Miami - Dade County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 11A-38. Definitions.
The definitions set out in Section 11A-2 shall apply to this article in addition to the definitions set forth below. As used in this article:
Bid means a quotation, proposal, letter of interest or offer by any bidder in response to any kind of invitation, request or public announcement to submit such quotation, proposal, letters of interest or offer to perform the contract.
Bidder means any person, partnership, corporation or other business entity that submits a bid.
Complaint shall mean any written charge alleging an unlawful practice prohibited by this article.
Complainant shall mean any person, persons or business entities alleging an unlawful practice prohibited by this article.
Conciliation or settlement shall mean a written agreement resolving or otherwise disposing of a complaint and which is entered into by the parties and the Director prior to final resolution of the complaint.
Construction means the building, maintaining, painting, altering, or repairing of a public or private improvement.
Contract means an agreement that may include, but is not limited to those proposed by the County or Public Health Trust staffs or approved by the County Commission or Public Health Trust in any of the following classes:
Procurement of goods and services not included in the subsections (2), (3), and (4) below;
Construction of a public or private improvement;
Professionals subject to Section 287.055, Florida Statutes and Section 2-10.4 of the Code of Miami-Dade County; or
Other professional services including but not limited to accounting, legal, health care, consulting and management services.
Determination shall mean a final investigative report issued by the Director of DBD or his or her designee.
Director of DBD, as used in this article, shall mean the Director of the Miami-Dade County Department of Business Development (hereinafter known as DBD) or his or her designee.
Discrimination shall mean any difference, distinction or preference in treatment, access or impact because of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, pregnancy, age, or disability which is prohibited by this article. Discrimination also includes sexual harassment of any sort.
Disparate treatment means intentional treatment of a person or business in a discriminatory manner which is prohibited by this article or by State or Federal law.
Disparate impact means intentional or unintentional activities or practices which have a discriminatory impact on a group protected under this article.
Financial institution shall include any bank, insurance company, bonding company, savings and loan association, credit union, mortgage company or any other person or organization engaged in the business of lending money, guaranteeing loans, or extending credit.
Good means any tangible product, material or supply that is not a service.
Hearing Officer is the person designated to hold hearings on complaints of discriminatory activities.
Labor organization shall include any union, association, joint committee, board or other combination, or any agent thereof which bargains or deals with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours or other terms or conditions of employment.
Respondent shall mean person, persons or business entities alleged to have engaged in an unlawful practice prohibited by this article or by State or Federal law.
"Right to sue letter" is a letter that would allow the charging party to initiate a civil action in a court of appropriate jurisdiction.
(Ord. No. 97-67, § 1, 6-3-97)