§ 11D-5. Form of notice.
The notice shall be in substantially the following form:
Name of owner _____
Address of owner _____
Our records indicate that you are the owner(s) of the following property in Miami-Dade County, Florida:
(described property)
An inspection of this property discloses, and it has been found and determined, that a public nuisance exists thereon so as to constitute a violation of the Miami-Dade County Diseased Tree Removal Ordinance in that there exists on the above-described property one (1) or more trees which are infected with ___________ and are beyond treatment. Each infected tree constitutes a separate violation of the Ordinance. Additional information, attached to this notice and made a part thereof, will be provided to identify the affected tree or trees and the proper methods for disposing of the trees.
You are hereby notified that unless the above-described trees are removed within twenty (20) days from the date hereof, Miami-Dade County will seek an injunction compelling you to remove the infected tree(s). Alternatively, Miami-Dade County may seek a court order allowing the County to remove said trees from your property. Your failure to comply with the twenty (20) day removal deadline may also result in the judicial imposition of penalties against you, which may be up to $10,000.00 per tree, as well as recovery of damages, costs, and expenses, including contracting costs and related advertising costs for removal of all diseased trees, and the County's attorney's fees, for enforcement of the Miami-Dade County Diseased Tree Removal Ordinance, all of which will be imposed as a lien on your property if not otherwise paid within thirty (30) days after receipt of billing.
By: _____
Mayor or Mayor's designee
(Ord. No. 16-77, § 1, 7-19-16)