§ 11A-4. Commission on Human Rights established.
Creation of the Commission. The Miami-Dade County Commission on Human Rights is hereby created and established. The Commission shall consist of twenty-six (26) members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Each member of the Board of County Commissioners may appoint two persons to the Commission on Human Rights.
Qualifications of members. Members of the Commission on Human Rights shall be permanent residents and electors of Miami-Dade County, Florida. Of at least one of the two appointments by each County Commissioner, consideration for membership may be given to representatives from the following fields:
an attorney who is a member in good standing of the Florida Bar;
a member of the business community;
a representative of the real estate industry;
a member of a non-profit civil rights organization;
a small business owner;
a representative of municipal government;
a representative of an employee organization;
a representative of persons with disabilities; and
a representative of the banking industry.
Membership shall be made on the basis of civic pride, integrity, experience and interest in the area of equal opportunity, and be representative of the County's population and reflective of the racial and ethnic make-up of Miami-Dade County, in addition to geographic, economic and gender considerations.
Term of office. The term of office of members of the Board shall be as specified in Section 2-11.38.2 of the Code of Miami-Dade County.
Organization of the Commission. The members of the Commission shall elect the Chairperson, and such other Officers as may be deemed necessary, who shall serve a term of two (2) years with the possibility of reelection. At least three (3) members of the Commission shall constitute a hearing panel for the purposes of conducting a hearing and approving final orders on complaints. At least five (5) members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum to hold a meeting for any other purposes. A majority vote of those present at a duly constituted meeting shall be sufficient for all actions.
Compensation. Members shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses including but not limited to, training and travel, subject to approval by the County Commission. Training in equal opportunity shall be provided to all Commission Members at least once each year.
Meetings. Meetings of the Commission shall be held monthly or as needed to hear and dispose of the pending cases. Notice of the time and place of meetings shall be given to all members of the Commission and to all parties scheduled to be heard. The Chairperson may call an emergency meeting of the Commission. Three (3) members may also call an emergency meeting upon written request to the Director.
Minutes. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of the Commission. All meetings shall be public and all minutes shall be subject to public inspection except where prohibited by law.
County Manager. The County Manager shall provide such adequate and competent administrative, technical and clerical personnel as may be reasonably required by the Commission for the proper performance of its duties. The County Manager shall provide a regular meeting place for the Commission.
County Attorney. The County Attorney shall provide counsel to the Commission.
(Ord. No. 97-17, § 1, 2-25-97; Ord. No. 06-179, § 4, 12-5-06; Ord. No. 09-53, § 4, 6-30-09)