments are not detected in concentrations, quantities, properties, levels or accumulations which are, or are reasonably expected to be, injurious to human, plant, animal, fish and other aquatic life, or property. This demonstration may be based, as applicable, on the Threshold Effects Levels published in the FDEP's guideline "Approach to the Assessment of Sediment Quality in Florida Coastal Waters" (dated November 1994), site specific bioassays, a site-specific risk assessment developed in accordance with Section 24-44(2)(1)(ii), or a combination thereof.


    If more than one contaminant is present or contamination is present in more than one (1) medium, the human health-based CTLs shall be adjusted to achieve the following: for non-carcinogenic compounds affecting the same organ(s), the hazard index (sum of the hazard quotients) shall be one (1) or less; and for carcinogens, the cumulative lifetime excess cancer risk level (sum of the lifetime excess cancer risk levels for each carcinogenic contaminant) shall be 1.0E-06 or less.


    A no further action with conditions proposal shall be approved by the Director, or the Director's designee, provided the following: the property owner of the location elects to implement institutional and, if applicable, engineering controls; it is demonstrated, using site-specific data, modeling results, risk assessment studies, risk reduction techniques or a combination thereof, that human health, public safety and the environment are afforded protection equivalent to that provided in Section 24-44(2)(f)(i) and Section 24-44(2)(f)(ii); and the following criteria are met:


    For contaminants detected in soil, a proposal for alternative soil CTLs shall be submitted to the Department and shall achieve one of the following or a combination of the following:


    Concentrations of contaminants detected in soil shall not exceed the lower of the industrial direct exposure soil CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)2. or the applicable leachability-based soil CTLs, set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f).

    The applicable leachability-based soil CTLs shall be the groundwater leachability-based CTLs or alternative groundwater leachability-based CTLs derived in accordance with Section 24-44(2)(k)(ii)1c and Section 24-44(2)(k)(ii)2. If surface waters are, or are reasonably expected to be, affected by contaminated groundwater, as demonstrated using monitoring well data, groundwater flow rate and direction, or fate and transport modeling, then the applicable leachability-based soil CTLs shall be the lower of the groundwater or the applicable freshwater or marine surface water leachability-based CTLs.

    If a marine surface water is, or is reasonably expected to be, affected by contaminated groundwater, and no other property or fresh surface water bodies are located between the source property boundary and the marine surface water body and the groundwater on-site is not utilized, then the applicable leachability-based soil CTLs shall be the marine surface water leachability-based soil CTLs.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of Section 24-44(2)(k)(ii)1a, alternative industrial direct exposure and leachability-based CTLs may be proposed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(iii)3 and Section 24-44(2)(f)(iii)4. In addition, the applicable leachability-based soil CTLs may be exceeded if it is demonstrated using groundwater monitoring data supported, if required, by site-specific modeling, that contaminants will not leach into groundwater at concentrations which exceed the applicable groundwater CTLs. The groundwater monitoring data shall be compiled for a minimum period of one (1) year and shall include four (4) quarterly sampling events.


    Concentrations of contaminants may exceed the soil CTLs if an engineering control, approved by the Director, or the Director's designee, in conjunction with the institutional control, is utilized to eliminate or control contaminant exposure and migration such that human health, public safety and the environment are afforded protection equivalent to that provided in Section 24-44(2)(f)(i) and Section 24-44(2)(f)(ii).


    Concentrations of contaminants detected in soil shall not exceed the alternative soil CTLs derived in accordance with Section 24-44(2)(f)(iii) and Section 24-44(2)(1)(ii).


    For contamination detected in groundwater, a proposal for alternative groundwater CTLs shall be submitted to the Department and shall provide the following:


    A complete evaluation of the current and projected use of the affected groundwater and documentation that the following conditions have been met:


    Source removal is completed as set forth in Section 24-44(2)(j)(iii).


    Groundwater contamination is not migrating away from a localized source.


