§ 15-13. County collection of solid waste.  

Latest version.
  • The Director shall have the power to establish the type of solid waste collection service to be rendered to all areas where County solid waste collection service is provided, and to promulgate rules and regulations not inconsistent herewith. The frequency and quantity of solid waste collection service to be rendered shall be established by separate administrative order, which shall not become effective until approved by the Board of County Commissioners. The Director, with the concurrence of the County Manager, shall have the authority to expand the limits of those service areas served by the Department. All residential waste collection within said areas shall, at the discretion of the Director, be serviced only by the Department. The Department reserves the right to collect solid waste from any Miami-Dade County governmental facility, regardless of location.

    The Department shall continue to collect and dispose of all residential waste from any part of the unincorporated municipal service area that is incorporated subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance.

    The Department shall either continue to collect and dispose of all residential waste from any part of the unincorporated municipal service area that is annexed to existing municipalities subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance, or delegate to the governing body of the existing municipality the authority to collect the residential waste through a twenty (20) year interlocal agreement which provides for collection services, and a twenty (20) year interlocal agreement which provides for disposal services in substantially the form approved by Resolution R-1198-95.

    The Director and his designated representatives are assigned the responsibility for enforcement of solid waste collection procedures enumerated herein.

(Ord. No. 59-12, § 2.01, 6-9-59; Ord. No. 72-6, § 5, 2-1-72; Ord. No. 81-108, § 1, 9-15-81; Ord. No. 82-105, § 1, 11-2-82; Ord. No. 92-43, § 4, 5-19-92; Ord. No. 96-30, § 1, 2-6-96)