Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 21-30. Offenses against public and private property.
No person in the County shall:
Willfully, maliciously, wantonly or otherwise injure, deface, destroy or remove real property or improvements thereto, or movable or personal property, belonging to the County, any municipality in the County, any state or Federal agency in the County, or to any person in the County. For the purpose of this ordinance, "person" shall include any individual or entity as defined by Section 1.01(3) of the Florida Statutes.
Destroy, damage, or vandalize, any County property, including but not limited to the swale area in the public right-of-way.
Injure or knowingly suffer to be injured any meter, valve, valve or meter identification, piping or appurtenance thereto, connected with or belonging to a gas distribution system in the County, including portions thereof on private property and within buildings. No person shall tamper or meddle with or alter the condition of any meter, valve or meter identification, or other part of such system in the County, or appliance connected thereto, in such manner as to cause loss or damage to the owner of such facilities or the users thereof, or to create a hazard to life and property.
Tamper with, injure, deface, destroy or remove any sign, notice, marker, fire alarm box, fireplug, topographical survey monument, or any other personal property erected or placed by the County.
Place or erect upon any public way or passageway to any building, an obstruction of any type, provided that this section shall not prevent duly authorized or required placing of temporary barriers or signs for the purpose of safeguarding the public.
Move, disturb, or take any earth, stone or other material from any public street, alley, park or other public ground.
Remove or attempt to remove a library book or other library property from a public library without first obtaining authorization to do so from the librarian or other authorized person.
Any person violating this ordinance shall: be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) for the first offense and each subsequent offense and by imprisonment in the County jail for a term not to exceed sixty (60) days. In addition to such punishment, the court shall order any violator to make restitution to the victim for damages or loss caused directly or indirectly by the defendant's offense in the amount or manner determined by the Court. In the case of a minor, the parents or legal guardian shall be jointly and severably liable, with the minor for payment of all fines and restitution. Failure of the violator to pay the fine or restitution shall be punished by an additional term of imprisonment in the County jail not to exceed twenty (20) days.
This ordinance shall be applicable in incorporated and unincorporated areas of Miami-Dade County.
(Ord. No. 58-5, § 21.01, 2-18-58; Ord. No. 71-29, § 3, 3-18-71; Ord. No. 82-14, § 2, 3-2-82; Ord. No. 99-66, § 1, 6-8-99; Ord. No. 07-47, § 1, 3-6-07)