§ 13-10. Storage of explosives and blasting agents at blasting sites.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Blasting agents and explosives, including special industrial high explosive materials, shall be stored in accordance with the requirements of Article 28 of the South Florida Fire Prevention Code (adopted as part of Chapter 14 of the Miami-Dade County Code), Florida Statutes Chapter 552, or any of the regulations of the State Fire Marshal promulgated thereunder, and Title 27, Code of Federal Regulations Part 55, Commerce in Explosives,. Sub Part K-Storage. In case of conflict between codes and regulations, the more stringent shall apply.


    Every person in possession of any explosive shall cause the same to be stored in a safe place and shall maintain such security measures as shall be reasonably necessary to prevent all unauthorized persons from gaining access to such explosives. Any person who shall fail to use reasonable precautions for the security and safety of explosives in his or her possession shall be deemed guilty of violating this chapter, and subject to the penalties provided for herein, and in addition thereto, shall be subject to revocation of his or her County license and/or user permit.


    Magazine operations.


    Smoking, matches, open flames and spark producing devices shall be prohibited inside or within fifty (50) feet of magazines. Combustible materials shall not be stored within fifty (50) feet of magazines.


    The land surrounding magazines shall be kept clear of brush, dried grass, leaves, trash and debris for a distance of at least fifty (50) feet.


    Magazines shall be kept locked except when being inspected or when explosives are being placed therein or being moved therefrom.


    Packages of explosives shall not be unpacked or repacked in a magazine nor within fifty (50) feet of a magazine nor in close proximity to other explosives.


    Magazines shall be kept clean, dry, and free of grit, paper, empty packages and rubbish. Floors shall be regularly swept. Brooms and other cleaning utensils shall have no spark producing metal parts. Floors stained by leakage from explosive material shall be cleaned according to instructions of the manufacturer.


    When an explosive has deteriorated to an extent that it is in an unstable or dangerous condition, or if nitroglycerin leaks from any explosive, then the person in possession of such explosive shall immediately report the fact to the Director of the Public Works Department and upon his authorization shall proceed to destroy such explosives and magazines in accordance with the instruction of the manufacturer. Only experienced persons shall do the work of destroying explosives.


    The user or blaster shall be in charge of the magazine and shall be held responsible for the enforcement of all safety precautions. All magazines shall be furnished with locking devices that conform to the provisions of Title 27, Code of Federal Regulations Part 55, Commerce in Explosives, Sub Part K-Storage. At any time that a magazine does not have such locks in an operating condition then a twenty-four-hour security guard must be furnished.

(Ord. No. 96-45, § 1, 3-19-96)