    Groundwater concentrations at the property boundary, as determined by groundwater monitoring data supported, if required, by site-specific modeling, do not, and are not reasonably expected to, exceed the groundwater CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)1. The groundwater monitoring data shall be compiled for a minimum period of one (1) year and shall include four (4) quarterly sampling events.

    If surface waters are, or are reasonably expected to be, affected by contaminated groundwater, as demonstrated using monitoring well data, groundwater flow rate and direction, or fate and transport modeling, then the groundwater CTLs shall be the lower of the groundwater CTLs or the applicable freshwater or marine surface water CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)1.

    If a marine surface water is, or is reasonably expected to be, affected by contaminated groundwater, and no other property or fresh surface water bodies are located between the source property boundary and the marine surface water body and the groundwater on-site is not utilized, then the groundwater CTLs shall be the marine surface water CTLs.


    If there is a receptor which may potentially be exposed to on-site groundwater and such exposure has not been eliminated by the implementation of institutional and, if applicable, engineering controls, then concentrations of contaminants detected in groundwater shall not exceed the alternative groundwater CTLs derived in accordance with Section 24-44(2)(f)(iii) and Section 24-44 (2)(1)(ii).


    Concentrations of contaminants detected in surface water shall not exceed the applicable freshwater or marine surface water CTLs set forth in Section 24-44(2)(f)(v)1.

    Nothing herein shall supersede the rules governing Outstanding Florida Waters, aquatic preserves, areas of critical state concern and any other rules adopted pursuant to Section 403.061(34), Florida Statutes.


    It is demonstrated that contaminants in sediments are not detected in concentrations, quantities, proportions, levels or accumulations which are, or are reasonably expected to be, injurious to human, plant, animal, fish and other aquatic life, or property. This demonstration may be based, as applicable, on the Threshold Effects Levels published in the FDEP's guideline "Approach to the Assessment of Sediment Quality in Florida Coastal Waters" (November 1994), site specific bioassays, a site-specific risk assessment developed in accordance with Section 24-44(2)(l)(ii), or a combination thereof.


    If more than one (1) contaminant is present or contamination is present in more than one (1) media, the human health-based CTLs or alternative human health-based CTLs shall be adjusted to achieve the following: for non-carcinogenic compounds affecting the same organ(s), the hazard index (sum of the hazard quotients) shall be one (1) or less; and for carcinogens, the cumulative lifetime excess cancer risk level (sum of the lifetime excess cancer risk levels for each carcinogenic contaminant) shall be 1.0E-06 or less.


    The property owner of the location at which site rehabilitation actions are being conducted elects to implement an institutional and, if applicable, engineering control to eliminate or control exposure of human and environmental receptors to contaminants. When an engineering control is used in conjunction with institutional controls, an engineering control plan shall be submitted to the Department. The engineering control plan shall provide details of the design and construction of the engineering control and shall demonstrate that the engineering control is effective, reliable and capable of being monitored and maintained.

    The no further action with conditions proposal shall include a copy of the proposed institutional control, in a form prescribed by the Director, or the Director's designee, and approved by the Board of County Commissioners, with site-specific closure conditions. Upon written approval by the Director, or the Director's designee, of the institutional control and, if applicable, the engineering control plan, the institutional control shall be recorded in the public records of Miami-Dade County. A copy of the recorded instrument shall be submitted to the Department and the engineering control, if applicable, shall be implemented prior to approval of the no further action with conditions proposal.

    Upon demonstration to the satisfaction of the Director, or the Director's designee, by the party or parties responsible for SRAs that institutional and, if applicable, engineering controls are no longer required because the conditions set forth in Section 24-44(2)(k)(i) have been achieved, the Director, or the Director's designee, shall release the institutional control.


    An operating permit in accordance with Section 24-18 shall be required for all sites for which site rehabilitation actions have been completed in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 24-44(2)(k)(ii). The Director, or the Director's designee, shall approve, deny, or approve with conditions, restrictions or limitations any application for an operating permit.


