§ 10-28. Share of fees to participating municipalities.
All participating municipalities will share in the license fees collected in the following manner:
Each municipality on or before April 15, 1966, shall certify to the County Manager the amount of license fees collected for its 1963-64 license year and the amount of each individual license fee charged during such year.
Record shall be kept of licenses issued for one (1) or more municipalities but not all who participated, and in calculating such municipalities' percentage the revenue received shall be deducted from their 1963-64 license revenue.
All municipalities' 1963-64 license revenue, less revenue from individual licenses, shall be added together and each municipality's license revenue divided by the total revenue of all municipalities to arrive at each municipality's percentage of the total.
Total license revenue collected minus license revenue for individual municipalities times the percentage established by (c) above will prorate the overall license revenue to each participating municipality. To each municipality's prorated share will be added the individual license revenue applying to that municipality only.
The Miami-Dade County Tax Collector shall distribute to each municipality its share of license revenue collected, based upon the above.
(Ord. No. 66-2, § 5, 1-18-66)
Note— See the editor's note following § 10-24.