§ 18A-4. Plans required.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    General. Landscape plan(s) shall be approved by the Department of Planning and Zoning, or by the corresponding department(s) in the municipalities, and where required pursuant to 18A-4(D), an irrigation plan shall be approved by the Building Department or by the corresponding department(s) in the municipalities, prior to the issuance of any building permit or paving for new parking areas or expansion of existing parking areas.


    Landscape plans.


    Owner - builder single=family or duplex dwelling: Landscape plan(s) submitted for new one (1) family or duplex dwellings may be in the form of a plot plan or drawing prepared by the owner or the owner's representative, provided however, developments, requiring site plan approval pursuant to administrative site plan review or public hearing by Chapter 33 shall meet the requirements of subsection 18A-4(B)(2) and Chapter 481, Florida Statutes.


    All other development: The landscape plan for development other than provided for in subsection (1) above, shall be prepared by, and bear the seal of, a landscape architect licensed to practice in the State of Florida, or by persons authorized by Chapter 481, Florida Statutes, to prepare landscape plans or drawings. Preliminary landscape plans shall be provided as part of the submission for site plan approval and shall:


    Be drawn to scale and include property boundaries, north arrow, graphic scale, and date.


    Include a vegetation survey, including an aerial photograph which outlines the subject site, provided at the same scale as the landscape plan.


    Delineate existing and proposed structures, parking spaces, accessways and other vehicular use areas, sidewalks, utilities, easements, height and voltage of power lines on the property or adjacent property.


    Indicate the common and scientific name and quantity of plants to be installed using "Landscape Legend" code format as prescribed by the Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning.


    Identify all landscape features and non-living landscape materials.


    Show all areas of vegetation required to be preserved by law, including but not limited to trees, specimen trees, native plant species, Natural Forest Communities, native habitats and wetlands.


    Illustrate geologic, historic and archeological features to be preserved.


    Depict stormwater retention/detention areas and areas excluded from maximum permitted lawn area.


    Document zoning district, net lot area, required open space, and maximum permitted lawn area.


    Show building coverage and the location and dimension of greenbelt and water areas proposed for business and industrial zones, if required by Chapter 33.


    Complete "Preparer's Certification of Landscape Compliance."

    Final landscape plans submitted for permit shall include all of the above, as well as the following:


    A fully completed, permanently affixed "Landscape Legend" as prescribed by the Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning.


    Critical layout dimensions for trees, plant beds and landscape features.


    Method(s) to protect and relocate trees and native plant communities during construction.


    Planting details and specifications.


    Irrigation plans, as required by the zoning district.


    Irrigation details and specifications, as required above.


    Notarized "Preparer's Certification of Landscape Compliance" at time of final inspection."


    Vegetation survey. A vegetation survey shall be provided for all sites at the same scale as the landscape plan. The vegetation survey shall be accompanied by an aerial photograph which outlines the subject site without obscuring its features. Within municipalities, surveys shall be verified by the department(s) or board(s) as deemed appropriate by the municipality. The vegetation survey shall provide the following information:


    The accurate location and graphic representation, in relation to existing development, of all existing trees of a minimum two-inch DBH or ten-foot height or, for native trees, of a minimum one and one-half (1½) DBH or eight-foot height, including those which are proposed to be removed, relocated or preserved on site in accordance with the requirements of this Code and Section 24-60 of the Code.


    The boundaries of any native habitat, native plant community, native plant species, and/or Natural Forest Community and associated understory that exists on site, as determined by the Department of Environmental Resources Management.


    A table showing the following information:


    The scientific and common name of each tree, each of which shall be numbered.


    The diameter at breast height (DBH) of each tree, or if a multiple trunk tree, the sum DBH for all trunks.


    An estimate of the height, canopy cover, and physical condition of each tree, and whether specimen tree(s) exist on site.


    Irrigation plans. An irrigation plan shall be submitted if a sprinkler system is required by Chapter 33, or as required in the individual municipalities or where an irrigation system is to be provided regardless of code requirements. Where a landscape plan is required, an irrigation plan shall be submitted concurrently.


    For a new one-family or duplex dwelling the irrigation plan may be indicated on a plot plan or a separate drawing prepared by the owner or the owner's agent indicating area(s) to be irrigated, location and specifications of lines and heads and pump specifications.


    All other development other than those provided in a subsection (1) above shall:


    Be drawn on a base plan at the same scale as landscape plan(s).


    Delineate landscape areas, major landscape features, and hydrozones.


    Delineate existing and proposed structures, parking areas or other vehicular use areas, access aisles, sidewalks, driveways, the location of utilities and easements, and similar features,


    Include water source, design operating pressure and flow rate per zone, total volume required for typical depths of application, and application rate.


    Include locations of pipes, controllers, valves, sprinklers, back flow prevention devices, rain switches or soil moisture sensors, and electrical supply.


    Irrigation details.

(Ord. No. 95-222, § 2, 12-5-95; Ord. No. 98-13, § 1, 1-13-98; Ord. No. 98-125, § 36, 9-3-98; Ord. No. 09-35, § 3, 5-5-09)