Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 18-1. Definitions.
As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context shall indicate otherwise:
County shall mean Miami-Dade County, Florida.
Board shall mean the Board of County Commissioners of Miami-Dade County, Florida, as constituted under and pursuant to the Home Rule Charter of the County.
District shall mean any special taxing district created and established under the provisions of this article.
Water system shall include water supply systems and water distribution systems and shall embrace reservoirs, wells, intakes, mains, laterals, aqueducts, pumping stations, standpipes, filter stations, purification plants, hydrants, meters, valves and all necessary appurtenances and equipment and any facility used for, or to be used in connection with, the obtaining, production, treating, supplying or distributing of water for private or public use, but shall not include any facility used solely for, or in connection with, the business of bottling, selling, distributing or furnishing bottled water.
Sanitary sewers shall include mains, pipes, laterals, manholes, lift stations, and all appurtenances used or useful for the reception of sewage and carrying such sewage to an outfall or some part of a sewage disposal system.
Sewage disposal system shall include any plant, system, facility or property used or useful or having the present capacity for future use in connection with the collection, treatment, purification or disposal of sewage, including industrial wastes resulting from any processes of industry, manufacture, trade or business or from the development of any natural resources, and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall embrace treatment plants, pumping stations, intercepting sewers, pressure lines, mains and all necessary appurtenances and equipment.
Sewerage system shall mean either sanitary sewers or a sewage disposal system or both.
Storm sewers shall include drains or conduits below or above ground for the passage of stormwater, and may embrace pumping stations and outlets where deemed necessary and culverts, stream enclosures, and appurtenances and equipment where deemed necessary or advisable to carry off stormwater.
Street shall include a street, boulevard, avenue, lane, alley, parkway, court, terrace and place but shall not include a sidewalk, and the words "street improvements" shall embrace the grading, paving, repaving, surfacing, and resurfacing of streets, with necessary drainage, stormwater inlets, manholes and catch basins, and may embrace curbs and gutters where deemed necessary by the Board.
Sidewalk shall mean a path for pedestrians along a street, and the words "sidewalk improvements" shall embrace the grading, constructing and reconstructing of sidewalks, and may embrace curbs and gutters where deemed necessary by the Board.
Police and fire protection shall include such buildings and such motorized and other equipment and facilities as are customary in the case of municipal police and fire departments.
Recreation facilities shall include, but shall not be limited to, parks, playgrounds, athletic fields and swimming pools.
Street lighting shall include poles, wires, conduits, lights and all appurtenances necessary for lighting streets.
Incinerator shall include a furnace or other plant or property used or useful in connection with the collection and disposal of trash and garbage, including a sanitary land fill.
Beach erosion control shall embrace bulkheads, sea walls, groins, breakwaters and beach nourishment and other commonly accepted methods used to protect land areas fronting on bodies of water from the erosive effects of wave, tide and current action.
Project shall mean any public improvement mentioned in Section 18-2 and shall include all necessary real estate, equipment and facilities appurtenant thereto, and all property, rights, easements and interests pertaining thereto or acquired for the construction or the operation thereof.
Cost as applied to any project shall include the cost of acquisition, construction, reconstruction or installation, the cost of labor and materials, machinery and equipment, the cost of all lands, property, rights, easements and franchises acquired, financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and, if deemed advisable by the Board, for one (1) year after completion of construction, cost of plans and specifications, surveys and estimates of costs and of revenues, cost of engineering, legal and financial services, administrative expenses, all expenses necessary or incident to determining the practicability of such acquisition or construction, all expenses incident to the creation and establishment of the district, and such other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the foregoing.
Public transit improvements or services shall embrace the transporting of people by conveyances, or systems of conveyances, traveling on land or water, local or regional in nature, and available for use by the public, or a project undertaken by a public agency to provide public transit to its constituency, and may include but shall not be limited to the acquisition, design, construction, reconstruction, or improvement of a governmentally owned or operated transit system or ancillary facilities and improvements related thereto.
(Ord. No. 60-7, § 3, 2-9-60; Ord. No. 64-26, § 1, 7-7-64; Ord. No. 81-124, § 1, 11-17-81)