Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 21-252. Legislative intent, findings and purposes.
Adult group homes provide elderly persons and adults with disabilities alternative living arrangements to meet their special needs; and the Florida legislature in Chapter 400 of the Florida Statutes encourages group homes to provide for elderly persons and adults with disabilities "the least restrictive and most homelike environment to encourage the dignity, individuality, privacy, and decision-making ability of such persons;" and certain residents of adult group homes are mentally incapacitated such that they are unable to identify themselves or accurately communicate their place of residence; and these individuals pose a threat to themselves when they become lost and unable to find their way back to their residence; and an additional burden is placed on law enforcement and other county agencies in attempting to locate, care for and return these individuals to their residence; and this burden on the county is exacerbated by law enforcement or other county agencies' inability to readily locate the adult group home in the absence of an exact address; and the county desires to provide additional means for safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of these individuals while preserving their ability to function in a least restrictive environment; and for the benefit of these individuals, the county intends this ordinance to facilitate and encourage the use of a nonintrusive method of identification.
The statements aforesaid made are declared to be the legislative intent, findings and purposes of the Board of County Commissioners and are hereby adopted and made a part hereof.
(Ord. No. 94-211, § 2, 11-15-94)