§ 24-12. Variances and extensions of time for compliance.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    The Environmental Quality Control Board shall have the power and authority to grant or extend from time to time variances and extensions of time for compliance with the requirements of this chapter to new or existing facilities, equipment and processes. Such variances or extensions may be granted to specific facilities, equipment or processes or to a class. The Environmental Quality Control Board may grant such variances or extensions only if it is affirmatively established by competent factual data and information that strict compliance with the requirements of this chapter is impossible or inappropriate because of conditions beyond the control of the person or persons involved, or that strict compliance would result in substantial curtailment or closing down of a plant, project or operation which would be detrimental to the public interest, or that the particular operation is essential for the public health or the national security, or that no technically feasible, economically reasonable means of compliance are available to the person or persons involved, or that the variance or extension will not be detrimental to the public health, welfare and safety and will not create a nuisance and will not materially increase the level of pollution in this County, or that a more unhealthy condition will occur if a variance or extension is not granted. Variances and extensions of time shall be considered and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of Section 24-4, Section 24-12, Section 24-13 and the provisions of Section 24-8(5)(b).


    The above provisions for obtaining a variance shall not apply to applications for variances from the regulations of Section 24-49, which are provided for as follows. Any person desiring to do tree or understory removal work which is not in accordance with the regulations of Section 24-49 may apply to the Environmental Quality Control Board for a variance from such regulations in accordance with the provisions of Section 24-13. The Environmental Quality Control Board shall have the power and authority to grant such variances on a case-by-case basis only where it is affirmatively established by competent factual data and information that a literal application or enforcement of the regulations would result in unnecessary hardship (other than economical) and the relief granted would not be contrary to the public interest but will do substantial justice.


    The board shall not have the power and authority to grant variances and extensions of time to comply with the Federal Pretreatment Regulations set forth in 40 CFR 403 as incorporated in this chapter.

(Ord. No. 04-214, §§ 1, 5, 12-2-04; Ord. No. 08-55, § 2, 5-6-08)