§ 14B-17. Revocation of permits.  

Latest version.
  • The Dade County Department of Public Health shall make inspections of all public food service establishments within Dade County and should it be determined that a violation of any provision of any State statute, regulation adopted thereunder or Dade County ordinance is being maintained therein, said Department of Public Health shall give the owner or operator of such food establishment reasonable time by official notice, within which to correct such violation.

    Should the violation continue beyond the time specified within the official notice, the said public food service establishment permit may be revoked by the Department of Public Health. The Director of the Department of Public Health or his deputy appointed for such purpose shall be the hearing officer to conduct a hearing on revocation of the permit. Said hearing shall be held after ten (10) days' notice in writing to the owner or operator, served by registered or certified mail.

(Ord. No. 73-60, § 7, 6-5-73)