    For sites which do not qualify for site closure in accordance with Section 24-44(2)(k), one (1) of the following, or a combination of the following, shall be submitted for approval by the Director, or the Director's designee, to achieve site closure pursuant to Section 24-44(2)(k): a monitoring only plan, a risk assessment report, or a remedial action plan.


    The monitoring only plan:


    The monitoring only plan for natural attenuation shall include, but shall not be limited to, an evaluation of the contaminant plume history, site conditions and aquifer chemical characteristics to demonstrate that the applicable CTLs will be attained in accordance with the approval by the Director, or the Director's designee, and that monitoring only is the most cost-effective remedial approach. The monitoring period shall be a minimum of one (1) year, unless two (2) consecutive quarterly samplings have indicated that applicable CTLs have been met. The monitoring only plan shall also demonstrate that human health, public safety, and the environment will be protected. Upon completion of the approved monitoring, a proposal for a no further action, a no further action with conditions, an extension of the monitoring only plan, risk assessment, or a remedial action plan, in accordance with the requirements herein, shall be submitted to the Department.


    The monitoring only plan to verify that compliance with the approved remedial action as set forth in Section 24-44(2)(l)(iii) has been achieved shall be for a minimum of a one (1) year period and shall include four (4) quarterly sampling events. However, if contamination was only present in the unsaturated zone during the site assessment and remediation tasks, only one groundwater sampling event approved by the Director, or the Director's designee, shall be required. Upon completion of the approved monitoring, a proposal for a no further action, a no further action with conditions, an extension of the monitoring only plan, risk assessment, or a remedial action plan modification, in accordance with the requirements herein, shall be submitted to the Department for approval.


    The risk assessment shall include, but shall not be limited to, a human and environmental exposure assessment, toxicity assessment, cumulative risk characterization, and supporting documentation for the development of alternative CTLs. Alternative health-based CTLs shall be calculated using the risk equations set forth in the DERM Technical Report: "Development of Clean-up Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida" (dated September, 2005), and site-specific exposure scenarios and input parameters. Upon approval of the risk assessment, a proposal for a no further action, no further action with conditions, monitoring only plan for natural attenuation or remedial action, in accordance with the requirements herein, shall be submitted to the Department.


    The remedial action plan shall include, but not be limited to, all supporting documentation for the remedial technique proposed to achieve CTLs or alternative CTLs, or to qualify for natural attenuation in all contaminated media. Groundwater sampling shall be performed less than two hundred seventy (270) calendar days before the submittal of the remedial action plan to the Department. Detailed technical documentation shall be provided for all elements of the proposed remedial process. Pilot testing may be required to support the design. A monitoring schedule shall be included to evaluate the performance of the clean-up. Within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the approval of the remedial action plan, the approved remedial action plan shall be implemented and record drawings of the operating remedial system shall be submitted. Upon achieving the CTLs or alternative CTLs, or qualifying for natural attenuation in all contaminated media, a monitoring only plan, prepared in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 24-44(2)(l)(i), shall be submitted to the Department.

    If implementation of the approved remedial action plan does not achieve the CTLs or alternative CTLs, or does not qualify for natural attenuation in all contaminated media a proposal for a monitoring only plan for natural attenuation, a risk assessment, or a remedial action plan modification, in accordance with the requirements herein, shall be submitted to the Department.


    All sampling and analyses shall be performed in accordance with Chapter 62-160, F.A.C., Quality Assurance. Reports submitted to the Department which contain analytical data shall include, at a minimum, the following: original laboratory reports which include all information required in Chapter 62-160.670, F.A.C.; copies of the completed chain of custody records; copies of the completed water sampling log forms; and results from screening tests or on-site analyses.

(Ord. No. 04-214, §§ 1, 5, 12-2-04; Ord. No. 06-34, §§ 1—8, 3-7-06; Ord. No. 08-55, § 2, 5-6-08)